death train

Chapter 112

"Who am I? My name is Lin Chengyan. " The tall, fair skinned and even a little transparent man said with a smile, "it's the one who came to kill you. It's that simple."

As he spoke, Lin Chengyan threw out his sword to Ye Cha again. He drew out a sabre from behind his waist and cut it down to Ye cha.


The saber and the silver machete collided again, making a clear sound. They fought with each other.

But in this instant, Lin Chengyan's left hand suddenly sticks out and presses on the wound between Ye Cha's waist.


With a low roar, ye Cha kicks Lin Chengyan in the chest and kicks him backwards. At the same time, he also staggers backwards, with blood dripping on his waist.

Ye Cha's forehead was covered with sweat.

"I admit you're a tough character." Lin Chengyan looked at Ye Cha and said, "I used my body as bait. I tried to hurt myself and kill my people. Unfortunately, the price is too high. Even if you kill one, what if you kill one? And I'm here, and you can't fight any more. "

The chest of leaf Cha heaves and gnaws a tooth way: "that comes to try."

Lin Chengyan grinned, and then rushed out towards the leaf brake again.

Waving their weapons, they fight together again. Lin Chengyan uses the same old technique again. He suddenly reaches out to Ye Cha's waist and wants to attack Ye Cha's wound directly.

However, ye Cha was unprepared when he was defeated by the other party once before, so he immediately stepped back. But Lin Chengyan's skill was really extraordinary. He immediately raised his leg to sweep and beat, but he just kicked Ye Cha's waist.


Ye Cha's waist was kicked, which affected the wound of the back waist. The severe pain made Ye Cha's expression twitch, and the blood flowed continuously.

Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "mean."

"Mean?" Lin Chengyan shook his head and said: "don't say such naive words. The process is not important at all. The important thing is the result. You live or I live. For this reason, any means is OK."

Lin Chengyan said, while flying toward the leaf brake again, the sword in his hand cut off, two people's weapons collided again.

However, maybe because of excessive blood loss, ye Cha has become a little weak, and his speed and reaction are obviously not as good as Lin Chengyan's. Lin Chengyan's dexterous general's knife picks Ye Cha's silver machete, and then he bumps his body forward and flies Ye Cha out directly.

Lin Cheng said with a smile, "you can't do it anymore."

The leaf Cha big mouth gasps a way: "this is you seek to die by yourself, that don't blame me."

Ye Cha suddenly took out a needle gun from his knapsack, and then stabbed him in the neck.

Lin Chengyan was shocked and said, "adrenal hormone!"

Lin Chengyan immediately ran to the leaf brake, then raised his leg, kicked the wrist of the leaf brake, and kicked the needle gun away.

But it's too late!

The needle gun flew to one side, but the medicine inside had been completely injected into the body of the leaf brake.

"Withdraw!" Lin Chengyan extremely decisive, immediately toward the man who broke an arm yelled: "did not die on the run."

After Lin Chengyan finished, he also turned around and ran, but before he ran three meters away, a figure suddenly passed by Lin Chengyan's side and directly stood in front of him.

Ye Cha tilted his head, put out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth: "where do you want to go?"

Without saying a word, Lin Chengyan directly raised his Sabre and stabbed at Ye cha.


Ye Cha stretched out his hand directly, and the body of the general's knife was pinched in his palm. The red blood flowed from ye Cha's palm.

And then


With Ye Cha's palm constantly exerting, the saber was twisted into a "U" shape by Ye cha.

Ye Chadao: "give you a chance, tell me, who are you?"

Lin Chengyan said, "come and kill your people!"

Lin Chengyan jumps back fiercely, his wrist shakes, and there are three arrows at the bottom of the wrist, but there is a set of sleeve arrows.


Lin Chengyan raised his palm on his wrist and clapped it. Poof, poof, poof three times, three sleeve arrows flew out and hit the leaf brake.

Ye Cha's body swayed left and right, then avoided the two arrows. Then he reached out and caught the last arrow. With a shake of his wrist, he directly threw the arrow at Lin Chengyan.


As soon as he was hit by the arrow, his skin turned pale.

Ye SHIMENG bent down and pushed his legs hard. Almost instantly, he crossed the distance of five or six meters and came directly to Lin Chengyan.

Snake bite!

Leaf Cha is low to drink, the left hand fiercely forward to lean out.

In an instant, the left arm turned into the virtual shadow of a purple scale snake. It leaned forward and held Lin Chengyan's neck directly.

The next moment, ye Cha raised his arm and raised Lin Chengyan directly in the air.The feeling of suffocation soon swept through Lin Chengyan's whole body. Lin Chengyan's face gradually turned blue and white. He grasped Ye Cha's wrist with both hands, and his legs constantly pedaled in mid air, struggling violently.

Ye Cha said: "I'll give you another chance to tell me who you are? You're not in the death carriage fight, are you? Otherwise, it is impossible to kill you, there will be no prompt! "

Lin Chengyan struggled. From the scabbard on his left arm, he took out a dagger again and stabbed at Ye cha.

The leaf Cha sneers a, suddenly will Lin Cheng Yan's body mercilessly hurls toward the ground.

With a bang, Lin Chengyan's eyes widened. The bone behind his back seemed to be smashed. His body could not help bowing and his dagger fell to one side.

"It seems you don't want to say it." Ye Cha said: "then die."


Holding Lin Chengyan's right palm, ye Cha forcefully pinches Lin Chengyan's throat.

Lin Cheng Yan stares big eyes, then the head slowly slants to one side, completely has no voice.

The leaf Cha slowly gets up and looks at the man who was cut off by himself.

The man agitated his throat, then turned and ran.

"Can you run away?"

Ye Cha picked up the dagger that Lin Chengyan dropped to one side, and then flew forward.

Poof, the dagger stabbed into the man's leg, the man screamed, then tumbled and fell to the ground.

The leaf brake comes forward, raises the foot to step on the other side's chest.

"Say goodbye!"

Ye Cha grinned at the other side, and then he made a fierce effort on his leg. The man's chest sagged at the speed visible to the naked eye, and his sternum was crushed by Ye Cha's foot.

After leaving three corpses, ye Cha began to pick up the corpses and tried to find clues.

After all, these three people are so weird. Why didn't they kill without the hint of mysterious voice? One possibility is that these people are not participants in the death carriage battle.

However, if they are not participants in the death carriage battle, why can they enter Cherry Blossom city?

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