death train

Chapter 1264

Dr. Davis is no longer human, and using monsters is the most suitable way.

Dr. Davis's body is covered with crooked bones. He bends forward and moves like a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The head is stretched into a long shape, the mouth can be grinned to the ear, the eyes are red, not because of congestion, but directly changes the pupil color.

The glass cover containing the human brain is also covered by bone slices, with a layer of meat film, just like a huge tumor growing on the head.


All of a sudden, Dr. Davis made a dull noise behind him, and then a bone tail suddenly grew out, and then stabbed forward, pointing directly at yecha's chest.

The next moment, the bone tail root iron sand sword bumps together.

The iron sand sword was shattered by the bone tail at the moment of collision. Of course, Dr. Davis also paid the corresponding price. The bone tail was cut off by iron sand.

However, ye Cha didn't feel that he suffered a loss.

The iron sand sword is just a name. The iron sand is manipulated by the leaf brake and attacks with high-frequency vibration. It doesn't stick to form, or the leaf brake wants to condense any form.

Of course, direct attack is OK!

Looking at Dr. Davis's long teeth and five claws rushing towards him, ye Chaxin read a move. The scattered iron sand suddenly surged into a stream. Before Dr. Davis launched the attack, it hit Dr. Davis's chest hard.

Click, click!

Those iron sand crazy impact on Dr. Davis's body, bone constantly wear, make a harsh sound, Dr. Davis's body was directly pushed back out.

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth, took advantage of the moment when Dr. Davis was fighting against tiesha, dropped his sword to the south of Xinjiang, and rushed forward.

The next moment, hand up sword down!

Ye Cha held his sword high and fell to the south of Xinjiang. He cut it down to Dr. Davis.


The sword in yecha's hand fell on Dr. Davis's body and struck with the bone. It made a sound similar to metal impact, even splashed a spark, but did not chop the bone.

"Well?" The leaf Cha picks next eyebrow to doubt a way: "don't belong to armor?"


Dr. Davis growled, and then a fierce blow towards the leaf brake, but the leaf brake seemed to have expected, and jumped forward to the rear, sliding away from Dr. Davis.

Ye Cha looked at Dr. Davis and said, "part of the body?"

The sword falls to Nanjiang. It has an unparalleled effect. It can cut off any armor, but it doesn't start at the moment. There's only one possibility. The bones don't belong to the armor, but are part of Dr. Davis's body.

For example, your skin is very hard and can resist swords, but you can't classify your skin as armor.

Of course, the skin itself is a part of the body, but Dr. Davis's bones are transformed from corpses. As long as they have defensive effect, they should be classified as armor.

But matchless effect does not trigger, leaf brake also helpless, can only give up.

At the same time, Dr. Davis waved his arms continuously and tore up the iron sand. Although the iron sand could be closed together as soon as yecha wanted, Dr. Davis had rushed to yecha again.

Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "with such a strong defense, I don't have to worry about accidentally killing you."

Ghost step!

After ye Cha whispered, Dr. Davis's body flashed and disappeared at the moment of his attack.

Suddenly, above Dr. Davis's head, there appeared a round sheath made of thin thread, which suddenly fell down and covered Dr. Davis's neck.

The next moment, the sleeve suddenly tightened, strangled Dr. Davis's neck, and then dragged Dr. Davis on the ground.

Ye Cha ran at a high speed towards the dismantling machine lying on the ground. Then his hands were all around. Countless thin lines flew out in all directions and stuck to the dismantling machine.

The leaf Cha pinches a thin thread to shout: "sky month!"

Sky Moon: a two-stage attack using a thin string. First, fix the target in the air with a thin string, and then cut it continuously at a high frequency. It can cause great damage to the target and cannot be used in areas without fixed objects.

With the blade brake gripping the thread and stretching through the thread around the dismantling machine, Dr. Davis growled and was hoisted.


Dr. Davis roared, the tail of bone behind him suddenly stretched and stabbed down toward the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

That bone tail's killing is quite extraordinary. Every time it stabs downward, it can pierce the ground one by one, splashing debris across the ground.

Even the leaf Cha, also dare not easily let that bone tail hit oneself, although not to die, but absolutely can get hurt not lightly, this kind of degree attack or avoid past of good.At the same time, with the continuous movement of the blade brake, the thin lines in the air gradually crisscross through winding all parts of the demolition machinery.

And then


Dr. Davis suddenly howled in pain. The crisscross thin lines, under the control of the leaf brake, kept moving and tightening, and frantically cutting on Dr. Davis.

Even though the white bone was extremely hard, there were still cracks.

What's more, it seems that the bone is really a part of Dr. Davis' body. The wound is very narrow and the depth is not enough to reach Dr. Davis' skin. It just cuts the surface of the bone.

But there was a thick yellowish brown viscous liquid flowing out of the bones, like bone marrow, and it can be seen from Dr. Davis's expression that destroying those bones seems to bring Dr. Davis no small harm.

"But..." Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "not enough!"

Yecha didn't want to kill Dr. Davis because he had some questions to ask.

But it's not enough to keep Dr. Davis quiet!

Ye SHIMENG shook his hand and fixed those thin threads on the manipulator of the dismantling machine, so that Dr. Davis continued to be bound, and then ran forward and jumped up.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

Ye Cha's eyes suddenly became cold. It seemed that he was not fighting, but in the silent night, looking at the bright moon brook, standing with his hands down, drinking a cup of turbid wine to make the world warm and cold.

The next moment, twenty-four cold sword lights gushed out from the tip of the sword in southern Xinjiang at the same time, continuously, crazily and in an endless stream, stabbing Dr. Davis.

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