death train

Chapter 1349

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes!

Something's wrong!

Those cracks spread too far, and there are too many cracks, and in fact, it doesn't seem that Samuel used much force with his punch.

Of course, the most important point is that the cracks are very evenly distributed.

Generally, if the cracks are evenly distributed, it means that the stress is uniform, but this is actually impossible. No one can guarantee that the force can be controlled to this extent.

Sure enough, the punch was not the point, and the cracks around it were not opened by Samuel.

In the ground crack, suddenly gushed out the black light.

"Domain!" Samuel gritted his teeth and said, "dragon grave!"

In the black light, countless white bones poured up from the cracks, piled up like hills, and then collapsed, scattered all over the ground.

It's not a normal human bone, it's a keel.

"You are affected by the Dragon tomb. In the state of dragon, your physical fitness decreases by 10%."

"You are affected by the Dragon tomb. In the state of dragon, the regeneration ability and self-healing ability are reduced by 50%."

"You are affected by the Dragon tomb. In the state of dragon, the effect of dragon attribute ability is reduced by 15%."

"You are affected by the Dragon tomb. In the state of dragon, the interval time of dragon attribute ability is increased by 30%."

"You are affected by the Dragon tomb. In the state of dragon, your movement ability is reduced by 25%."

Mysterious voice rings out at this time, the face of leaf Cha obviously shows the expression of amazement.

Ye Chadao is not too surprised by Sumer's field ability, which is the Dragon tomb. There are all kinds of abilities on the death train. Of course, there are also such highly targeted abilities, but generally speaking, few people buy them.

Because the other meaning of strong pertinence is limitation. For example, if the Dragon tomb is aimed at the area where the Dragon attribute ability is weakened, it is useless when the enemy target has no relevant ability.

Of course, the weakening of the mysterious voice is only for ye Cha, maybe the Dragon tomb is also conducive to our own promotion.

I'm afraid the two-way price increase will not be significant.

In general, such highly targeted capabilities are not cost-effective.

Of course, ye Cha's consternation does not come from this. Even if the cost performance is not high, as long as it is useful and powerful enough, it will always be a good thing to enhance its strength.

Ye Cha's astonishment is that Samur is also using the ability of dragon!

Is this guy crazy?

In order to aim at yourself, even weaken yourself?

And does it make sense? We are all on the same starting line. Is it possible for Sumer to take advantage.

Of course, this kind of astonishment is only for a moment, because ye Cha knows that it must be impossible.

Samuel can't be crazy, and even if he is, he can't do such thankless things.

That means it's not as simple as it seems.

At the same time, while ye Cha was thinking, Samur growled again: "dead wings are calling!"

With Samuel's low roar, black smoke spewed out again from the cracks that had opened before, and then spread around.

When the black smoke passed around, it enveloped the white bones around. Then the white bones slowly pieced together and became a small bone dragon about four or five meters long. It spread its wings and flew to the sky.

"I see!"

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and roughly guessed some of Samuel's thoughts.

"Looks like this guy's been fed up."

Ye Chagou laughs. Corpse flower, consul, ice and snow God attack continuously, although they can't deal a fatal blow to Sumer.

However, the constant entanglement of yecha's alien creatures obviously has an impact on Samur. He can't fight with yecha well at all.

Therefore, it seems that Samur intends to use these bonosaurs to contain the alien species of yecha.

Of course, the Dragon tomb itself is certainly more important for the weakening of the dragon's attribute ability.

Ye Cha even thinks that Samur, who is probably ready to fight against himself, specially bought Longzhong from the boss's wife.

After all, the Dragon attribute ability is not much, and the fantasy dragon system is even less. It is rare to get rid of the weak. Only when the head is clamped by the door, can we buy the Dragon tomb for this kind of ability.

So, if we don't aim at ability, we can only aim at people.


At this time, Samur saw that the number of bone dragons in the sky had almost condensed, and without hesitation, he shook his hand and roared forward.

Those bone dragons immediately incited bone wings and rushed down.Ye Cha said, "kill those bones!"

As the only alien creature that can fly under yecha's hand, ice and snow God naturally needs to take the lead at this time.

With his head tilted, the snow God still looks like a cute fool, but his attack is not cute at all!

The sharp whistling sounds suddenly!

Ice and snow God met a large number of bone dragons in the sky and attacked them with sound waves. The bone dragon in front of him even had no chance to attack. He was shattered by the earthquake and turned into piles of bone pieces and scattered down.

The next moment, the God of ice and snow did not stop his attack, but spread his wings and constantly incited forward.

Ice and snow are springing up.

But it seems that the ice and snow are not as good as the sound wave attack. The bonosaurs are covered by the wind and snow, and they are covered with layers of frost, but they have no effect on the bonosaurs.

If you think about it, these bone dragons are illusions. Even if they have corresponding characteristics, they must have no feeling as dead objects, and they can't be afraid of cold.

Ice and snow God is very smart. He quickly realizes this. He doesn't need Ye Cha to give orders, so he changes his attack mode. He suddenly flies out towards the front and rushes into the bone dragon group.


Ice and snow God collided with a bone dragon. At the moment of collision, the bone dragon was smashed.

At the same time, the consul in Ye Cha's eyes, also quickly ran to the side, in the process of running, took out the Hades rifle, fired at the sky, shot down the bone dragons.

Although the corpse flower vines are constantly growing, it is obviously impossible to stretch into the sky and do whatever you want.

If the corpse dares to sweep the vine dragon's skull, it will be able to reduce the damage height of the flower dragon's skull.

At the same time, Sumer is striding forward, toward the direction of the leaf brake.

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