death train

Chapter 125

Ye Cha looked at the pickup truck carefully and was quite satisfied.

The car is big enough to look overbearing. It looks even more ferocious after adding those weapons. The most important thing is that the roofless cargo box in the rear can hold a lot of things, which is enough to carry away all the things needed by the blade brake.

Ye Cha said, "well, what else do I need?"

McChrystal put down his hand and said, "come with me. Those things are all in the West. Although there are guards, they can't stop you, can they?"

Ye Cha said with a smile: "go."

Food, fuel, fresh water, these things are stacked in categories, like a hill, with only one caretaker and three hour shifts.

McChrystal hid behind a car and said, "I can't show up, or it will be exposed. If the boss knows that I'm stealing for you, he will peel my skin."

Ye Cha said: "then you can wait here."

Through the night, ye Cha moved step by step, using the cars around to cover his body, and quickly walked forward.

The material keeper held a bottle of beer in one hand and a roasted leg of sheep in the other. He didn't have any vigilance at all.

The leaf Cha revolves to behind the other side, suddenly reaches out a hand to round the neck of the other side, covers the mouth of the other side, then makes an effort to twist, that guard doesn't even understand how to come over to return a responsibility, then directly stares at an eye to cut off breath.

Ye Cha waved to Michaelis and motioned him to help move things.

"These are gasoline, these are biscuits, bread, chocolate and bottled water," McChrystal said

Ye Cha pointed to the leg of the Lamb on the ground and said, "where did this come from?"

McChrystal said: "the surviving humans stole it from the concentration camp. They rescued dozens of livestock from a ranch, and then raised them for breeding. After a certain number, they would kill some of them. Then they would send the fresh meat to the soldiers who went in and out of the city to look for materials. Ordinary people don't even think about it."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "where is the meat?"

Michaelis said: "don't make up your mind about this. It's all frozen and put in the boss's place. Only those who have done meritorious service or worked as a guard for a month can be rewarded with a piece of meat."

The leaf Cha just does this, direct wave a hand way: "go."

Two people move things to leave, suddenly, the leaf brake vaguely heard some sound, will the leaf brake's eyes attract in the past.

McChrystal's face became queer, and then he hastened, "let's go. There's nothing to see."

Leaf brake sneer, looking for the sound came to a truck, and then open the door.

There were about eleven or twelve cages in the truck. In each cage, there was a naked woman with lax eyes. Some women were still bleeding.

Ye Cha said, "is this the woman of the one eyed old man?"

Ye Cha had seen the one eyed old man in his previous life. He was an inhumane bastard. He imprisoned the women he had captured and used them as fertility tools. After those women died, he was tortured to death.

In addition, the one eyed old man invented a lot of torture.

It's like putting people together with zombie dogs, letting zombie dogs bite, burying people in the desert, exposing only their heads, putting rotten corpse meat on them, attracting vultures to peck people to death, etc.

If we say that when the end comes, we will fight each other. This is the law of survival. In order to survive, we have to turn ourselves into beasts. Then what the one eyed old man does is not as good as beasts. He has no bottom line and human nature.

Because, one eyed old man do these things, many times just for fun.

Look at these women in front of you. They have lost the hope of survival. For them, the biggest wish is not to live, but to die.

Everyone is trying to survive, and they just want to die!

The leaf brake closes the door.

Ye Cha wanted to do something, but he knew he couldn't do it. He was working hard to survive. How could he save these women?

What's more, the death train doesn't accept new human boarding any more. Even if I can save these women from the one eyed old man, where can I take them?

Therefore, the only thing we can do at this time is to bury the conscience in our hearts and make ourselves more ruthless.

Because, this is the reality, this is the end.

Ye Cha and Michaelis left quickly, took the goods back to the pickup truck, and ran three times to fill the pickup truck.

Yecha estimated that the fuel was enough for him to drive to the surviving human concentration camp. If he saved food and water, he could eat for half a month to a month.

"You've got what you want," McChrystal urged. "Let's go."

Ye Cha nodded, and suddenly pointed to the far Lane: "is that where the one eyed old man lives?"

McChrystal instinctively twisted, and then at this moment, ye Cha suddenly raised his hand, cut a hand knife on McChrystal's back neck, and knocked him unconscious.Ye Cha held the fainted Michaelis and said, "I'm sorry, I have something else to do."

Yecha didn't kill him. He just knocked him out. In keeping his promise, yecha still has principles. Since he agreed, yecha will do it.

However, ye Cha didn't want to get something and then leave. He was still thinking about the second task of the death train - killing the one eyed old man, the king of wasteland!

Pull out the silver curved knife from the waist and hold it in reverse. Ye Cha stealthily bypasses the crowd gathering place and goes towards the previous RV.

The key point of this task is to kill the one eyed old man, not to destroy the crazy knight. Otherwise, this task can not be accomplished by one's own efforts.

Even if there are dozens of crazy Knights here at present, ye Cha still hopes to kill the one eyed old man quietly if he is assassinated, and then he will leave calmly and finish the task.

Close to the RV, ye Cha vaguely heard some sound, very thick, with a regular rhythm.

Yecha knew that it should be the breathing sound of the Dragon bat raised by the one eyed old man. It was so even that it should be sleeping. This is undoubtedly good news for yecha.

Slowly, ye Cha touched the edge of the RV and looked up through the window of the RV. Although the curtain was drawn, the interior of the RV was still dark through the gap. The one eyed old man should be resting.

The leaf brake carefully opened the door of the house, and then crept into the saloon car, slightly opened the curtains to let the moonlight in, making the saloon car slightly bright.

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