death train

Chapter 1258

Click, click!

Frank cut off his left hand, of course, for no reason, there were a lot of bone fragments in the wound, slowly condensed into a sickle.


Frank suddenly raised his head and roared, and then there were tears on both sides of his forehead, and two horns like argali grew out.

Then there was Frank's back, where there was a tear in his spine. A total of eight gray tentacles grew out and kept shaking up and down.

In addition, Frank's body has some subtle changes, such as the exposed tongue, forked like a snake, and bone blade on the heel.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes. After Frank entered the corpse state, he was stronger than ye Cha imagined, because the corpse degree of this guy was very thorough.

From the head to the sole of the foot, Frank has different degrees of corpse, and for the alien humans, as well as the artificial alien humans such as CommScope, the degree of corpse can reflect the strength from the side.

However, soon the blade brake felt normal.

If it's not troublesome enough, there's no need to use the leaf brake, and the things in the hands of the Deputy conductor are not from the strong wind. If the steward can handle it, it's only necessary to pay less. In this case, why look for the leaf brake.

Secondly, Frank used to be a member of the cleaning force. Being able to be sent out to a base shows that his strength is excellent enough to get such a qualification.

"However, it is man-made after all. There should be a time limit." Ye Cha looked at Frank and said, "what's the longest time for you to maintain your state?"

Frank sneered, "do you want to delay?"

Ye Cha said: "do you think it is necessary for me to do this? Just calculate the time, how much time to kill you, in order to protect you from the threat of life, after all, I want to live, not the body

Frank sneered again, but this time obviously did not continue the dialogue, but suddenly rushed to the leaf brake.

As Yasha said, CommScope has not really produced the ideal super warrior in their mind, that is, the warrior completely close to the alien human form.

The sweeper can do this, but either the degree of corpse is not enough, or there is a time limit to maintain the form, and he can't maintain the form permanently when he is awake.

Therefore, Frank must make himself act faster. The faster he ends the battle, the less side effects he will suffer.


Looking at Frank's kick, ye Cha raised his arm and decided to take the attack.

The next moment, ye Cha felt a huge force coming from his palm and pushed himself out. Before the attack continued, ye Cha's figure flashed and moved to one side with ghost step.

"Strength and speed are good." Ye Cha glanced at Frank and said: "besides, all over the body are weapons. It seems that the level of playing is not enough to take you down in a short time, so..."

Ye Cha's body suddenly bent up, and then the pores on his body continued to expand, spilling a little bit of blood, and then the fine dragon scales came out of Ye Cha's body.

On yecha's forehead, the Dragon horn suddenly pierced yecha's body.


Frank's attack didn't stop. At the moment when yecha was ready to enter the state of dragon, Frank had turned and rushed towards yecha again. After jumping up, he held the bone sickle on his arm and cut it down towards yecha.

"Get out of here!"

Ye Cha put out his hand, and a fire of breath gushed out of his palm. Then he threw it at Frank.

With a roar, Frank was hit head-on, but he didn't get much hurt. He was just forced away for a while.

"Not enough! It needs to be stronger! " Yecha deep suction port airway: "White Dragon King!"

A light streamer appeared on yecha's body, which was overflowing from the Dragon scales, wrapping all the Dragon scales. Then, at the speed visible to the naked eye, those dragon scales were changing.

The Dragon scales are fan-shaped. At the moment, those dragon scales are slowly lengthening and gradually becoming white. They are more delicate and delicate, making yecha's body more like a dragon's.

Poof, poof

Behind the leaf brake, a pair of white wings suddenly grow out and open to both sides, constantly stirring up and down, just like the legendary Yinglong.

Frank licked the corner of his mouth and said, "you're a monster like me."

"Monster is not a good word." Ye Cha said: "well, if you want to be a monster, at least it should be powerful enough."

Ye Cha said and stretched out his hand forward.

The torrent is full of wear!

The water contained in the air was quickly peeled off by the leaf brake and turned into a ball, and then quickly shaped into a water arrow, which flew towards Frank.Frank's speed is very fast, running towards the leaf brake at the same time, constantly moving around the body, avoid flying over the water arrow.

Ye Cha grinned and said, "Lord of water!"


The leaf brake hit to ring a finger, then the moisture in the air is stripped out again, then quickly condense into water mass.

This time, the water mass was obviously much larger than before. It was half human. Then, three crescent shaped cracks suddenly opened in the middle of the water mass. On both sides of the water mass, the surging water turned into two small human arms.

Lord of water: use all liquid water to create water elements to fight for yourself. You can only summon two water elements at most each time. According to the quantity and purity of liquid water, the water elements appear are guards, cavalry and Lord. They last for 30 minutes and then break up (broken water elements can be used to summon dragon teeth soldiers of water).

Ye Cha muttered: "is it just the degree of protection?"

Guard is the weakest water element in this move. However, ye Cha can guess the reason. After all, this is a desert. The environment is not very friendly to the ability of the White Dragon King. The environment here is too dry and the humidity is low, which means that a lot of water can be absorbed.

And when ye Cha thought about it, the two groups of water element guards had rushed out towards the front.


Frank didn't hesitate to smash the body of the water element guard. However, when the body of the water element guard was smashed, it suddenly turned into a large amount of viscous liquid, which was directly scattered on Frank's body.

"Damn it Frank said angrily, "what the hell is this?"

After the viscous liquid covers Frank's body, it constantly stretches, changes shape, connects with each other, clings to Frank's body tightly, and binds Frank up.

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