death train

Chapter 120

"Survivors of human concentration camps?" Ye Cha murmured: "or the crazy knight?"

In desert wasteland, there are usually only two kinds of people who have vehicles to go in and out.

The first is the soldier convoy of the surviving human concentration camp. They will go to the cities around the desert wasteland, where they will find food, fresh water, all the things they need for daily life, and then drive back to the surviving human concentration camp.

The second is the one eyed old man's men - Crazy Knight!

They roam everywhere in the desert wasteland. Although they also roam in some cities, they prefer some low-risk methods, that is, robbing the motorcade of the surviving human concentration camp.

The two heavy-duty planes are equipped with metal spikes on the sides and can be launched with rectangular wheels. In terms of style, they are very similar to crazy knights. Only they can transform the means of transportation crazily.

However, there are only two heavy locomotives. Is the number a little less? Should not rob the surviving human concentration camp's motorcade?

Ye Cha is thinking that the two men have come to the convenience store. With Ye Cha's strengthened physical fitness, they can hear their conversation clearly through the window.

"There's a light. That damned girl is probably here."

"If we take his mother back, the boss will definitely reward us. This time, we'll send it."

"Well, it's a pity that the boss likes that girl very much. Even if we take her back, we won't kill her, otherwise we can have a good time."

"Just say that here. If the boss knows, you'll be dead."

As they spoke, they approached the convenience store and tried to push the door, only to find that the door was blocked by the shelves.

The two exchanged glances. They would do such a thing, which means there must be someone in the convenience store. Then one of them found a stone, broke the window and pushed the shelf open.

Another pushed the door in and yelled, "smelly girl, I know you're here. Get out of here before I fight."

Shouting, the man walked into the convenience store.

At this moment, ye Cha suddenly came out from behind the door, grabbed each other's hair directly, pulled each other's head and hit the wall.

Bang, this blow really made the other party choke, and he was dazed by Ye cha. Ye Cha took advantage of the situation and kicked him to the ground.

The rest of the man saw this and immediately pulled out a homemade revolver from his waist. But before he had time to turn the muzzle towards the leaf brake, he was kicked away by the leaf brake.

The next moment, the leaf brake directly grasped the other party's collar, directly over the shoulder to fall the person to the ground.

"So you two are crazy knights?"

The leaf Cha side says, lift a leg is a foot again, will just want to get up of the other side again give a foot to kick back to the ground.

The man covered his face and yelled, "who are you? Now that we know we are crazy knights, how dare you fight us? You're looking for death... "


That person hasn't roared to finish, the leaf Cha then one foot tramples on the opposite party's face again, trample the person back to the ground.

Ye Cha said: "who allowed you to get up?"

The leaf Cha squats down the body, pulls up the other party's head, and mercilessly smashes to the ground, will the other party give smash dizzy.

"Do you know now whether I dare to fight you? Crazy knights are bullshit

As ye Cha said, he dragged them to the convenience store, and then found a rope to tie them on the shelf.

After all this, ye Cha sat aside, took a bottle of water, twisted it open, drank half of it, and then drenched the remaining half on their faces, making them sober.

"It's question and answer time." Ye Cha pointed to himself and said, "I ask, you answer, do you understand?"

Both of them didn't say a word. Ye Cha directly punched one of them in the abdomen, and the other's body immediately curled up, with a painful expression on his face.

Ye Cha said: "this is the end of not answering. I'll ask again. Do you understand?"

They gritted their teeth and said, "I see."

Ye Cha said: "first of all, I only need one person to answer the question. You can make your own choice. Who will answer my question?"

They looked at each other, but they stopped talking.

Ye Cha picked up his self-made revolver from the ground and fired four shots into the sky. Then he turned the revolver and pointed it at one of the people's heads and said, "let's play Russian roulette and answer the questions alive."

Ye Cha said, pulling the trigger slowly.

"No!" The man cried out: "I said, I said, whatever you want to ask, I said."


Ye brake pulled the trigger, but there was no bullet at the muzzle.

Suddenly, ye Cha fiercely pulled out the silver machete, stabbed another person's chest, and directly pierced that person's heart.

Ye Cha said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have got the right to answer questions. So, the first question, what's your nameThe humanitarian: "Adams McChrystal."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "second question, why are you here at 3:30 in the morning?"

The humanitarian: "we're looking for a woman?"

Ye Cha said: "what woman? Who is that woman? "

McChrystal said, "that woman's name is Blair. She's our boss's woman."

Ye Cha said, "old man with one eye?"

Michaelis nodded busily.

The leaf Cha disdains a way: "that does not die of rob many women?"? What else do you care about? "

"Blair is the boss's favorite, and she was taken away by a man," McChrystal said

"Oh?" Ye Cha said: "who?"

Michaelis said: "Shaya, who was originally the captain of our No.2 riding team, ran away with Blair. The boss was very angry and sent us out all night to search for their positions."

Ye Cha said: "how long ago?"

"Last night," Michaelis said

"A day and a night?" The leaf Cha pondered a way: "so, your base camp should be very empty at present?"

Michaelis's body twitched for a moment, and looked at Ye cha in surprise. He felt that the man seemed to be planning to do something terrible.

Ye Cha said: "I need a car and a lot of fuel. Of course, food and water are also indispensable, because I want to cross the desert wasteland and go to the survivor human concentration camp. Do you know where I can get it?"

McChrystal shuddered, "survivor human camp."

The yecha laugher patted Michaelis on the cheek and said, "smart people don't say stupid things. If I arrive at the survivor human concentration camp, what else do I need to do? If I rob their motorcade, do you think I can run faster than the car on two legs? "

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