death train

Chapter 12

The leaf brake seals the door, smashes the glass also took the thing to block, then leans on the room wall, then starts to lie asleep.

Night, gradually dark.

In the dark, ye Cha was awakened by a sound, and then looked out of the window. The street was full of zombies.

"Sure enough." Ye Cha said with a smile: "this city is still the same."

In the city of never night, I don't know why. At night, there will be a large number of zombies, which is more than three or five times of that in the daytime. It's very dangerous.

This is also the origin of the name of never night city.

Yecha had suffered losses in his last life, so he hid early now, and now people who are still outside are just afraid of bad luck.

"Good luck to them."

Ye Cha curled his mouth, and then continued to close his eyes to rest. He had sealed the doors and windows. As long as there was not too much noise, the zombies would not invade the house.

However, it is not easy to fall asleep at night.

Soon there were screams and screams in the street, and the sound of the zombies staggering, their legs rubbing against the ground, which made people unable to sleep.

Ye Cha even found that it was downstairs, as if someone was fighting, surrounded by zombies.

Just, the leaf Cha didn't plan to help, so many zombies, even if oneself help, also have no use.

Secondly, people can only rely on themselves!

In the last life, although Ye Cha knew the cruelty of the end, he always thought that some people could trust him. As long as he really established a relationship, he could still support each other. What happened?

Ye Cha will not make the same mistake twice.

"Help, somebody, help me..."

At this time, a cry came from the window again. After ye Cha opened his eyes, he closed them again.

"If you die, blame the world!"

Ye Cha sighed, and then continued to rest.

But just then, the man suddenly cried out, "help me, I know where to find the golden gene potion. Please, help me."

The eye that leaf Cha closes suddenly opens.

Where to find the golden gene potion?

Ye Cha actually knows, and knows more than one place.

What ye Cha knows are the Research Institute of CommScope, the headquarters building of CommScope and the president's villa of its branch.

However, yecha knew that it was because he had the memory of his last life. Yecha had been wandering around the city all night for five days. Because he could see the stores of CommScope everywhere, he found the clue that the golden gene drug was the product of CommScope.

But now it's only three or four hours since people get off the bus. Does anyone know the origin of golden gene medicament?

"Is it cheating to help?"

Leaf Cha murmurs a, immediately then fiercely get up, open the window.

Although he knows where the golden gene potion is, because the task of golden gene potion appeared on the first platform this time, yecha was not sure that the track of history was the same as his previous life.

Secondly, there are no doubt too many golden gene drugs for people who need to grow their strength rapidly at the initial stage, or the more the better.

Finally, ye Cha was also curious. Did that guy really know where the golden gene potion was? If he did, how did he know?

Ye Cha turned out the window, then quickly climbed up the roof along the water pipe, and then held the reverse bow in his hand.

Through the dim yellow street lamp, ye Cha saw a 20-year-old man running fast on the street 20 or 30 meters away from him, followed by a dozen zombies, hobbling after him.

With the speed of zombies, we should not catch up, but there are zombies in front of men.

The man bit his teeth, suddenly changed direction and rushed to an alley on the street. Just as he turned around, two zombies rushed out of the alley.


The man was startled, screamed and fell to the ground. The two zombies suddenly appeared and rushed towards the man.

But at that moment, with a puff, the arrow burst into the air, and the corpse was about to fall. There was an extra arrow on the door of the head, which ran directly through the head. Even, the huge force brought the corpse's body back out.

The man was in the same place, the sound of breaking the air rang again, and then the second arrow flew in and shot the second zombie cleanly.

The man finally recovered, looked right and left immediately, and then saw the leaf brake standing on the roof.

The leaf Cha low drinks a way: "come over."

The man who still has hesitation, busily running towards the direction of the leaf brake, the zombie behind faltered, but still did not give up chasing.

Ye Cha immediately pulled the bow again and kept shooting the arrow.

The distance of ten or twenty meters was not very difficult for ye cha. Almost the arrow burst into the head of the zombies.Until the man came close to the house, the leaf brake quickly jumped down and fell on the balcony. Without stopping, he jumped forward again, but jumped to the wall at the edge of the house.

Ye Xie stretched out his hand on the wall and said, "hold my hand."

The man immediately jumped up and grabbed Ye Cha's arm, but at this time, a zombie chased the back and directly grabbed the man's trousers.

Hiss, the man's pants were torn, and ye Cha was a fierce force to pull people up the wall, and then they fell into the back of the wall together.

Ye Cha's first reaction was to look at each other's legs and see if they were scratched by zombies. If they were hurt, they would be infected by virus and become zombies.

Well, no matter whether the other party knows about the golden gene potion, for yecha, there is only one choice - kill!

Anything that will threaten you, ye Cha plans to wipe it out in the cradle.

However, the man's luck seems to be good, the zombie only tore his trousers, but did not tear the man's flesh and blood.

The leaf brake looked at the other parts of the man's body again to make sure that there was no scar, which was a relief.

"Thank you, thank you..." At that time, the 20-year-old man also gasped, calmed his mood, and said to yeshalian: "my name is Chen Xiaofeng, thank you for your willingness to save me, really thank you."

Ye Cha was about to open his mouth, but suddenly he heard the sound of "bang, bang" coming from the other side, and his face changed immediately.

"It's too bad." Ye Cha said, "I'll talk about the others later. Follow me first."

Ye Cha said as he ran towards the front door of the room. Then he saw that the iron door on the front of the room was constantly shaking, and countless zombies were pushing and trying to knock the door open.

"Come on Ye Cha immediately pushed the iron gate and said, "look for something to top it up!"


Ye chazheng said, a gray arm, suddenly through the gap of the iron door carving, came in, and wiped Ye Cha's cheek.

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