death train

Chapter 1131

Ye Cha raised his fist, and then hit the Dragon turtle's body hard.

Still just fists!

But that fist is Ye Cha's most ferocious weapon now!


On the back of the Dragon turtle, there was a huge hole. When ye Cha's fist fell, all the flesh was crushed into meat mud.

But it's just the beginning!


Ye Cha roared loudly, but he didn't mean to pull back at all. Instead, he continued to exert his power crazily. Then, with a "poof", the flesh and blood on the Dragon turtle's back was completely torn open, and ye Cha went straight into the Dragon turtle's body.

Bombardment, bombardment, bombardment!

Ye Cha's double fist dance.

One, two, three!

After entering the Dragon turtle's body, there is thick flesh and blood in front of yecha. This is the last defense in front of yecha's eyes. What yecha can do is smash all this.

Roar, roar!

The Dragon turtle roared wildly and twisted his body to collapse everything around him, but this method can't stop the leaf brake that has already got into the Dragon turtle's body.


The sound of blood and flesh burst out again. Under the Dragon turtle, the blood and flesh burst into pieces. Ye Cha directly blew through the Dragon turtle's body, ran out from under the Dragon turtle's body, and then ran forward.

Because the giant body of the Dragon turtle has fallen down.


There was a huge noise, and the turtle's body was pressed on the ground, and a large amount of dust was blowing around the body. Even so, the Turtle was still wriggling and struggling.

But also in this instant, ye Cha used ghost step to move, suddenly appeared in the front of the Dragon turtle, jumped up.


Ye Cha roared, his body had been dyed into a bloody man by the Dragon turtle's blood. After he jumped to the front of the Dragon turtle again, ye Cha raised his fist again and hit the Dragon turtle's head.

Compared with the giant head of the Dragon turtle, ye Cha's fist was extremely small. When he hit the Dragon turtle's head, he felt like he was tickling.



On the other side of his head, he suddenly made a dull sound, and then a huge blood hole appeared. Yecha once again punched through the Dragon turtle's head.

This time, it's not only the body, but also the head of the tortoise. His eyelids gradually closed.

"When you bathe in dragon blood, your dragon transforming ability will be enhanced."

"You bathe in dragon's blood and dream that the ability of gentian will be enhanced."

"You killed the corpse dragon turtle, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: Dragon's pupil!"

"You killed the corpse dragon turtle, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: Dragon's blood!"

"You killed the corpse dragon turtle, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: random fantasy dragon ability X1!"

The mysterious voice is continuously ringing out in Ye Cha's ear.

The dragon's blood doesn't need to be collected. Ye Cha directly breaks the Dragon turtle's body, and his body is full of the Dragon turtle's blood. If he wants to imagine the dragon's ability, he needs to go back to the death train and go to the dining car to get it from the landlady.

The only thing that ye Cha needs to do is the dragon's pupil. He jumps up again. Ye Cha comes to the Dragon turtle's head, pulls out his sword and lands in Nanjiang. He stabs the edge of the Dragon turtle's eye, breaks a huge gap, and then digs out a giant eye pupil of the Dragon turtle.

In theory, because the number is not specified, the eye pupil of another dragon turtle, ye Cha, can also be taken away, but the eye pupil of the Dragon turtle is too big.

If there is only one, ye Cha can still run with it. Two of them are very troublesome. The corpse flower is not by Ye Cha's side and can't swallow the pupil directly.

Although the blade brake can bear the weight, it is difficult to take it away because of the volume. Even if you hold one in one hand, it is too huge to keep the balance.

What's more, the apostles who escaped before started to walk around again at the moment of the death of the Dragon turtle, which was obviously another trouble.

Ye Cha looked at the time, and there were more than three minutes left. He didn't have much time left for himself, so he resolutely chose to give up the eye pupil of the second dragon turtle, and rushed forward at the moment of landing.

"Get out of here!"

Facing blocking in front of him, trying to stop his apostle walking, ye Cha did not hesitate to open his mouth and roar!

Dragon roar!

The harsh sound of the Dragon sounds at this moment, and then the two apostles who are trying to intercept Ye Cha walk, they feel as if they are in a storm.

And then

Bang, bang!

The bodies of the two apostles, as if they were bombs, suddenly burst apart, leaving only a few pieces of meat and bones.

The air filled with two groups of blood fog, towards the four sides, so that the air has become pungent, because there is a strong smell of blood.The next moment, the leaf brake directly through the blood fog, step out of a ghost step, the body will directly disappear.

If Nanrong Zhishi had been able to keep up with Ye Cha's speed before, no one could keep up with Ye Cha now. When they couldn't stop Ye Cha, they could only watch ye Cha leave.

That's why he had to set aside some time. He had to use the strength Gan Lin lent him to get out of here and let the apostles walk. He could do nothing but sigh.

Quickly leave the half destroyed coastal town, yecha back to the woods.

Gan Lin is still in the original place, with her back against a big tree. She is extremely weak and has fainted. It seems that Gan Lin has paid a great price for the substantial growth of Ye Cha's strength.

The red fire eagle and the dark earth wolf are loyal guards on both sides, and there are corpse flowers and vines outside. Gan Lin's safety is guaranteed.

Ye Cha throws the Dragon turtle's eye pupil to Shi Hua tengman, and asks Shi Hua to swallow it. Then he wrists his clothes and collects two bottles of dragon blood. Then he carries Gan Lin on his shoulder and leaves quickly.

Although it was easy to get rid of the Apostle's walking, yecha could only maintain the current state for another minute or so. Worse still, because yecha used the crazy warrior state, yecha, like Ganlin, would also enter a weak state.

Although only 50% is not unacceptable, it also weakens the strength of the blade brake to a great extent.

Because I don't know what method Nanrong Zhishi uses to locate himself, ye Cha doesn't guarantee whether he just throws off the Apostles at this moment. Maybe Nanrong Zhishi still has a way to catch up.

For this reason, the blade brake can only find a way to run further in the shortest time, and throw those apostles as far as possible, so as to be more safe.

"To find a place to hide." Ye Cha looked at the motionless red fire eagle and said, "you must understand that this is not only for me, but also for your master."

The red fire Eagle obviously has a certain wisdom and can make a certain judgment according to his self-consciousness. After hesitating for a moment, he finally chooses to open his wings and obey Ye Cha's command for the time being when Gan Lin is in a coma.

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