death train

Chapter 1310

Ice and snow God is very clever to draw a circle on the ground with his paw, and then put some stones in the circle.

However, this expression still needs to be guessed.

Circle? Stone?

Stone should not be stone, but refers to some stones. Circle is probably an area, that is, what is in a certain area?

At this time, the snow God went to the tent and scratched it with his paw.

Ye Cha eyes a bright way: "you found a lot of tents?"

If that's the case, it's likely to find CommScope's campsite.

But the snow God shook his head and continued to scratch the tent with his paws.

Yecha said: "you mean, found a lot of things like tents, but not such tents."

Ye Cha's eyes are still bright, because in this case, it is still likely to be a camp.

Ye Cha said, "is there a human being?"

The snow God nods again.

Ye Cha immediately said, "great."

"It's so noisy." Ye Yue yawns and gets her head out of the tent. Superman is sensitive to the surroundings. Because of her perceptual ability, she finds out when the ice God scratches the tent. Yawning, she says to Ye Cha, "what's the matter?"

"Good news." Ye Cha said to Ye Yue, then raised his voice and said, "get up, all of you. You've found something."

The leaf Cha will others all give to shout, then quickly pack up a thing.

Nie Po rubbed his face and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Cha said, "if you find something, go and have a look."

Everyone is very agile. They are not here to play. When they have news, they should go immediately.

Although yecha limited the area of ice and snow God to search, it was obviously far away this time. Yecha asked the consul to take a step first and be responsible for reconnaissance. If there are ancient species that delay time, the strong ones will bypass and the weak ones will be killed naturally.

In about two hours, yecha arrived at the place where ice God found it. After climbing up the tree, yecha took out his telescope and looked at it. Then he said, "the camp of CommScope company is about 30 people, but there seems to be no one in the camp at present."

It was a camp built in the woods. Obviously, it was a waste of thought, because the trees around were cut down to clear up a space. At the same time, those trees were also used.

The main body of the camp is still military tents, but there are two simple wooden houses, with a protective fence made of wood on the outside, a damp proof mat near the corner, and a shed made of wood. Inside are stacked military material boxes.

The leaf Cha blew a whistle, the small ancient cat lying on the edge of the tree immediately stood up.

As soon as ye Cha waved his hand, the little ancient cat went towards the camp, and then climbed over the outer guardrail, entered the camp, and quickly shuttled back and forth.

About five minutes later, the kitten jumped onto the guardrail and held her head high.

Ye Cha jumped down from the tree and said, "the little cat has seen it. There is no one in the camp."

Nie po said: "this place is not like an abandoned camp."

Ye Cha said, "go and have a look first."

Yecha took the lead to enter the camp. The camp was very empty. As expected, there was no one. Everyone scattered and walked towards different tents and wooden houses.

Ye Cha glanced at the nearest tent. There were some bunks in it, probably where the armed men were sleeping. Ye Cha simply walked into a simple wooden house.

Entering the cabin, ye Cha saw a large number of unknown instruments, and even several of them were still running, but ye Cha couldn't understand them.

Ye Cha carefully searched the wooden house, mainly for instruments. A shelf was made on one side of the wall, on which there were some daily necessities, including toothbrushes, towels and so on.

Ye Cha guessed that this is the place where research institutes work, but sleep is not here, because they can't sleep. But researchers, in such an environment, it is possible to work continuously and use intermittent breaks to replace sleep.

At this time, Comus walked into the cabin and said, "it doesn't feel right."

Ye Cha said: "I can see that the instrument is still working, but there is no one. This is unreasonable. Moreover, armed personnel may go out, but researchers generally will not. However, the strange thing is that there is no trace of fighting."

Comus was stunned.

The leaf Cha way: "how?"

"I'm not quite right," he said. "It's not that."

Ye Cha said, "what have you found?"

"Those green canvas tents are military goods and high-end goods, but where we camped yesterday, they were not self-made simple tents," he said

Yecha thought about it for a moment, and then said, "do you mean the tent yesterday was not from CommScope? But the problem is that it doesn't seem to be left by other purses. "

"Intelligence is limited, so it's impossible to infer," said Comus

"There can't be anyone else." Ye Cha hesitated and said: "it's hard to say that those guys who often make trouble for us are there?"Comus said, "the apostles walk?"

Ye Cha nodded.

There are two things that the apostles pursue when they walk. The first one is the legacy of ancient civilization, which has been contested several times. The second one is the apostles.

The constellation project involves the apostles.

Although the information provided by Dr. Davis did not mention this point, the landlady once communicated with yecha and found the Apostle cells in the body of Scorpio.

In this case, the Apostle walk has the possibility to explore the constellation plan, and the activity mode of the Apostle walk is similar to that of the members of the death train. Unlike CommScope, the larger the mission, the more people will be dispatched.

Therefore, if the apostles are also walking, the small tent that can accommodate up to two people is likely to be left behind by the Apostles' walking.

"It's very annoying if those annoying guys come and join in." The leaf Cha held chin to ponder a way: "go, see if other people have found."

Yecha walked out of the hut, and other people almost finished visiting the place of their choice. This camp covers a large area, but its scale is not large. There are only tents and huts.

Nie Po took the lead in saying: "there's a problem. It seems that something happened here. People here certainly didn't leave normally. There was a cup of coffee in the room, and they didn't even drink it, but there was no trace of fighting."

"It's almost the same here," she said

Feilong, you don't have to ask for his opinion.

Ye Cha said: "how can such a situation be formed?"

Nie po said: "of course, there are many ways. The most simple and direct way is to use the overpowering drug. In this way, we can fight and take people away."

"Ganlin? Samuel Ye Cha shook his head and said, "it's impossible. With their strength, they should not engage in such tricks."

Nie po said: "I suggest you go around and have a look. Maybe you can find something. The scale here can accommodate at least 30 people. It's troublesome to take 30 people away. Maybe you can find something left behind."

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