death train

Chapter 1134

Ye Cha put down his telescope, first of all, he could make sure that he could not have known his position.

The reason is simple: there are too few people.

Nanrong Zhishi and Joey didn't show up, so they walked by four or five ordinary apostles?

This is not to capture or kill Ye Cha's team, but to run for death. How can those apostles walk against Ye Cha and Gan Lin.

Therefore, ye Cha can conclude that the other party should be searching and just came to this neighborhood.

That's kind of good news.

Ye Cha pondered for a moment, put down his hand to the consul, and said, "kill them as fast as possible, and don't leave them alive, and don't let them communicate with each other."

Even if you search here by chance, it's not a good choice to let the other party go on since it's the direction of neiwan, because it will definitely expose the location of the cave and the location of yecha and Ganlin.

"Hello At this time, Gan Lin's voice sounded, attracted Ye Cha's attention, then threw a small device over and said: "signal jammer, all communication equipment failure, but the scope is not big, only 25 meters."

Ye Cha said: "enough, how to open it?"

Gan Lin said: "there is a switch above."

Ye Cha nodded and gestured to the consul to attack from the other side, while ye Cha felt forward.

Although the terrain of the reefs can be seen from a height, it is very easy to find the hiding place.

Therefore, the blade brake must be close to the other side for 25 meters and turn on the jammer to avoid timely communication.

This is not a difficult thing, or it is not a difficult thing for today's Ye cha. After all, fighting has become a common practice for ye Cha and has accumulated a lot of experience.

Instead of trying to get close to the other side, since the other side is coming towards the inner bay, let the other side come by itself. Ye Cha doesn't have to risk being found to get close.

Yecha chose to hide in the gap between the two reefs, just to be able to lay down a person. Unless the other side is close to about three meters, it is almost impossible to find the existence of yecha from the angle of height and the ground.

As for the consul, he went around from the other side of the inner bay to the top, then lay on a rock, carefully looked at each other with a telescope, and then put down the telescope.

Because the reflection of the telescope will be found by the other side, even hundreds of meters away.

In fact, a good sniper and his observer will not always open the cover of the sniper lens and telescope, but will open it when they are ready to shoot and then aim.

Therefore, after confirming the position of the other party, the consul puts down the telescope, estimates the position of the other party in his heart, and then confirms it with the telescope once after the other party has almost reached the right distance.

Ye Shaxian is very patient, lying there motionless, like a corpse, also like sleeping in general, waiting for each other's close.

If you want to be a good hunter, ability is not the top priority. What you need most is patience.

All of a sudden, ye Cha felt the vibration from the PDA in his pocket.

This is a signal from the consul to yecha.

The leaf brake presses the switch of the jammer without hesitation.

The apostles are still searching and moving forward. Although Ye Cha and Gan Lin have become the targets of the apostles, the water spirit Moya is undoubtedly the most important.

The reef group along the coastline is indeed a good place for Moya to hide.

Although he is a water elf, because he is very weak, he is not suitable to hide in the sea for a long time. Instead, he should hide on the land, where water is related, or where the humidity is heavy. The reef group near the coastline is the most suitable place.

But at this time

It's too late!

The sharp sound of electric current suddenly sounded. Several apostles almost instinctively picked off the earphones hanging on their ears and then threw them aside.

At that moment, the sound of electric current was particularly harsh and extremely sharp, and even made the two apostles walk for a short time with deafness. The tinnitus was constantly ringing, so that they could not hear any other sound.

Obviously, the jammer played a role. Yecha didn't have any hesitation. When he heard the curse coming from the direction of the apostles, yecha knew that the jammer had played a role.

Ye Cha's body flicked, and suddenly came out from the gap of the reef. Before he fell down in mid air, he stretched out his hand to grip the void.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon!

Ye Cha's fingers became claws, and then a force of suction appeared in the palm of his hand, which forced an apostle to walk.


The Apostle walking was sucked into the palm of the leaf brake, and then the leaf brake lifted the Apostle walking high and smashed it down to the ground.


The back of the Apostle's walking had a solid collision with the ground, and ye Cha saw that the Apostle's walking body was obviously curled up, like a shrimp.The next moment, ye Cha didn't give the opposite party the slightest reaction time. He took out the Alaska whaling fork, thrust it into the other party's neck, pulled it hard, and cut a wound on the other party's neck.

"You killed the apostles, walking, accumulating..."

At the time of the mysterious sound, ye Cha had rushed forward and swept his eyes around quickly.

"There are three more, two standing together, one on a rock further down."

Yecha quickly judged the form and made a strong dash. When he rushed to the front of the two apostles, yecha suddenly twisted his body and fell down.

The real goal of yecha is to walk alone.


Ye Cha took out his sword and fell to the south of Xinjiang. He chopped it on the opponent's weapon. The Apostle obviously didn't expect that ye Cha's power was so great. He staggered at his feet and stepped back several steps.


Ye Cha immediately raised his palm and pushed forward the invisible force, and the Apostle was shocked to fly out.

High wind!

Ye Cha kept on walking. After his legs were slightly bent, he used the strong wind to chase him. Before he landed, he overtook him, and then put his sword on Nanjiang's back.


The Apostle put on his sword and went down to Nanjiang. He was stabbed by the sword and his heart was cold. His eyes widened and his body slowly lost its strength.

"You killed the apostles, walking, accumulating..."

When ye Cha killed the second apostle, the other two just jumped off the rock.

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