death train

Chapter 1279

"Ah Damon gave a low roar and yelled at the other man: "if you don't want to die, you can go together!"

Damon flew towards the leaf brake and raised his fist to the leaf brake.

Ye Cha didn't mean to move when he stood in the same place, but at the moment when Damon's fist was about to blow on Ye Cha's face, a small corpse vine suddenly appeared behind Damon and directly wrapped Damon's throat.

"I know where your confidence comes from." Ye Cha looked at Damon and said, "your fist seems to have some special ability to directly destroy the target's internal tissue, right?"

Ye Cha's face didn't hide the color of cruelty.

This kind of ability similar to the dark force is very terrible, because it can defeat the strong with the weak.

Usually, when there is a huge gap in strength, the weak side is totally unable to cause damage to the other side, so the battle is meaningless, even unable to break the defense. What about fighting?

However, this kind of ability can ignore this point, even if there is a huge gap in strength, as long as it can form effective killing, it has the possibility of winning.

"But..." Ye Cha disdained to say: "why do you think you can hit me, even close to me?"

When ye Cha spoke, the attack did not stop, because the corpse flower vine was tightening.

The feeling of suffocation soon enveloped Damon's whole body. It was a very painful feeling.

Damon's face began to turn blue, his eyes turned red because of congestion, and his mouth even began to drool.

"Shock, shock..."

Damon clenched his teeth and put his hand on the vine.

The next moment, with a bang, the corpse flower vine around Damon's neck broke into pieces and scattered on the ground.

Damon didn't even take a breath, but red eyes rushed to the leaf brake again.

And then

Damon's body froze in the moment of jumping out, and his eyes were staring.

Slowly, Damon's body emerged a very thin blood line, and then the body began to dislocation, into pieces of meat, fell to the ground.

The girl not far behind the leaf brake even covered her mouth and retched.

And in mid air, because of the blood, a very thin thread also emerged at this moment, which was also covered with blood beads.

The boundary of strings: the crisscross strings are used to create the boundary. At night or in the dark environment, the strings can be hidden. For the target running into the boundary of strings at high speed, it can cause great damage.

Ye Cha ignores those corpses and looks at the remaining man.

The man repeatedly retreated, directly back to those who blocked the way to the edge of the corpse flower vine.

Although Damon said together, although he is ready, since Ye Cha won't let them go, it's better to fight.

However, the other side obviously didn't expect that Damon would die without completing an attack.

The two are not the same level of strength at all.

Is this the horror of the purser?

Just as ye Cha once shocked the power of the conductor and the Deputy conductor, now ye Cha stands in front of each other, bringing only shock and fear to each other.


The man opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in an instant, a corpse vine came out of the ground behind him and pierced his body.

The blood flowed down the front end of the vine, then suddenly pulled out, bringing out a gorgeous blood flower, scattered all over the ground.

Plop, the other side fell to the ground, the body constantly twitching.

Ye Cha turned around, looked at the girl and said, "we meet again."

The girl showed a bit of fear. The man around her immediately protected the girl behind her. A blood colored crystal grew in her palm and condensed into a blood sword.

"Don't be so wary." Ye Cha said: "or do you think the alert is useful? I believe you should see it. "

Ye Cha spread his hand and pointed to the corpses on the ground.

Ye Cha said: "I'm more ferocious than them, and you were almost killed by these miscellaneous fish."

The man said, "what do you want?"

Ye Cha said: "don't worry, I don't intend to kill you. Let's have a chat first."

Ye Cha said as he walked into the room.

Girls and men are very alert, but they don't know what to do.

Ye Cha's voice came from the room and said: "the corpse flower vine is sealed all around. You can't run away. Besides, don't you care about this half dead guy in the room? It's just a few words. I want to kill you already. "

The girl and the man looked at each other, and finally chose to enter the room.

Ye Cha leaned against the shabby sofa, then took out a tube of cell active agents, and said with fun: "the top therapeutic agents can save the half dead guy. If you answer the questions honestly, you can take them away."The girl was obviously worried about her companion and immediately said, "what do you want to know?"

The man is more vigilant and pulls the girl behind her.

Ye Cha said, "introduce yourself first."

The man said, "Ford babley."

The girl whispered, "Serena Abby demarchus."

Ye Cha said: "I think you have some misunderstanding. I mean self introduction, not name, which is useless code. I want to know your origin and..."

Ye Cha stretched out his hand and shook it up and down. He didn't know how to describe their physical condition.

A moment later, ye Cha said, "let's just say evolution or mutation."

"We were exposed to radiation and that's what happened," Ford said

Ye Chadian then waved his hand and said, "I understand your vigilance to me, but if you keep this attitude, I'm afraid our chat will be very difficult."

Yecha throws the cell active agent on the ground, and then raises his foot to step down.

"No!" The girl named Serena said in a loud voice, "we will answer the questions well. Please don't do that."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "then, please continue."

Serena said: "we used to be residents here. Ford was a worker at the nuclear power plant. So was my father. The zombies attacked the nuclear power plant and caused the accident. Everyone was just busy running for their lives. No one wanted to prevent the leakage."

Ye Cha said: "so, what are you like now?"

"We didn't have time to escape the nuclear power plant because there were zombies all around, and then our bodies slowly began to change, and finally became what they are now. My father speculated that it was probably caused by radiation," Serena said excitedly

"Radiation?" Ye Cha pondered for a while and said, "I understand. To sum up your ability, through my observation, you can make this kind of strange crystal, right?"

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