death train

Chapter 1129

When yecha jumped up again, the Dragon turtle still showed fear, but even if he was afraid, he could not be slaughtered by yecha.

After feeling the hostility and killing intention of daoyecha, the Dragon turtle roared madly, then quickly shook his body, and the sharp spines on his back shell ejected out, pouring towards yecha like rain.

"Hoo The leaf Cha takes a deep breath, and then blows out a way: "open for me!"

With one punch forward, the terrible wind blows in front of Ye Cha's body. When those spikes hit, they collide with the strong wind, and then they are crushed.

The next moment, ye Cha raised his hand to make a knife, manipulated the night wind around him, and then cut the void forward!

Wind and rain together!

All around the night wind and the moment Ye Cha cut out the palm knife, they followed Ye Cha's guidance and all gathered together.

The wind makes a blade!

Around the night weathering into the sharpest knife, and in the flight at the same time, more and more huge, and finally soared to more than ten meters long, ruthlessly cut in the Dragon turtle.


The tortoise's back shell was split, and the position of its back made a "poof, poof" sound, and blood gushed out madly.


The crazy roar of the Dragon Tortoise, although he was afraid of the dragon of yecha, did not mean that the Dragon Tortoise would let yecha attack. The blow was heavy, which completely stimulated the Dragon Tortoise's ferocity.

In the roar, the tentacles under the back shell of the Dragon turtle surged wildly, coming from all directions towards the leaf brake. There were hundreds of tentacles, madly pounding towards the leaf brake.


Ye Cha drinks lightly, then one fist blows forward, just the style of boxing, the tentacle that comes to Ye Cha's front is broken, the flesh is scattered everywhere, making the air filled with a strong smell of blood.

The leaf brake foot does not stop, the hand does not stop, unceasingly goes forward, the fist unceasingly blows forward.

Bang, bang, bang!

The dull voice is constantly ringing, and the surrounding tentacles are also like the tide. They are piling up to the leaf brake, and the fist of the leaf brake collides with those tentacles continuously.

But at this time, an apostle walked quietly to the back of yecha, obviously felt that the moment when yecha was busy fighting with the Dragon Turtle was also the best time to attack.

However, the Apostle has not had time to walk!

Suddenly, ye Cha turned his head, walked towards the apostle, raised his hand and said, "die for me!"

Ye Cha's body agglomerates a huge fire ball, and then turns into a fire dragon to attack the apostle.


The scream followed, and the Apostle was engulfed by the roaring fire dragon as soon as he walked.

The Apostle walked around and bumped around, then fell to the ground, the flame died out, and his body had completely become ashes.

Dragon realm: in the state of dragon, we use unique perception to perceive the situation around us, and use unique techniques to make our own existence disappear and integrate into nature. After thorough concealment, it is almost impossible to be found.

Obviously, in the state of dragon, the sneak attack of the Apostle's walking was meaningless to yecha.

Ye Cha killed the apostle, walked, and quickly turned the target back to the Dragon turtle, which was his real goal.

The leaf brake jumped up again, and the tentacles around were still hitting the leaf brake, but when they came to the leaf brake, those tentacles burst out one after another, and the blood and meat particles were constantly scattered around.

Around the leaf brake, there are countless winds, as sharp as a knife.


The Dragon turtle roared loudly, and his body changed again.

Click, click!

The turtle's back shell made a clear sound, and then it kept cracking.

It wasn't the fragmentation after the attack, but the tortoise's back shell broke itself. The next moment, a cross shaped crack ran through the tortoise's whole back shell, and the back shell directly opened.

The flesh and blood on the back of the Dragon turtle is exposed, and there are dense gray tentacles on it, just like weeds, which look dense.

Those tentacles quickly elongated, flying towards the sky, and then entangled in the air, constantly rotating, twisted together, become extremely strong, each one needs three or four people to embrace the degree.


Ye Cha roared, met a tentacle and shot forward.


The front end of the tentacle was smashed by Ye Cha's blow, but ye Cha didn't completely destroy the tentacle. The broken tentacle was severely thrown on Ye Cha's body and shot down Ye Cha from the air.


Like a shell, the leaf brake fell down and hit the ground with one blow. The bottom of the body made a huge noise, and the ground sank down.

And the attack of the Dragon turtle is not over yet!

Those stout tentacles fell madly, towards the direction of the leaf brake falling, like a hammer, began to bombard continuously!Bang, bang, bang!

Every time those tentacles fall on the ground, they make a huge sound that makes people feel palpitating. The ground is constantly cracking, and countless cracks are constantly spreading around. With each hit, those cracks will spread further.


Finally, under the continuous attack of the Dragon turtle, the ground was completely overburdened and collapsed downward.

Even the stepped buildings are affected, because a large area of ground, which is inclined upward, completely collapses at this moment, and countless huge stones roll down.

Ye Cha was completely buried by the debris. Meanwhile, the walking of the surrounding apostles was also affected, and the scream continued to ring.

Some of the apostles were swept by the tentacles, and their bodies directly turned into flesh mud. Some of the apostles were pressed into their legs at any time, and their whole legs were strangely twisted.

Roar, roar!

The crazy roar of the tortoise continued, and the tentacles dancing on his back kept beating down. The tortoise was venting his anger.

The ground trembles!

Countless pieces of stone flew across the country and fell all around.

And then

Suddenly, at the top of the debris, an arm broke the upper layer of the debris, suddenly stretched out and held the tentacle tightly.

"If I don't fight back, you're really pushing ahead."

The sound of the leaf brake sounded, and then stood up from the rubble.

Ye Cha's appearance looks a little embarrassed. There are many tears in the clothes. You can see blood seeping out from the bottom of the clothes.

That fine dust, also will ye Cha to dye the dust.

When yecha stood up, the roar of the dragon and turtle sounded again, and then the surrounding tentacles danced again, not one, not two, but countless tentacles came to yecha from all directions.

Like a huge fist, toward the leaf brake mercilessly fell down.

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