death train

Chapter 1346

Ruins, South straight!

Nie Po jumps from the roof when he hears the gunshot. Claire doesn't give up chasing. After he empties the bullet, he directly loses the MK5 submachine gun. After pulling away his coat, he pulls out two revolvers and chases Nie Po to the alley where he jumps down, then fires forward.

Nie Po flashed out of the alley, scolding constantly.

Claire is really a humanoid Arsenal. She doesn't even need to change ammunition. She just throws it when she's finished. Isn't she tired with so many guns?

Nie Po's conventional weapons were just a set of sniper guns and rifles. Later, he added Pluto and the king of heaven. Because of their characteristics, he brought one more. How many did Claire change?

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, the gunshot rang again, Nie Po quickly got into the side lane.

After getting into the alley, Nie Po quickly took out a grenade and fixed it on the wall. Then he took out a thin thread and ran out from the other side of the alley.

At the moment when Claire comes after him, Nie Po suddenly pulls the bolt.


The sound of the explosion sounded.

The flame rushed to both sides. However, Claire's reaction was very fast. He jumped back for the first time, and the body armor could not only prevent bullets, but also counteract the impact of explosion.

After rolling twice on the ground and taking off the impact force, Claire got up from the ground, then quickly rushed through the alley, and then was a little stunned.

Claire originally thought that Nie Po would escape again, and then fall into the endless search and pursuit of guerrilla warfare.

But what Claire didn't expect was that Nie Po was not far away from the alley, looking up in other directions.

Claire looked up to shoot, but the action suddenly stopped.

Because Claire saw what Nie Po was looking at.

In the distance, yecha and Sumer are fighting in the air. Although they are far away, they are gun players after all, and their eyesight is not bad. Besides, even if they are short-sighted, they must have props to increase their vision, because they are necessary things for them.

Clare snorted coldly: "he will be killed by Samuel. It's not easy for you to come here. Do you think it's possible for you to go out alive?"

Nie Po took a look at Claire, did not respond, but said: "I like to fight with guns, because, for me, guns are enough."

Claire raised his gun and looked at Nie Po, frowning slightly.

Nie Po's feeling seems to have changed a lot.

Nie Po suddenly twitches a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, flicks the bottom of the cigarette box a few times, tucks one into his mouth, ignites it, and spits out an eye ring.

"I'm old enough to say that." Nie po said: "when I became a steward, you didn't seem to know where I was. I was much earlier than yecha. Of course, I was much earlier than pimer. As for you..."

Nie Po showed a disdainful smile.

Clare snorted coldly, "doesn't that mean you're a waste? Clearly has such qualifications, but still a steward

"Maybe." Nie po said: "I just want to tell you that since I have been a flight attendant for so long, do you think I really only have a few guns? I just don't like to fight with anything other than guns. "

Nie Po spits out a circle of eyes again, and then flicks the cigarette away.

"At present, it seems that I can't play with you any more. Although I don't like it, I'd better end the normal farce." Nie Po stretched out his hand forward, then pressed it toward the bottom and said: "domain..."


All of a sudden, Claire felt the metal friction in her ear, and then the metal hammering.

Nie Po finished saying: "domain, future fortress!"

Claire suddenly raises his gun at niepo and pulls the trigger.

She felt what Nie Po had done, and she also felt that if Nie Po was allowed to continue, the situation would be reversed immediately.



With the sound of the gun, the bullet hit Nie Po's body, but failed to pierce Nie Po's body. The bullet seemed to have been crushed by a hydraulic press, completely twisted, and even flattened.

"I really hate this kind of ability which has nothing to do with personal ability and has nothing to do with any technology." Nie po said, "but it's better to end here."

Nie broke the words of the moment, Claire suddenly found around a strange luster, with a trace of reflection.


The walls, floors, and even the weeds in the stone houses all turned into metal in this moment, shining with the unique luster of metal.

Then the sound of mechanical rotation suddenly rang. The surrounding stone houses turned slowly. The bricks were quickly misplaced and spliced. The bricks were even twisted like metal.

In a moment, the surrounding stone houses changed their shape and became turrets one by one. At the same time, they were obviously stones, but they had obvious metal color.The turrets, which had been changed from the stone house, turned slowly, and eventually the barrels were all aimed at Claire.

Clare turned pale and said, "in the field of war?"

Nie po said with a smile, "yes."

The field of war is a general term, which means only one. Among all the fields, the most powerful field series!

Nie Po looked at Claire and said, "goodbye!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The guns roared.

All around the stone house suddenly vibrated, and then continued to make a loud noise, around a large area of smoke and dust, will cover everything.

In a moment, the dust slowly dispersed. In front of Nie Po, there was a large area of ruins, tens of meters long, which were caused by the collapse of the surrounding stone houses, forming a large area of ruins.

As for Claire, maybe somewhere in the ruins!

Nie Po turned around and said, "OK, now it's time to go to the right Lord. It seems that the delay here is too long."


Ruins, central area!

Samuel is very tired of being entangled by the Lord of water. These guys can't be killed no matter how many times they are smashed. They can gather again.

It is true that unless Samuel can completely drain the water from the air, the Lord of water will exist for 30 minutes.

However, it is obviously impossible to kill Samuel with the help of the Lord of water.

Samel knows that.

Yecha is also very clear!

Therefore, when Samuel smashes the two water lords who entangle him again, yecha suddenly appears behind him.

Quietly close, and then wait for samer to find out, the leaf brake has come to samer's front, one hand pressed in front of samer.


Invisible force forward, Sumer's body like a shell, fell from the air.

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