death train

Chapter 1225

I went back to the market after the break, and I used the car to figure out where to go.

After having the title of "storm in all directions", ye Cha once thought that he was strong enough as second only to the conductor and two deputy conductors.

But the appearance of Leo, to the leaf brake a good lesson, with the fist told the leaf brake, he is still far away.

Moreover, let Ye Cha understand that if you only know how to meet the status quo, the only end is to be eliminated!

What's the way you don't want to be eliminated? Of course, it's constantly getting stronger, stronger and stronger!

No words all night!

On the second day of the holiday, the self-organizing market opened.

The scale of the transaction is indeed very large. The dining car used has reached seven sections, three of which belong to yecha, Ganlin and Samur respectively, and the other four sections are for the stewardess to find their own positions to trade.

The method of trading is very simple. After you occupy the table, you can put things out, then talk to each other, and both sides agree to trade.

It's a bit like a stall. For example, ye Cha and other three stewardess monopolize a carriage, while the stewardess in their name completely preside over the transaction.

This can be regarded as a manifestation of power, but one of the most basic things is that first of all, you have to have enough things. If you occupy a dining car and only have some sparse things, it is not a manifestation of strength, but a disgrace.

"Because everyone wants to go shopping, so I use the shift system." Du Lingling followed Ye Cha and said, "a group of three is in charge of the dining car. Others can go to other dining cars."

Ye Cha said: "you don't have to tell me about this kind of thing. Just look at it and do it. By the way, you are responsible for my things. I've told you the acceptable price. You can sell it."

"I understand." Du Lingling said, "but what should we do if we meet people who are going to barter instead of making gold skull coins?"

Ye Cha said: "I don't think that the general stewardess can keep up with my level in what they have in their hands. Therefore, I only accept gold skull coin transactions for items of the same value, because I can only find the landlady to buy what I want to improve myself. But just in case, if someone comes up with something with much higher value in exchange, you can contact me 。”

"I understand." "In addition, I have two applications from two flight attendants. They are going to put their things into the auction. They are willing to give us 10% of the transaction price," Du said

Ye Cha said: "how many things?"

"Three pieces in all," Du said

Ye Cha said: "what about the standard? I don't want the auction to be shabby, so I don't want the auction to be out of circulation. "

Du Lingling said: "I've seen things, and there's no problem with the standard. All three things can rank in the middle of all the auction items. Besides, there's a totem that I really want, but..."

Ye Cha said, "not enough money?"

Du Lingling nodded helplessly.

Ye Cha said: "I can borrow you and deduct the money directly. You can return it to me later."

Du Lingling immediately said, "thank you."

Du Lingling is playing this idea, just don't know how to open a mouth, didn't expect Ye Cha to say directly. "

Ye Cha said:" it's all a small problem. As long as you can help me, I won't treat you badly, so try to be a useful person. "

"I understand," Du said seriously

Ye Cha said: "in any case, you can do this kind of thing. You can even decide the price of some items. Just remember to maximize the benefits. You can come to me for important things."

"No problem, I have counted the total price of the goods, and I will at least guarantee that level," Du said

Ye Cha nodded and said: "in addition, don't spend all your time on it. If you have time, you can go shopping to see if you need something. If you want it very much and don't have enough money, I can borrow it from you."

Du Lingling nodded again, and ye Cha said, "that's it. I'll go somewhere else. You'll be busy first."

Ye Cha didn't like this kind of troublesome thing. It wasn't whether he had the ability to do it well, but he couldn't bear it. Moreover, ye Cha didn't think he could do better than Du Lingling.

Therefore, it is very convenient for ye Cha to have a housekeeper, so he can be a shake off shopkeeper.

Ye Cha strolls in other cars, but after two rounds in the car composed of ordinary crew members, ye Cha is only disappointed, because most of the value of the things sold by those crew members makes Ye Cha look down on.

A small number of leaf brakes are attractive, but they have to consider whether they are suitable for themselves. They have eliminated a large number of them. It's not easy for them to have one or two things worth selling, and they all ask for barter.

Of course, this is understandable. After all, the standard of the leaf brake is of course very high, and the direct sale of this kind of goods is usually not very worthwhile, even if the leaf brake can be purchased at a higher price than the owner's wife.

This is almost everyone's consensus. Of course, good things should be used to exchange for what they need, and things with considerable value can be hard currency, which is easier to use than gold and skull coins.Therefore, there is no problem with the other party's transaction, but from the perspective of yecha, the good things in yecha's eyes are good if they belong to some, and it doesn't matter if they don't.

In this case, it is impossible to pay the same price or even the overflow value to buy the brake.

"Sure enough..." Ye Cha helpless way: "I can only be the boss wife pit money life?"

Compared with the trading market, the landlady can better meet the demand of the leaf brake.

Leaf brake side toward, through the car, and then into Ganlin's car.

Ye Cha didn't see anything, but he couldn't help picking his eyebrows.

There are 18 people in the carriage, which means that Gan Lin's crew has almost reached the maximum number of people that a purser can recruit.

At the same time, it also means that Gan Lin seems to surpass Ye Cha unconsciously. Of course, in terms of position.

Although Ye Cha is not interested in the purser's authority, he doesn't make much effort in this aspect, but he doesn't feel very well that he has been crushed.

Moreover, theoretically, the purser is the Deputy conductor. Besides strength is essential, it is also a hard condition to have at least a full crew.

If you think so, at least Gan Lin has taken the lead in this aspect.

"Why do you come to me when you have time?" At this time, Gan Lin's voice rang out: "come and have a drink?"

Around the table has been occupied into a stall, so, Ganlin sat in the bar, played the role of landlady.

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