death train

Chapter 1181

Du Lingling obviously did enough homework and immediately said, "there are residents on notting island. There is a small town called notting here. The water market is there. It's a local custom market."

Ye Cha said: "position."

Du Lingling said: "we are lucky to have the B & B resort in the back as a landmark, which can be used to confirm the current location..."

Du Lingling said while looking at the map, and then handed the map to yecha.

"This position." Du Lingling said, "it's not far from us. It's about half an hour's journey."

Ye Cha said: "it seems that our luck is getting better. Is it a turn of the day?"

The leaf Cha received the map, also no nonsense, directly discerned the direction, then began to run.

With a destination, we don't need to follow the installation for the time being. Although it's very important to find the water spirit Moya through the installation, those relics of ancient civilization are also rare things. If we have a chance to start, we should try.

All the way to notting Town, ye Cha soon found that he was not the only one with the destination there. On the way, it was obvious that many people's destinations were there.

Ye Cha is very alert, ready to enter the combat state at any time.

But yecha also found that all the people had a tacit understanding, whether they were the people on the death train or the apostles walking, as if they had signed a no war agreement.

Although we won't drive together at a close distance, it's very obvious that we all have a tacit understanding that before we get to the place, we don't intend to start, but will distance each other.

Of course, there are also some troublemakers, such as the combatants of CommScope, who are not very clear about what the legacy of ancient civilization represents. Naturally, there is no such tacit understanding and will take the initiative to declare war and attack.

However, in addition to the previously seen mechanical zombies and pursuers, the fighters sent by CommScope are generally ordinary fighters armed with firepower.

To be more concise, it's too weak. Their only function is to provide devices for people who don't have detection devices.

Although Ye Cha saw two battles between CommScope and other people, he didn't encounter any trouble and had a smooth journey.

A moment later, yecha came to the so-called town.

To tell you the truth, it's not appropriate to describe it as a small town, because the scale of this small town is much larger than yecha imagined.

Du Lingling said: "there are three small towns in Notting island. The number of residents is about 150000, and the annual number of foreign tourists is about 1.8 million. Before the end of the world, this place is more lively than you think."

Ye Cha said: "now it's really busy."

Entering the town, ye Cha didn't see anyone else, but he already felt something wrong.

Be watched!

At the moment of entering the small town, ye Cha was on the alert. Ye Cha was sure that at least four or five eyes were watching him in the hidden corner.

Of course, it seems that the other party doesn't mean to start, but this is a good foil to the current situation of the town.

Ye Cha picked up the messenger and said, "when you arrive at Notting, where are you? Water market

The little fat man said: "don't go to the water market. It's full of Apostles now. My current position is in the southwest of the town. There is a dolphin like wooden sign outside the restaurant. Anyway, it's easy to recognize. I've occupied this place. By the way, you must call me before you come in."

Ye Cha and Du Lingling look at each other, and then go to the place that the little fat man said.

Although the little fat man is not clear, but to tell the truth, this place is better than you think.

The restaurant looks like a huge mushroom, with a cylindrical pillar below and a circular restaurant like a mushroom cover above. There are signs hanging on the side and dolphin like wooden signs on the top.

However, as the little fat man said, this place can't be entered at the moment.

There is a circle of bombs hanging on the fence at the door. The land around is obviously passive. If there is no accident, mines should be planted. Even, the little fat man must have made a minefield directly around the restaurant.

Ye Cha shrugged his shoulder toward Du Lingling and said, "to some extent, that kid is a madman."

As ye Cha said, he picked up a stone and threw it towards the window. Soon, the little fat man poked his head out of the window.

"Wait a minute."

The little fat man called out, then drew back, and soon stretched out a super long board from the window and put it on the ground.

The little fat man said, "there are mines all around. You step on the board."

Du Lingling nodded to Ye Cha and said, "I agree with you. He is indeed a madman. For the first time, I saw that there was no access point in the minefield."

Ye Cha shrugged and stepped on the board to enter the dining room.

Ye Cha said: "to make a long story short, I want to know the current situation."The little fat man said: "I'm not the first one to come here, so I don't know where the other party found the stone tablet, but anyway, the stone tablet is in the hands of the Apostle walking, and the other party is hiding in the water market."

Ye Cha said: "the reason for hiding is that there are many people around who want to rob, right? "

the little fat man said," yes, but it's not easy to get in. There are a lot of people on the other side, about 20 people. Among them, there are three particularly powerful apostles walking. Of course, it's not impossible to get in. Do you see that building? "

Ye Cha nodded.

The little fat man said, "Xia Youran and Claire are there, and carrela is also there, but I don't know where to hide."

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "there are really many good hands."

Xia Youran naturally need not say more. Ye Cha has heard of the name of Claire and is not very familiar with it. He only knows that he is one of the crew members of chief steward Samuel, just like Xia Youran.

As for Karela, who has the title of death blade, is a name familiar to most crew members. One of the old crew members, Karela didn't laugh to the end in the last assessment of the purser, but he was Samur's main opponent. Naturally, there was no need to say much about his actual strength.

It seems that the strength of the death train is stronger. As for the manpower, yecha believes that the number of people ambushing in the town is definitely more than the number of Apostles walking.

Unfortunately, I still can't get in.

"Because everyone wants that stone tablet." Ye Cha broke the key and said, "this is the style of the death train. We all know it. It's not worth the accident."

"The little fat man said:" of course, I also understand that there is only one thing. We all want the same thing. Naturally, we can't cooperate. After all, we all have different ideas. But this is not the way. Other apostles are coming to this place. "

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