death train

Chapter 1253

Dolan doesn't know the intention of yecha to let him take Dr. Davis, but since yecha is the leader of the task, he naturally listens to yecha, and Dolan is only responsible for assisting yecha.

What Dolan doesn't know is that Dr. Davis may be more valuable than frank in yecha's eyes.

The reason why Ye Cha made this judgment was that Dr. Davis had said something before!

At that time, Dr. Davis said: can you see the source of the general zombie virus or even the initial zombie virus with your naked eye?

Dolan was purely kind to remind Dr. Davis that it was necessary to use instruments to detect the virus source of bacterial zombie virus. As a result, Dr. Davis scorned it.

This reflects the bad temper of Dr. Davis, but ye Cha saw more information from this sentence.

First, Dr. Davis mentioned the initial zombie virus. Normally speaking, for the first virus to spread, people habitually call it the general virus, the initial virus, the earliest virus and so on, rather than the initial zombie virus.

Of course, under normal circumstances, because of a slip of the tongue, or when the subdivision of zombie virus is not clear, some people also use the term "initial zombie virus" to refer to the earliest spread of the virus.

However, as a researcher of CommScope, Dr. Davis is still an expert and should not make such a mistake. Secondly, Dr. Davis also mentioned the general zombie virus at that time.

This means that Dr. Davis instinctively distinguishes the general zombie virus from the initial zombie virus, which also means that Dr. Davis knows the difference between the two.

And even people from CommScope don't know much about the difference between the initial zombie virus and ordinary virus, especially Dr. Davis mentioned the source of the virus.

This means that Dr. Davis is not only aware of the difference between the two, but is likely to have been exposed to the initial zombie virus.

This is a big discovery for yecha. Therefore, another reason why yecha left Doran alone is to hunt Dr. Davis.

When ye Cha thought of this, he couldn't help looking at Frank and desler. The two strongest ones in the base are beside him. It shouldn't be a problem for Dolan to hunt Dr. Davis.

But at this time, the PDA in Ye Cha's hand suddenly vibrates.

Leaf Cha picked up PDA to see an eye way: "consul has discovered, in front."

Frank immediately called out, "all men on alert, second formation."

Yecha three people took the lead to walk, about 500 meters forward, over a hillside, there was a large area of metal garbage heap.

Dessler took out the map and looked at it. "This is dump 2, and is the temperature getting lower?"

Frank nodded his head and said, "it's getting lower."

Ye Cha said: "that corpse flower can release cold air. Look at the garbage around. The metal is covered with frost, and there are traces of corrosive liquid here."

Frank said, "push carefully."

Daisler toward the leaf brake way: "your injury is not good, back."

Ye Cha didn't refuse, nodded and retreated to the back of the side.

Dessler pulled out a wristband made of steel and put it on his arm. The blade popped out at the front.

Carefully forward, soon into the central area, ye Cha looked around, quietly picked up the headset that can contact with the consul, and put it on his ear.

Leaf Cha small voice way: "let corpse flower move."

Not long after ye Cha finished.


All of a sudden, the violent sound appeared without warning, and then a garbage mountain on the side collapsed, and then a vine ran out coldly.


The vine cut through the center of the team, launched an attack, and swept out the two Tianlong soldiers who followed.

At the moment when a Tianlong soldier landed, even before he could react, the ground under him made a loud noise again. A vine suddenly came out from the ground and penetrated the body of the Tianlong soldier.

Frank's quick command: "open the space immediately, pay attention to the surroundings, especially the underground."

Those Tianlong soldiers who followed Frank were really well-trained. They were not flustered because of the attrition at the first time. Instead, they kept calm and quickly moved out of the way.

Dashler looked around quickly and said, "is it just a vine? Noumenon! Where is the noumenon? "

Ye Cha yelled: "the noumenon is under the ground. It won't appear so easily. Attack the vine first and let it be hurt before you can force the noumenon out."

"I see." "Then let me cut these things off," Dassler said

Dashler looked around quickly, then thought about the metal rubbish and rushed out.

"I found you!"

Dassler directly raised his arm, and then two grenades were thrown out by Dassler.Boom, boom!

The roar of the explosion suddenly sounded, the huge fire burst suddenly, the garbage mountain made the sound of metal collision, and then collapsed toward the front.

In the fire and smoke, the corpse flower vine suddenly ran out, and then launched an attack on Dessler.

Desler sneered and suddenly waved his arm.

Daisler's speed is amazing, only to see the blade on his arm in the air with a silver awn, and then the corpse flower vine was cut.

However, this level can not destroy the corpse flower, even if it is just the vine of corpse flower.

All of a sudden, in that cut off corpse flower vine, a cold frost was suddenly sprayed out, forming a large cold wave, shrouded towards Dessler.

Daisler can't help but be surprised, but the reaction is extremely quick, quickly retreat toward the side, with corpse flower to open the distance.

Then looking back, Dassler saw a lot of frost on the ground, and a thin layer of frost on his clothes.

"Interesting." "This guy can really release the cold wave," Dassler said

Ye Cha said, "do you think I'm joking?"

"Of course not, it's just that it's amazing to see it," Dessler said

Frank said: "don't take it lightly. Hold that guy down. The others will form a circle."

"No problem," said Dassler

As he spoke, Dessler thought of running fast ahead, and the corpse flower vine that Dessler had cut off was wriggling rapidly at the moment.

Poof, a large amount of juice suddenly spurted from the wound, and the vine cut by Dessler grew out again.

"Good regeneration ability." "I'll see if you can live like this all the time," said Dassler, grinning

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