death train

Chapter 123

The tail of the golden scorpion suddenly fell towards the front.

Ye Cha's reaction was very fast. He quickly flashed to one side, and the scorpion's tail stabbed the ground. With a bang, he directly stabbed a big hole in the ground.

The next moment, the scorpion tail that smashed the ground didn't stop. It swept over directly. Ye Cha quickly crossed his arms to block it.


The scorpion's tail hit Ye Cha's arm and made a dull sound. Then ye Cha's body stepped back and glided close to the ground. His feet pulled out two mud marks on the ground, but finally blocked the blow.

However, the tail of the golden scorpion is quite flexible. After a blow, it shakes in the air and almost has no interval. Then it attacks Ye Cha again.

This time, it's not a sweep, but the sting on the scorpion's tail, attacking Ye Cha directly.

This is not for fun. Ye Cha knows what he will pay if he is hit. Nine times out of ten, he will get a hole in his body.

The leaf Cha immediately body a short, toward the side rushed to go out, one palm propped up the ground, then borrow the strength to roll forward.

At the moment of landing, ye Cha took out the red flame bomb from behind his waist, pulled out a crystal bar and threw it out towards the tiger pattern golden scorpion.

The golden scorpion with tiger pattern obviously didn't know what the crystal strip represented. It rolled the crystal strip of the red flame bomb directly.

The leaf Cha is also a Leng that see, this is oneself seek to die!


The sudden explosion of the crystal bar, the huge fire burst, the layer by layer of impact waves swing around, blowing the yellow sand flying all over the sky, the surrounding ground was broken into a large piece.

Tiger scorpion's body was pushed out by the waves, and rolled continuously to the ground. It took seven or eight meters to stabilize its body.

However, when the scorpion got up from the ground again, the shell on its back was full of cracks, which was obviously more serious than before.

Ye Cha pinches his fist, and the compressed air is ready. He can use the shock wave again.

"In that case..." The leaf Cha light drinks a way: "the last blow, send you on the road!"

Ye Cha suddenly bent down, legs bent, like a cheetah ran forward, straight to the tiger scorpion.

The tiger scorpion is constantly wriggling, obviously still planning to continue to struggle, the scorpion tail suddenly swept forward, rolled up a piece of sand and waved towards the direction of the leaf brake.

At this time, ye Cha suddenly jumped up, and the sand couldn't affect him too much, because ye Cha was wearing star shining goggles.

With a sweep of both arms, ye Cha waved away the sand and jumped directly onto the back of the golden scorpion. After stepping on it, ye Cha jumped up into the air, and then stretched out his hand to press down.


Bang, bang, bang!

The three shock waves, from top to bottom, all hit the back of the golden scorpion.

The golden scorpion seems to realize the danger at last. A pair of scorpion claws hit the ground quickly and plan to dig a hole to hide under the ground. The food in its eyes is not food at all, but a hunter, who can hunt it.

Unfortunately, it's still late!

The attack speed of the shockwave was not much slower than that of the bullet. It hit the back of the golden scorpion in almost an instant.

The shell behind the golden scorpion exploded in an instant, and it became a mass of blood and flesh. Countless white slurries poured out from the back of the golden scorpion. After twisting, the golden scorpion finally stopped moving.

"You killed tiger scorpion (ancient species), cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: biological core ZY type."

A mysterious voice sounded, announcing the success of yecha's hunting of the golden scorpion.

However, ye Cha showed a little confusion, this is the biological core, what is ZY type?

Although yecha has the memory of the previous life, it is not omniscient. There are still some things that yecha doesn't know. The ZY type of the biological core is what yecha doesn't know.

What's more, ZY type of biological core is not from the body of golden scorpion. It needs to return to the death train and go to the dining car to collect it.

In this case, after a short period of confusion, ye Cha no longer entangled in this matter. When he returned to the death train, he would know what the so-called biological core ZY type was for.

Michaelis had already looked silly. After he finally recovered, he kept shouting and ran to yecha and said, "did you really kill this monster? It's impossible, it's impossible, my God, my God, my God. "

Leaf Cha impatient way: "can not make a noise."

"Oh, I'm sorry." McChrystal quickly explained, "this monster once killed more than 20 of our brothers, so I'm a little excited."

Ye Cha said: "this is not a great thing. Get out of the way. I have something else to do."

Ye Cha pushed away Chris, and then came to the body of tiger gold scorpion. After opening the backpack, he took out a box from inside and opened it. Inside it was a flowerpot with flowers and seeds.

Ye Cha carefully took out the flowerpot with corpse flower seedlings, then drenched the blood of tiger scorpion into the soil of flowerpot, and then carefully wiped the leaves of corpse flower seedlings with blood.Almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, the corpse flower seedlings grew up. Originally, the leaves were only the size of fingernails, but now they are twice as big.

At the same time, the rhizome of the corpse flower seedling was only one centimeter long, but now it grows to three or four centimeters.

Yes, this is the way to cultivate corpse flowers.

Corpse flower needs blood and corpse. It doesn't need human, zombie or ancient species.

Therefore, it's not very difficult to cultivate corpse flowers. After all, corpses are the most important thing in the last days.

However, ye Cha obviously does not plan to cultivate ordinary corpse flower, he wants to do the best.

Therefore, yecha doesn't plan to use the meat and blood of zombies, or even the mutant zombies. Yecha plans to use only the blood and blood of ancient species to irrigate the corpse flowers.

In this way, when the corpse flower grows, it is likely to mutate and possess the characteristics of ancient plants, or directly, it may grow into an ancient corpse flower.

Of course, it would be much more troublesome to do so than to use ordinary zombie blood and corpse pieces for cultivation.

After all, regardless of whether they have the ability to hunt ancient species, the number of ancient species is relatively rare, which is much more difficult to see than mutant zombies.

But ye Cha believes that he can do it, as long as he can live.

When the blood of the Scorpion was completely absorbed, and the soil was completely wet, it was not suitable for continuous irrigation. Yecha pried off the shell of the scorpion, cut off a few pieces of scorpion meat, and placed them around the flower pot to let the corpse flower seedlings slowly eat.

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