death train

Chapter 1304

At the same time, the bird struggled to get up from the ground, but because it was still wrapped with thin thread, it directly hit the tree on the side.

The big tree that needed three people to embrace was directly broken, but it didn't fall down. After tilting, it was supported by other big trees.

But because of the rupture of the tree, the structure of the boundary of the string was destroyed, and the poisonous crested bird finally broke free.

The shrill sound sounded again, and then the poisonous crested bird rushed to the leaf brake.

Ye Cha took off the cloth bag with black iron sand from his waist and scattered the black iron sand towards the front.

The black iron sand covered the sight of the poisonous crested bird. Ye Cha took the opportunity to jump to the side to avoid the collision of the poisonous crested bird.

"If the surface defense is too strong." Ye Cha said: "how about destroying from the inside?"

Ye Cha's fingers glided slightly in the air, and then the black sand suddenly surged to the wound that was pierced by Ye Cha, and quickly got into the wound of poisonous crested bird.

The next moment, the bird screamed in pain, and then began to gush blood, because the black iron sand constantly stirred in the body, the bird was extremely painful.

Ye Cha clenched his fist and said, "the last blow!"

It's too late!

Ye Cha clenched his fist, and then the harsh sound of electric current suddenly appeared. With Ye Cha's fist toward the front, an electric current ran forward, accurately poisoning the guanniao's body.

"You killed poisonous crowns, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: poisonous crowns."

"You killed the poisonous crested bird, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: seven color feather."

"You killed poisonous crested bird, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: Dinosaur scale."

The poisonous crested bird's body is entangled with electric current, twitching constantly on the ground, and finally completely does not move, and the mysterious sound prompt also appears at this time.

Yecha pulls out the Alaskan whaling fork and starts cutting the crown of the bird.

Just cut off the poison crown, Nie Po's voice suddenly rang out behind the leaf brake: "yes, it's getting stronger and stronger. Even this kind of guy is so simple."

Ye Cha looked back, and then said, "you can do it, too. If it wasn't for the strong toxin, the poisonous crown bird can't reach the king's level."

"It's mainly about avoiding each other's strengths." Nie Po nodded, then said: "hurry up, I have a little found."

Ye Cha quickly disposed of the body of the bird, and then turned around and said, "how?"

Nie po said, "just follow me to have a look."

Nie Po waved his hand and took the leaf brake to the front. Soon, he came to the front of a big tree. Nie Po patted several trunk roads and said, "look for yourself."

Ye Cha stretched out his finger and touched the trunk of the tree: "scratch, dagger."

Nie po said: "yes, it's easy to get lost in the woods, so experienced people will leave marks at a distance."

Yecha said, "CommScope?"

Nie po said: "it's not good. The other two purses are also possible."

Ye Cha said: "can you trace it?"

Nie po said: "of course we can track if there is a mark, but we don't know what direction the other side is going. Moreover, as I said just now, it's easy to get lost in the dense forest. The other side may change direction when they are walking, so it's not easy even if we can track."

Ye Cha nodded and whistled.

The snow God flew down from the branch and stood on yecha's shoulder.

Ye Cha took out a few raw meat sticks and put them into the mouth of ice and snow God, and said, "go and slide around to see if there is anyone around. Don't attack, don't scare the snake, just come back and report to me."

Nie po said, "you've made good things again."

Ye Cha said: "it's OK. I haven't tried the battle yet. I don't know how."

Ye Cha said as he picked up the communicator.

"I'm sensing. I can be close to you in about 30 minutes."

"I don't know where."

Ye Yue has the ability of perception. It's not difficult for her to gather. Feilong is more troublesome. After they answer, Comus simply gives a coordinate.

Nie po said with a smile: "that guy of Comus seems to be a professional."

Ye Cha shrugged his shoulders and said, "Nie Po and I are still in the same place. You come and gather. Ye Yue will pick up Feilong."

Ye Yue complains a few, ye Cha says directly: "he is your bodyguard."

Ye Yue's resentment is very obvious. If you want to be a bodyguard, you have to be a nanny first.

At the end of the communication, ye Cha hung the phosphor on his waist, opened the lid, and found that the powder did not come out. It was obvious that there were no ancient species around.

Nie po said, "what's our goal?"

Ye Cha said: "the priority is to find people from CommScope first. I'm not interested in monitoring them to find ancient species. It's too troublesome. I can just find a way to kill them all."Nie Po nodded and said, "the people of CommScope are dead. Naturally, they can't hunt any ancient species from here. This task is completed."

Ye Cha said: "in addition, we can start from the aspect of CommScope. Since they want to capture the steel tyrant, they must have this information. At least they have a way to find the steel tyrant."

Nie Po nodded again, and then said, "what about Samuel? Do you want to find a way to stare? "

Yecha said: "of course, if we can determine the trace of Samur and Ganlin, naturally it is the best, but we do not stare at samer, but at Ganlin."

Nie Po doubts a way: "eh?"

Yecha said: "I think that even if you kill the people of samer, between me and Ganlin, samer is more like killing Ganlin. Moreover, this is the trouble caused by that woman."

Nie broke a little bit, and immediately understood: "Gan Lin starts, we can depend on the situation, and if she doesn't, we'll never do it. Anyway, we can't be cannon fodder."

Ye Cha nodded his head and said: "if Ganlin has a fight with samer, then, since samer has already been hostile to me, I don't mind sending him on the road. But if I want to play the vanguard for Ganlin, I'm not so stupid, and I don't think samer will be stupid enough to find me first."

Nie Po nodded and said, "I understand..."

Nie breaks to open mouth, originally still want to say what, but at this time suddenly of abrupt stop.

In the waist of Nie Po and ye Cha, the fluorescent powder is slowly pouring out of the jar, which looks like an hourglass, and drifting towards the front.

Ye Cha and Nie Po look at each other. There is only one possibility in this situation, that is

The ancient species of Zunwang level!

Ye Cha put his head down and said, "go and have a look."

Nie po said, "tell the others and let them be careful."

Ye Cha nodded and motioned Nie Po to open the way, then took out the communicator and said: "pay attention to the position, there are ancient activities of Zunwang level nearby."

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