death train

Chapter 1270

Ye Cha soon felt that he had made a choice phobia.

On the one hand, it is the clue provided by Dr. Davis. For the initial zombie virus exploration, we finally have a relatively clear goal. Let alone, yecha has some clues in this aspect.

The question is where to start.

Another reason for yecha to feel that he has selection phobia is that there is only one dose of evolutionary medicine, which means that yecha can only choose one kind of alien evolution.

Consul, corpse flower, little cat, it's really hard to choose.

As for lethality, ye Cha was one of them, but lethality clearly told ye Cha that the medicine had no effect on him. Although he didn't explain it, his tone was obviously disdainful, just like higher creatures evaluating lower creatures.

So, the question is, who should choose the remaining three?

For yecha, corpse flower is the elder of three dynasties. And, to be honest, corpse flower is easy to use after many times of evolution.

The consul is also very powerful, and has evolved through the flesh and blood of the apostles. Can he evolve again through the evolution potion?

Little kitten is the most embarrassing, because, did not grow up.

It can't be said that the kitten is useless to yecha, but it's really useless in terms of combat effectiveness. This time, the landlady clearly told yecha that evolutionary medicine can make the kitten grow up at least two stages.

In other words, the kitten will go directly beyond infancy and growth to reach the level of maturity, and then grow to full body.

In terms of combat effectiveness, although the combat effectiveness in the mature stage is not complete, it has at least combat effectiveness.

What a tangle!

Ye Cha is a decisive person, but in the face of "how to choose seems to be right" this situation, ye Cha also got the fear of choice, because how to choose seems to be good.

"How about a coin?"

Ye Cha murmured, then heartbroken to find that there are only two sides of the coin.

Ye Cha spent several days in the tangle, and finally chose to use the evolutionary medicine on the little cat.

There are two reasons why Ye Cha made such a choice.

The first reason is that he doesn't have time to continue to experience the fear of choice, because he's going to perform the task.

As the purview of the purser, ye Cha has run out of vacation, and the conductor and the Deputy conductor do not give the task. For the next task of purser, ye Cha will either assign his own purser or have to work by himself.

The second reason is that there is a corpse of water spirit Moya in yecha.

The most direct way for yecha to use corpses is to feed his own xenobiotics. In fact, the corpse can be used as a material to make some medicine or other things.

But it is evolution that maximizes the role of the Apostle cell.

So, that's the result.

At present, as a humanoid alien creature, the archon has the greatest potential in this aspect. After all, humanoid is the form of higher intelligent creature and the most balanced combat form.

As a matter of fact, the consul is the only one who relies on the flesh and blood of Yan's son at present. Because she is afraid of fire, Shi Hua's absorption of the flesh and blood of Yan's son is much slower.

But the small ancient cat is because own strength is not strong enough, causes the absorption to be too slow.

In this way, it is obvious that the corpse of Moya is not suitable for the evolution of kitten. After all, the flesh and blood of the son of Lian Yan has not been absorbed.

But there is no such problem between the consul and the corpse flower. The consul has digested the flesh and blood of Yan's son. Although the corpse flower has no joke, it is mainly because of its characteristics. But because it has absorbed the ice flower, the corpse flower should get twice the result with half the effort in absorbing the flesh and blood of the water spirit Moya.

As a result, the leaf brake does not need headache to choose phobia finally.

The evolutionary medicine given by the Deputy conductor is quite easy to use. Almost at the moment of injection, the kitten has a significant change.

Roar, roar

Little cat lay on the floor, claws constantly scratched the ground, leaving a scratch, the whole body bowed up.

Then ye Cha saw the little cat's body, constantly shed red blood.

Ye Cha didn't make a fuss, because it was normal. The body of the little cat was getting bigger and bigger. How could the flesh and blood not be torn.

At the same time, in addition to the body gradually getting bigger, the coat color of the kitten is gradually becoming brighter, as smooth as silk, but now it is completely glued together by blood.

This change lasted for about three hours. Yecha's personal carriage was almost torn down by little kitten, with scratches everywhere. At the same time, little kitten finally ended the change.

The kitten is the size of an ordinary leopard. When it opens its mouth, it can see its sharp tusks. The two sides of its upper jaw are extremely sharp and narrow.

Walking slowly, the momentum of the kitten has completely changed. As a cub, the kitten once felt like a pet.

Well, the little ancient cat has completely become a beast, and it's still a very dangerous beast.The awakening of ancient blood makes the wild nature of little ancient cat show incisively and vividly.

The most important thing is that the kitten has the ancestry of cats and dogs, which will naturally suppress these two creatures.

For example, Gan Lin's dark earth wolf just has a certain fear for the kitten, so it will be alert.

Well, now that the little ancient cat meets the dark earth wolf, yecha guarantees that the dark earth wolf doesn't even dare to stand up. Even the mature little ancient cat still can't beat the dark earth wolf 100%, but his blood has been fully awakened.

This is pure blood oppression!

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes, then stretched out his hand and said, "come here."

Because of the forced evolution and growth, little kitten was weak, but she still ran to yecha. Yecha scratched her chin, and she immediately showed an expression of enjoyment.

Ye Cha is very satisfied with this. He doesn't care much about combat effectiveness. After all, it's a mature period, and Xiao Gu Mao will definitely get a certain combat effectiveness. However, if he doesn't grow up completely, his combat effectiveness will be limited.

There is not much expectation in this aspect.

What ye Cha cares about is that when the kitten grows up, it will certainly be fierce. Although Ye Cha needs it, because ye Cha raises an ancient beast rather than a meow star man, what about the loyalty of the kitten?

Will the ferocity of wild animals reduce the loyalty of kittens?

At present, it seems that the loyalty of the little cat is still the same, which makes Ye Cha completely relieved.

"In that case..." Ye Cha patted the cat's head with a smile and said, "go and have a rest. After you recover, we should arrive at the next stop."

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