death train

Chapter 1319

This change is really very abrupt. When ye Cha's several people react, those faint ones have rushed over.

The two ends of them pounce on the leaf brake, and the whole person is like hanging on the leaf brake. They open their mouths and bite at the leaf brake.

"Get out of here!"

The leaf brake roared, and a large amount of electric current suddenly gushed out of his body.


The electric current sound of Zila is very harsh, and the two Youwei are blasted out directly, rolling on the ground continuously, and their bodies are scorched black.

On the other side, Nie Po's eyes were sharp, and he shot directly. A butt of the gun smashed a faint one to the ground. Then the muzzle of the gun tilted to the other side and suddenly pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The gunshot suddenly rang out. The bullet pierced another Youwei's instep. That Youwei was in pain and squatted down. Then Nie Po raised the muzzle of the gun and knocked that Youwei down.

Gun fighting is really a kind of magical fighting skill. Combined with shooting and close combat, the attack can't be prevented. For a while and a half, those subtle people keep approaching, but they can't attack Nie Po.

Compared with Nie Po, Comus is more violent. He blows a Youwei out directly and is knocked down by a Youwei from behind.

Comus rolled twice on the ground, stabilized himself, swung the Gauss gun round and swept forward.


One of Youwei was smashed in the right direction, leaning towards the rear.

It's pure fighting. It's not brute force.

However, what Comus is good at is not this type. Unexpectedly, this guy is actually a type of fighting with weapons by using high-tech props.

"Ion shield!"

Comus took out a metal ball and pressed it toward his chest. The metal ball stuck to Comus' chest, and a light gold mask appeared around Comus' body.

Around the faint have come flying, but the golden mask to the isolation outside.

Comus set the muzzle of the gun and said, "go to die!"

Comus pulled the trigger.

The Gauss gun was powerful, and the power of close firing was even more terrible. After hitting a hermit, he blasted the hermit out at least five meters away, with a big hole in his chest, and his body was directly pierced.

The mysterious voice sounded in Comus' ear, but Comus didn't have time to care. He killed each other and got the Apocalypse reward, because more subtle rushed on.

And when it comes to melee, Fat Dragon is the most fierce one.

Feilong, who had been watching the opera before, finally got the chance to play. He cried, raised the palm of the palm fan and covered it in front of him.

Bang, that faint head directly burst open, tianlinggai collapse, a piece of flesh and blood.

And when the Fat Dragon attacks, there are other faint rushes around. They jump on the fat dragon one after another and attack constantly.

However, the Fat Dragon's body hanging two or three faint, but it seems that there is no sense of the appearance, stride forward.

"Can't eat, can't eat, what can't eat should be destroyed."

Feilong kept mumbling and waving his hands angrily. Every time he swept the tiny, he would beat those tiny to fly out. Some heads were smashed and some chests collapsed.

Feilong's ferocity makes a lot of subtle things gather around him, but there is always a vacuum around him. Those subtle things that dare to approach are all photographed by him.

The electric current on the blade brake surges, and the blade brake pours out the iron sand.

Iron sand is controlled by electromagnetism and combined with electric current. It can double its power and integrate attack and defense. When those faint rushes up, iron sand will automatically defend or attack, making the leaf brake look more comfortable.

To Ye Yue's side, ye Cha picked Ye Yue up and said, "how about it?"

"Dizzy!" Ye Yue's eyes were a little confused, and even the pair of double pupils didn't look very stable. She said with difficulty: "suddenly I feel dizzy, and the brain region is in an unstable state."

The leaf Cha facial expression is dignified, as expected came.

Although these subtle physical qualities are good, they are not paid attention to by Ye cha. Even if there are a lot of them, they can not be solved. The key trouble lies in their dizzy ability, which can greatly weaken their combat power, or even lose their combat power.

And in this moment

Nie break suddenly kneels down on the ground, takes the gun to support the body, the surrounding subtle immediately took the opportunity to launch an attack.

Nie Po clenches his teeth, holds up his gun and sweeps forward. After sweeping close to the ground, he sweeps the two Youwei to the ground, and then stands up again. But before he stands firm, he falters and almost falls to the ground.

Ye Cha saw that Nie Po must have fallen into a dizzy state. He felt that day that he could not even stand steadily, let alone fight."Sure enough, if you are close to the battle, you will be hit?"

The leaf Cha murmurs a, then toward NIE to break of direction one punch blast out.

Thunder kill!

There was a crackling noise in the air, and then an electric current flashed forward, sending the faint light around Nie Po to electric fly.

Ye Cha quickly approaches Nie Po, reaches out to help him, and then

"Damn it

Ye Cha scolded and shook his head. Obviously, ye Cha was not spared. When he held Ye Cha, ye Cha also felt the dizziness he had experienced before, and everything around him was shaking in an instant.

There is a disgusting feeling, dizzy leaf brake want to vomit, close your eyes, can't see all the rotation, feel a little better, but also just a little relief.

The feeling of vertigo is not caused by the eyes, but a subjective sensory disorder. Therefore, closing the eyes can not prevent the feeling of vertigo.

The only thing that made yecha wonder was that Comus and Feilong were still killing all sides, especially Feilong. He was fighting hand to hand. He even had a few hermits on his body fighting. Why was he OK?

Comus, too, was still killing the faint people around him. It didn't seem to be affected.

"Damn it, how did it cause this vertigo?"

Leaf cha in the heart low scold, only know the faint is through what way to create this kind of vertigo, can come up with a way to restrain.

However, at present, ye Cha can't think about it at all. He just wants to vomit now!

Around the subtle close again, a ready look, ready to attack again.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth, suddenly pulled out the Alaska whaling fork and stabbed himself in the thigh.


The feeling of pain came, which slightly suppressed the uncomfortable dizziness. Ye Cha looked up and looked around, then the winding current on his body swung around.

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