death train

Chapter 1267

Ye Cha has an impulse of blood gushing out. When it comes to the critical moment, you tell me this?

Dr. Davis glanced at Ye Cha and said, "what's the hurry? I'm just about to talk about the most important information."

Ye Cha resisted the impulse of beating this guy, gritted his teeth and said, "you said."

Dr. Davis said: "I'm sorry that I didn't get the initial zombie virus research, and the initial zombie virus, the real initial zombie virus, may be different from what you understand."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

"Some people think that the first zombie virus to spread is the original zombie virus, and that's wrong," Dr. Davis said

Ye Cha said, "I know that."

Dr. Davis said, "do you know that the virus that produced those viruses in bulk is not the real initial zombie virus?"

Ye Cha frowned.

Dr Davis said: "the zombie viruses that spread and spread to bring the end of life are actually the third version. If you think that the source of those viruses is the original zombie virus, it's a big mistake. It's the second version of the early zombie virus."

Ye Cha's brow is tighter. If it is, there is a slight deviation in his investigation.

The direction of yecha's investigation has always been the earliest viruses. Of course, yecha knows that those viruses are not the initial zombie viruses, but he always thinks that those viruses were developed from the initial zombie viruses.

So, as long as we find the source of these viruses, we should be able to find the initial zombie virus. Therefore, yecha has been looking for the research carried out by CommScope at the same time when the initial virus appeared.

For example, tyrant experiment!

But now it seems that this line is not right, tyrant research related zombie virus, is not the initial zombie virus.

Dr. Davies continued: "according to my communication with Karim, the initial zombie virus has only three bottles, including what I have just said, the essence extracted from something."

Ye Cha said: "where did that thing come from?"

Dr Davis said: "I don't know. I know something about the initial zombie virus. It's all from Karem's mouth, but I haven't really been exposed to the initial zombie virus, but I can provide a list."

The leaf Cha way: "list?"

"It's someone who might have the initial zombie virus," Dr. Davis said

Ye Cha eyes a bright way: "you say."

"I hope you will keep your promise." Dr. Davis took a look at Yasha and said, "Wayne ASTAN and Adams will, like Karem, were the founders of CommScope and competitors of Karem at that time."

Ye Cha and Duolan looked at each other and said, "I haven't heard of it at all."

Dr. Davis said: "it's normal not to have heard of him, because Karem is a pure businessman. He is mainly in charge of the operation of CommScope. Naturally, most people have only heard of him, while Wayne yastan, who is concerned with finance, should have heard of him."

Doran suddenly clapped his head and said, "I know who it is, the financial tycoon."

"Yes." "He was a banker and invested mainly in finance, but also in other investments, such as CommScope, where he was the largest shareholder at the time," Dr. Davis said

Ye Cha said, "what about the other one?"

Dr. Davis said: "Adams will was a pure scientist and one of the few researchers in CommScope who could be compared with me at that time. He was also the original collaborator of Karem and the founder of CommScope."

Yecha said: "one of them killed Karem and took away the original zombie virus."

Dr. Davis said: "yes, the two of them are the most likely. At that time, CommScope was not stable. The three factions referred to the three founders. At the same time, Wayne ASTAN is more likely because he is in charge of CommScope. Adams will is a relatively pure scientist and has a deep relationship with Karem A good friendship. "

The leaf Cha lightly rubs the tiger mouth way: "still have?"

"There are two other people," Dr. Davis said. "One is seshens derrido and the other is Martha Miller."

"I know Martha Miller. He's Karem's wife," Doran said

"Strictly speaking, it's lovers. They're not married," Dr. Davis said

"The whole world thinks they're husband and wife," Doran said in surprise

Dr. Davis said: "it doesn't matter. In a word, she was an ambitious woman. She was with Karem for money and power. At the same time, she was also one of the leaders of CommScope. She was the leader of the same faction with Karem. When Karem died, she was alive, which was an abnormal thing in itself."

Ye Cha said, "well, what about the other one?"

"Seshens?" "He's not from CommScope, he's from the military," Dr. Davis said

Ye Cha doubts a way: "army headquarters?"Dr. Davis said: "the most important thing in the history of CommScope's success is that it has the support of the military department, or the official support. Mr. seshens is the representative of the military department, but how can we say that he is a greedy guy. On the one hand, he uses Karem's support to gain power in the military department, and on the other hand, he makes some shady deals with Karem in private, which is the most important thing And then he used these deals to threaten Karem. "

When Dr. Davis mentioned seshens, he was obviously very shameless, although yecha also felt that this guy was really wicked.

According to Dr. Davis, the guy named seshens is not greedy any more. Instead, he has eaten his master and Western family, and he has to blackmail his master after finishing his work. This is not even the most basic moral and face.

Dr. Davis said: "there is no military headquarters at the moment, of course, but Mr. seshens is still alive. He is the right-hand man of Wayne yastan, but we all know what kind of guy seshens is. I think Wayne yastan should have made a deal with him."

Ye Cha said: "the content of the transaction is likely to involve the initial zombie virus?"

"Yes." Dr Davies said: "seshens knows about the initial zombie virus, and has a private deal with Karem. He can not tell the military department about the initial zombie virus. Of course, the condition is a lot of money."

Ye Cha pondered for a moment, and then said: "I am very satisfied with the information you provided. I will take you back, but I don't guarantee your life safety. That is to say, after taking you back, if other people want to kill you, I don't care. I don't care. Do you understand?"

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