death train

Chapter 1237

"Kidnapping?" Doran wondered, "isn't our mission to get information from each other?"

Ye Cha explained: "the most troublesome part of this kind of task is how to pry the other party's mouth. Moreover, if you really pry it, you can't guarantee that the other party is telling the truth 100%. In order to ensure that the task can be successfully completed, you have to find a way to verify whether the other party is lying and how true it is. So, don't you think it's very troublesome?"

Doran suddenly said: "so, just bring people back to the death train?"

Ye Cha said: "yes, it's better to take people back to the death train than to take the risk of mission failure with the information that you don't know whether it's true or false. As for how the landlady pries each other's mouth, what's the matter with us? Anyway, our mission is done. "

Doran nodded and said, "just like when he brought me back to the death train?"

Ye Cha grinned and said, "your specifications are much higher. It's the conductor who ordered you to take you back. It's not because of any information, but because of the person who wants you directly."

Doran nodded again and said, "don't worry, I don't mean to pursue. After all, coming to the death train is like opening a door to a new world for me. I'm still satisfied with my current life."

Ye Cha said: "it doesn't matter. Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Dolan said with a smile: "let's continue to talk about the task. You know, if we just arrest and interrogate people, we can do it internally, and then we can leave secretly. But it's not easy to bring more living people, or those who refuse to cooperate."

Ye Cha said: "this can only be seen after mixing in. You can always come up with a way. The plan is not unchangeable, but changed according to the situation."

"It makes sense," Doran said

Ye Cha said, "when shall we go to tiebaosai base?"

"You can do it at any time, but you'd better memorize the information, especially the information about the warrant. The general content is to escort a sample to tiebosai base, which is helpful to the research of life mechanics."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "I understand. I'll have a rest here tonight. I'll memorize the information and go to tiebaosai base tomorrow."

“OK!” Doran nodded and said, "do you need something to eat? I have a lot of stock here. "

Ye Cha said: "whatever, I can go upstairs first?"

Doran nodded and said, "please help yourself."

Ye Cha goes up to the second floor. This building is an ordinary residence. There are some rooms on the second floor. After finding one at will, ye Cha sits by the window and looks through the information.

A moment later, Dolan brought food, a cream macaroni, a simple dry soup.

"I'm next door," Doran said. "Call me if you have something."

After seeing Duolan leave, ye Cha patted his waist and said, "come out to work."

The cat poked out its head and scratched its hair with its claws.

Recently, the kitten is getting lazier and lazier. At the same time, the sleeping time is getting longer and longer. Even, it is almost 20 hours a day.

However, the leaf brake asked about the fatal, fatal that this is normal.

At the beginning, although most of Yan's son's arms were fatal, ye Cha tore a few pieces of meat and also fed them to Xiao Gu Mao.

At present, the long sleep is in the process of absorbing the power of the apostles. Because it is not strong enough, it is quite difficult to absorb the flesh and blood of the apostles.

Therefore, the kitten chose to sleep to save physical strength and energy. In the sleep state, the kitten could better absorb the power of the apostles.

After waking up the kitten, the kitten knew what ye Cha wanted him to do. She jumped on the table, sniffed the food carefully, and then licked it with her tongue to show her attitude.

Ye Cha said with a smile: "go back to sleep."

The kitten doesn't need to eat at present. The strength of the Apostle is enough to supplement everything his body needs.

The reason why Ye Cha shouts out the cat is, of course, to let it test the poison. For Duolan, ye Cha is always not at ease. After all, he and Nie Po kidnapped Duolan back to the death train.

Although Doran said that he was very satisfied with his current life and did not express any dissatisfaction, who can say this kind of thing clearly?

People's minds are the most difficult to guess and see through, and they are not immutable. As for the test of poison, this is the ability of the little ancient cat. Through the sense of smell, the little ancient cat can distinguish most toxic substances.

After the little cat's discrimination, ye Cha can be safely eaten.

After eating, ye Cha began to look through the materials and remember them all, so that he could not show his flaws after he mixed into the tiebaosai base.

It wasn't until nearly midnight that ye Cha closed the data. He was confident to tell everything about the data, and there would be no problem.

After a stretch, ye Cha looks at the time, gets ready to go to bed and conserves his energy. When he arrives at tiebaosai base tomorrow, the task will officially begin.

However, ye Cha just fell asleep on the bed and was about to close his eyes when he suddenly felt a slight tremor in the bed.That kind of feeling is so slight that it makes yecha feel whether it is his own illusion. After he gets up again, yecha pulls out his hair and puts it on the edge of the bed, and then he can see the small vibration of his hair.

It's not an illusion!

Ye Cha goes to the window, opens the window and looks out. Suddenly

A missile passed the window and hit the street.


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and then the ground burst into pieces, turning up countless boulders, surrounded by scattered flames, burning.

Ye Cha said in amazement: "this..."

Bang, bang!

At this time, the door was knocked, and Dolan's voice came from the outside: "did you sleep? There's something wrong

Ye Cha opened the door and said, "what's the matter?"

Doran said urgently: "experiments have been carried out at tiebao fortress base. A large number of mechanical life bodies have appeared in the town. At present, the exchange of fire has begun."

Ye Cha said, "isn't it safe?"

Dolan said bitterly, "it's safe. According to my information, the experiment is usually carried out only once every half a month on the other side of tiebaosai base. Moreover, there are four abandoned towns around as experimental sites, which are usually safe within a month. As far as I know, the experiment was just carried out last week in nokanla Town, and I don't know how to come back."

The leaf Cha way: "that now how do?"

Doran said: "we can only kill first. We can't communicate with the mechanical life body. We can only leave the experimental site area first, or if the people monitoring the experimental site on the other side of tiebaosai base can find us, it's OK. We just need to show our identity. Of course, I mean false identity."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "let's go."

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