death train

Chapter 118

The mysterious voice ended, and then everyone in the carriage pondered for a moment, and then they rushed to the dining car with a bee.

Desert, waste soil!

What do these two words associate with? No doubt it must be food and water!

In cities, even if zombies are rampant, there are still places where food and water can be found. For example, ye Cha has a water purifier, even if sewage can be found.

But, in the desert and waste soil, where to find food? Where to find water?

It's killing me!

In this case, we can only try to bring enough food and water before departure.

Yecha also goes into the dining car. If he goes to the desert wasteland, food and water are very important. Moreover, yecha thinks it's really dramatic.

I just gave up the ability of water exploration, and now the death train will send me to the desert wasteland. Is this punishment?

But anyway, food and water must be prepared.

Dried meat, compressed biscuits are the main rations, and then carry a lot of fresh water, if there is no food, it can last for some days, no water is the worst thing.

Ready to carry food and water, the dining car quickly shut down, two hours of time is also very fast, the death train will slowly enter the platform.

People get off in turn, some form teams in twos and threes, others leave alone, looking for the entrance and exit of the platform and leaving quickly.

Ye Cha still didn't mean to be with anyone. He quietly waited for others to leave. Then he got up from the bench on the platform and walked out of the platform.

Just left the platform, ye Cha ate a mouthful of sand directly.

This is an abandoned Road, with wilderness on both sides, yellow sand everywhere, withered grass swaying in the wind, and some scattered zombies can be seen in the distance.

Ye Cha took out a scarf and tied it to his face. He bought it in the dining car. It's ordinary. It doesn't have any special effect. Ye Cha had been to desert wasteland in his previous life. He knew how bad the environment was, so he bought a scarf in advance to keep out the wind and sand, so as not to open his mouth.

After lifting the backpack, ye Cha began to walk along the road.

The death train announced three tasks, the most important of which is to pass through the desert wasteland and find the surviving human concentration camp, because this is a task that must be completed.

Only when we arrive at the surviving human concentration camp can we get on the death train again. In fact, the entrance and exit of the platform of the death train will appear in the surviving human concentration camp this time. There is no other place to go back except there.

As for the other two tasks, they are only subsidiary tasks.

But is it really that simple?

Leaf brake hook under the corner of the mouth.

The fact is that it's not that simple, because although the mysterious voice hasn't been announced for a long time, the dead train will start again, but the dead train can't wait endlessly.

Otherwise, the mission will be no difficulty, as long as there is enough time, most people should be able to stick to the surviving human concentration camp.

As for food and water, of course, it's difficult, but it's not totally impossible. For example, if you need food, there are many scorpions and lizards in the desert that you can eat.


When you can't be happy, you won't feel sick eating anything, even eating human corpses.

So, what is the key to pass through the fourth platform?

It's time!

We must rush to the surviving human concentration camp before the death train departs and board the death train again.

The most needed thing at this time is transportation.

Then the problem arises again. Where can I find the means of transportation?

This involves the second task, killing the one eyed old man, the king of wasteland!

Most of the time, the task of death train release is not released casually, basically has a certain relevance.

One eyed old man is the leader of a group called crazy knight in this desert. What is the most needed in the harsh environment of desert wasteland?

It's a resource!

The one eyed old man leads the crazy knights to occupy the desert and plunder the food, water, fuel and so on that are hard to collect and sent to the surviving human concentration camp.

This guy is the biggest enemy of the surviving human concentration camp, and the most important thing is that the one eyed old man has a car!

As long as you grab a car from the one eyed old man, you can get to the surviving human concentration camp faster.

Of course, if you can easily kill that old bastard, ye Cha is also very happy.

Not only because of the reward, but also because that guy is really a beast. Ye Cha had been to the desert wasteland in his previous life, and had seen some things done by the one eyed old man.

If people living in the last days are cold-blooded and cruel, then the one eyed old man has no humanity at all. That guy should be killed a hundred times.

As for the third task, killing three ancient species, this is more casual.There are many ancient species in desert wasteland, but it doesn't mean you can find them if you want to find them. Besides, they must be ancient species with silver 5 stars or above. It really depends on luck.

However, if you can kill the one eyed old man, you should be able to kill at least one ancient species. Yecha vaguely remembers that the one eyed old man keeps an ancient species of dragon bat, which is one of the important combat capabilities of the one eyed old man.

"Of course, we have to find those guys first." Ye Cha murmured: "you'd better find a way to get a map, or even if you know the base of the crazy knight, you don't know what direction to go."

Ye Cha said, but he kept on walking along the road.

In desert wasteland, in addition to fighting, the worst environment is the biggest test.

Along the way, ye Cha also killed the zombies in the desert.

Originally, these battles were unnecessary. The zombies didn't gather to get in the way. Just go around. However, because of the twelve trials of immortality, the first trial is to accumulate the number of zombies killed, ye Cha naturally had to take the initiative to clean up the zombies.

I don't know how long I've been walking along the road. Yecha finally sees the first building, a gas station.

Ye Cha can't help but think of another refueling battle, the egg twisting machine in the desert, and the note that says to do it again. If there is a chance, ye Cha wants to find the egg twisting machine again.

Unfortunately, the place where the egg twisting machine was found was not desert wasteland, but a place called western wild.

When I went into the gas station, I ran out of gas. It's normal to think about it. I must have been emptied by the crazy Knight gang. However, all the things in the convenience store were there.

However, ye Cha picked up a bag of bread from the convenience store and looked at it. It was moldy. No wonder it wasn't taken away. If you eat this damn thing, you will die.

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