death train

Chapter 1315

However, how to look at this Raptor, sooner or later, will be finished, that Raptor is too weak.

"Hello, hello..." Ye Cha patted each other's face and called: "how can you be here? Who brought you here?"

"The devil..." The Raptor groaned, "demon man."

"Hello, Hello!"

Ye Cha yelled and patted each other's cheek, but after reluctantly saying the two words, the breath of the Dragon Warrior suddenly became very weak and completely fainted.

It doesn't take long for this Raptor to wake up.

"Damn it." The leaf Cha low scolds a way: "the devil person is what thing?"

In fact, ye Cha felt that these two words seemed familiar, as if he had heard or seen them somewhere.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

At this time, the rapid gunfire suddenly rang out, it came from the top of the cave.

Nie Po is fighting!

Ye Cha immediately raised his arm and aimed the wall climbing claw given by the landlady at the top of the cave.

A hook claw launched out, directly hung on the edge of the hole, and then constantly contracted to pull the leaf brake up.

Ye Cha came out of the hole, and then saw a black figure swept out of his head and hit the ground.

It's Nie Po!

On the other side, there are creatures fighting with Nie Po.

"This is..." Ye chadun said: "ancient species?"

The creature fighting with Nie Po looks like a man. However, the man has no clothes on. His body is covered with long brown hair and only shows his eyes. He looks like a savage.

Nie broke a carp, turned over and got up from the ground and said, "be careful."

When Nie Po shouts out, the savage has rushed towards Ye cha.

How fast!

That savage's running speed is very fast, and the running posture is very strange, it looks like a beast, with four limbs on the bottom, but in fact, the forelimb is suspended, and he quickly comes to yecha's side.

Huge fist, suddenly toward the leaf brake's face door blew to come over.


Ye Cha wants to dodge, but it's too late. He has to cross his arms instinctively and take the opponent's fist hard. Then ye Cha comes to the same end as Nie Po and is kicked out with a fist.

Hit on the ground, ye Cha bared his teeth, and then turned over to get up and said: "extreme physical fitness evolution?"

Nie po said: "I don't know, but I'm sure I'm physically strong, powerful, fast and defensive. For the time being, I haven't found any other means of attack besides physical attack."

When Nie Po was talking, the savage rushed towards them again, but he couldn't rush to them this time.

At the moment of speeding up, the little ancient cat suddenly rushed out from the side, bit the savage's arm, and threw the savage at him, but the little ancient cat's strength was obviously not enough.

The savage rolled twice on the ground, threw his arm directly, threw the kitten out, and then climbed up from the ground, but at this time, the temperature around the savage dropped sharply.

The God of ice and snow flew over the head of the savage, and then ice and snow appeared around the savage, surrounded the savage's body, and a layer of frost quickly appeared on the brown hair.

The savage's body was obviously shaking violently. At this time, the ice god suddenly fell from the air and showed his claws.

Poof, accompanied by the snow God flying from the savage side, the savage's shoulder will be torn off a piece of flesh and blood, purplish red blood will be soaked in hair.

The savage beat his chest like an orangutan, with a strange roar in his throat. At the same time, his body vibrated, shaking down the frost on his body.

But at this time, ye Cha came to the savage.


Ye Cha's arm suddenly swelled up, and his muscles were full of two circles, and then he punched his opponent.


Fist and fist collision, this is the most direct contest, and then the savage was a blow fly out.

In the intermission of the battle, ye Cha actually noticed a small detail.

The phosphor powder cover on Ye Cha's waist was not covered, but no phosphor powder floated out.

It means two possibilities. This guy is not an ancient one.

Or, not to the level of king.

Yecha is inclined to the latter. If it is not an ancient species, it is only possible that there is a third party besides them and CommScope.

This may not be very big. Moreover, the other party is just like a person. It doesn't feel like a person.

Therefore, the blade brake chooses hard to hard.

Facts have proved that ye Cha's feeling is right. The savage's physical quality is not weak, which makes people feel very strong, but the real confrontation is not so strong.

The extreme evolution of physical fitness belongs to the more extreme type. It feels that there is some deviation from the actual level.When ye Cha was thinking about it, the savage had already turned over and got up from the ground. He roared towards Ye Cha, and then quickly approached and hit Ye cha.

However, the fist failed to hit yecha.

Nie Po raised his hand in the rear, and the open crossbow suddenly fired the arrow, which hit the savage's knee.

The savage's defense seems to be good. Although the crossbow caused damage to the other side, it didn't penetrate the other side's body, but it still made the savage stagger.

Ye Cha took the opportunity to clench his fist, and then a hard blow.


Ye Cha blows a fist on the savage's face, blows the savage to fly out, then fiercely raises his hand, five fingers slightly curved.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon!

Strong suction appeared, and the famous savage was forced to suck over. Ye Cha reached out and grabbed each other's neck, then smashed down toward the ground.

Bang, the savage's back hit the ground and broke the ground.

Ye Cha said: "it's very easy to know what you are. Kill you and listen to the mysterious voice

When ye Cha said something, he raised his fist again and planned to blow it down towards the savage's head.

But in this moment

A dizzy feeling suddenly hit, ye Cha shook his head, feeling everything in front of him was spinning. The savage pushed Ye Cha to the bottom and ran directly towards the stone steps.

Nie Po ran up to hold Ye Cha and said, "what's the matter? Are you all right? "


Ye Cha got up with Nie Po's help, but his dizziness didn't recede. Everything around him was spinning, so ye Cha couldn't stand still and sat on the ground again.

"Leave me alone." The leaf Cha clenches teeth a way: "chase that guy first, make clear that guy is what thing again."

Nie Po nodded and immediately ran after the stone steps.

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