death train

Chapter 1160

Ye Cha didn't mean to take part in the war.

But the joy of life is that not only do you never know what the next chocolate tastes like, you also never know what will happen in the next moment.

Bang, bang, bang!

The gunshot is still ringing, but what makes Ye Cha feel a little uneasy is that the gunshot is rapidly becoming clear.

What does that mean?

Of course, the opponent's battle circle is getting closer and closer to the building. When yecha finds out this, he immediately plans to leave here, and the province itself is affected.

And then


The door of the building was knocked open, and then an apostle walked, bent down and came in, then stuck to the wall, kept raising a submachine gun and shooting at the door.

The Apostle was very dedicated and did not notice that there were two people squatting just two and a half meters away, one was the steward and the other was the steward.

Ye Cha looked at the other side's serious shooting towards the door, also a burst of speechless, looked at Du Lingling and said: "is this the so-called drama?"

Du Lingling nodded seriously and said, "I think it's true."

Because of the sound of talking, the Apostle walked and finally found Ye Cha and Du Lingling. After a moment of stupefaction, he immediately raised his gun and fired in the direction of Ye cha.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a chance to pull the trigger.

Ghost step!

Leaf brake body such as ghost, suddenly came to the Apostle walking side, in the other side before shooting, a press each other's head.


Ye Cha forced the Apostle's head to the ground. After a loud noise, the ground cracked. The mask of the Apostle was broken and his face was covered with blood.

The next moment, yecha pulled out the Alaskan whaling fork and thrust it directly into the side neck of the Apostle's walking, piercing his opponent's throat.

He quickly killed the Apostle and walked. Then yecha looked at the door. Then he walked with several apostles and saw the right eye. There were about six to seven apostles walking. They were firing at the distance and retreating towards the room.

After a brief confrontation, an apostle took the lead to react. Without hesitation, he took out a grenade and threw it into the room.

The leaf Cha pupil once shrinks, toward Du Ling Ling Ling to greet a way: "withdraw!"

Du Lingling's reaction is not slow, immediately keep up with the pace of Ye Cha, two people toward the side of the window rushed out, clatter, then smashed the window, turned over and fell outside.


The grenade exploded, a huge fire burst in the room, burning, and even a small piece of flame came out of the window and hit the back of the leaf brake, making the leaf brake feel hot.

After landing, with one hand, Du Lingling quickly rolled forward, then took out a pistol from the back of his waist and pulled the trigger forward.

Bang, bang, bang!

The gunshots rang out continuously. The apostles in front of them walked quickly and scattered around, looking for shelter. After finishing a round of shooting, Du Lingling also quickly dodged to the side of the room.

Ye was squatting on the other side of the house.

The room was rectangular. Yecha and Du Lingling occupied one side, and the apostles walked on the other side. There was gunfire in the distance. It was probably the other apostles walking or the people who exchanged fire with the apostles walking.

in a word, everything was in a mess.

Ye Cha said in a low voice: "those guys are very annoying. Now that they meet with each other, let's kill them first."

Du Lingling nodded and said, "after killing them, we can evacuate southeast, go to the coastline to find the speedboat, or I remember there is a small dock in the southeast."

"Then do it." Ye Cha said: "you help me to attract their attention."

"No problem," Du said

When Du Lingling was talking, she quickly withdrew the empty magazine, then put the new one in, and then poked her head to the side.


The gunshot suddenly rang out, a bullet hit the wall on the side, some sawdust splashed, Du Lingling immediately retracted his head, and then put his arm out.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, Bang

Ye Cha needed Du Lingling to attract fire instead of killing the apostles. Therefore, Du Lingling didn't bother to aim. He roughly judged the firing position of the other side and pulled the trigger randomly.

At the same time, leaf brake back two steps, after run-up, then turned over the roof.

Ye Cha cat waist quickly forward, quickly came to the other side of the room, those apostles walking are focused on aiming with guns, staring at Du Lingling hiding position, as long as Du Lingling dare to head up, they will gather fire for the first time.

But also in this moment, ye Cha suddenly jumped from the roof.

An apostle hiding behind the wall walked, felt the wind when the leaf brake jumped down, instinctively turned to look, and finally met him with a huge fist.Bang!

Ye Cha punched the other side in the face. Before the Apostle walked, he gave him seven meat and eight vegetables.

Then, the owl came out of the scabbard and wiped each other's neck, cutting a blood hole on each other's neck.

The Apostle walked with his throat covered. He made a "hiss, hiss" sound in his mouth. He seemed to want to speak, but in the end he couldn't say anything. He fell to the side feebly.

Yecha didn't delay too much. In fact, before the Apostle's body fell down, yecha ran out to the side.

Even though ye Cha killed an apostle walking in a thunderous manner, the other apostles didn't seem to find Ye Cha and were still staring at Du Lingling's direction.

Although Ye Cha also knows some skills of assassination, he is not good at it. In other words, ye Cha knows a lot, but he can't be good at everything.

The reason why the apostles didn't find the leaf brake was because of the night owl!

The dark dagger, the night will gush out of yecha's body completely covered, let yecha completely melt into the night, everything looks so quiet.

Then, ye Cha quietly touched the next apostle walking behind, suddenly covered the Apostle's mouth from the rear, and then stabbed the owl to each other's neck.

Poof, poof, poof!

Ye Cha's speed was extremely fast. He stabbed three knives in a second and pierced each other's neck continuously. The blood fell to the ground. Ye Cha threw the body aside.

"You killed the apostles, walking, accumulating..."

The mysterious voice sounded leisurely, and yecha went forward again, but the assassination of yecha could not continue.

The night owl's dark curtain can cover yecha's figure and help him to complete the assassination, but it can't cover up his voice. After killing two apostles in succession, yecha is finally inevitably exposed.

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