death train

Chapter 1306

Yecha finally saw the appearance of the ancient species. It was a very strange dinosaur.

The dinosaur's body was like the epidermis of a tree, even covered with a lot of vines and green moss.

So, when the dinosaur curled up and couldn't see his head, it was like several big trees crisscrossed together, which was why Ye Cha and Nie Po found out where this guy was, and in fact it was behind Nie Po.

When Nie Po's body leaned up, it startled the giant.

Nie Po's reaction is very quick, immediately understand that just Ye Cha saved himself, a carp beat up from the ground, without hesitation with a gun.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

Although the skin of this dinosaur was like a tree, it was obviously just like a tree. The bullet hit on it and could not cause substantial damage.

Nie Po shot at Ye Cha and said: "the advantages and disadvantages of Tianwang rifle are obvious. It's highly functional and targeted, but its power is really poor. It's very good to deal with human beings and zombies, but it's quite the same to deal with ancient species, especially those with high defense."

As Nie po said, he put the king of heaven rifle on his body again, replaced it with the tiger king rifle on his back, and shot at the dinosaur. He used the explosive bullet, and the killing immediately increased obviously. The dinosaur was blown off a piece of scales.

"All weapons have their own characteristics. You can't expect omnipotence." Ye Cha ran and turned over the picture below and said, "I found it. This guy is a hundred year old dragon, King Zun 2 star."

Nie po said, "what about the characteristics?"

Ye Cha said: "attack high, defense high, no special ability, can disguise as a tree."

Ye Cha quickly put the picture book in place, and then watched the hundred year old dragon turn around towards Nie Po, without hesitation.

Thunder kill!

Zila's sound, accompanied by Ye Cha's fist, a current flashed forward and hit the Centennial dragon's body.

This hundred year old dragon is not generally strong. After being bombarded by an electric current, its body didn't even shake, but there was a burnt black mark on its body.

At the same time, the current that hit the Centennial dragon did not dissipate, but became a very thin current, winding around the Centennial dragon's body.

Ye Cha immediately ran back to the runway: "walking and fighting, this guy is paralyzed."

The maximum attack distance of thunder kill is 30 meters. There is a 50% probability that it will have paralysis effect. There are many kinds of paralysis effect, and the paralysis effect of thunder kill is to reduce the movement ability.

The Centennial dragon doesn't look like an ancient species that moves very fast. It's very difficult to catch up with Ye Cha and Nie Po after reducing the movement ability.

"The destroyer raised his cannonball

The exterminator quickly transformed into a gun tube, and then the yecha fired a pulse bomb forward.

Bang, bang, bang!

Positioning blasting!

Three pulse bombs directly overlapped in an area, then exploded, a large blue light with the explosion scattered.

This Centennial dragon is more solid than you can imagine. The damage caused by pulse bomb is not high, but the location blasting is different.

Positioning blasting is not a simple one plus one equals two. When the blasting area overlaps, the power is multiplied.

The hundred year old dragon was severely pushed out by the impact of the explosion. At the same time, it was finally injured. A huge blood hole was blown out on the side of its body. The skin was completely broken, and there was a piece of rotten flesh and blood.

In fact, compared with the power of positioning explosion, centenarian dragon's defense is more amazing.

At the same time, a figure suddenly jumped up from the back of the Centennial dragon, went up to the back of the Centennial dragon, drew out a dagger and stabbed the Centennial dragon fiercely.

The dagger could not pierce the Centennial dragon's body at all. Then the Centennial dragon roared, and its body kept shaking, throwing people down directly.

The figure that appeared was Comus.

Ye Cha yelled: "with Nie Po's walking position, you go to the oblique rear to attack, don't stick to your body, this guy's speed is very slow."

Comus nodded his understanding and immediately ran to the rear.

Ye Cha released the pulse bomb continuously, but there was no time to fill it. Instead, he directly replaced it with an endless bow, opened the bow string, and continuously shot through the arrow at the centenary dragon.

Comus also has something in his hand. This guy used a Gauss gun. It's not a mass-produced commodity. At first glance, it's a treasure list, or it's made according to the drawings.

The Gauss gun was quite large, black, almost to the chest of Comus, and it was very thick. The widest part of the gun body was almost as thick as the waist of a normal adult male.

Of course, the power can't be underestimated. However, after watching Comus fire two shots, ye Cha found that the shortcomings of this Gauss gun were obvious. The shooting speed was terrible. He fired two shots in 30 seconds.

On the other side, after Nie Po's continuous shooting, he quietly went around to the side of the Centennial dragon."Mirror umbrella!"

Nie Po threw a cylindrical metal into the air, and then in mid air, the metal column suddenly opened, forming an octagonal shape, similar to the shape of an umbrella.

However, this umbrella has no handle, and the bottom of the umbrella surface is a piece of glass.

"Bombing and shooting!"

Nie Po raised the muzzle of his gun and pulled the trigger towards the umbrella. When the bullet entered the umbrella, it rebounded vertically and fell in the direction of centenarian dragon.

Change the trajectory?

That's meaningless!

The Centennial dragon's body is huge and its moving speed is not fast. It doesn't need to make an article on the trajectory. Even shooting with eyes closed, it can accurately hit the Centennial dragon!

That mirror umbrella can obviously strengthen the attack!

Falling bullets, with a red light, straight down, like a beam of light, continue to bomb on the centenary dragon.

The Centennial dragon kept roaring. After the bullets hit, they kept leaving blood holes about the size of fists on the Centennial dragon.

The blood hole is not big or deep. It's about half an inch deep. However, it's the damage caused by bullets. When dealing with ancient species, bullets never judge their power by single kill.

It's quantity!

There are so many blood holes on the back of centenarian dragon, which is very terrible.

However, the paralyzed state can't last forever. After the three men's constant attacks, the arc around the Centennial dragon finally began to dissipate, which means that the Centennial dragon will be separated from the paralyzed state.

The next moment, the Centennial dragon's speed suddenly accelerated, like a giant tank, toward the direction of Comus.

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