death train

Chapter 1353

Ye chapaiming is provoking.

But wittsell didn't seem to recognize the meaning, or didn't care about yecha's provocation, but said with a smile: "do you want what I have in my hand, is it constellation plan?"

Ye Cha said: "what else in your hand is worth my hand?"

Wittsell was still smiling, and then said, "well, is that Davis you're talking about?"

Ye Cha didn't mean to be taboo, so he directly acquiesced.

"I see. No wonder you can find him here because he has defected." "I'm starting to be curious about you now," wittsell said. "Davis is a lunatic. Ordinary things can't move him. I'd like to know how you got him."

Ye Cha said with a smile, "maybe you can ask him face to face."

Wittsell said, "is that a way to woo me?"

Ye Cha said, "you can understand that."

"It's my pleasure. I'm sorry I refused." "Because you can't take my life, and you can't trade my life," wittsell said

"That's really a pity." Ye Cha held up the thunder ball with one hand and said, "don't worry, for the sake of information, I'll give you a breath."

After ye Cha finished, he swung his hand forward and the thunder ball flew out.

The bottom of the thunder ball, with the thunder ball close to the ground, the ground is constantly broken.

Vetsell didn't move, but Lillian did.

Lillian takes a straight step forward and blocks in front of the thunder ball.

Lillian's body appears gray smoke, and then a punch toward the thunder ball.

It's hard to imagine that Lillian's petite body can have such terrible power. After hitting the thunder ball with one punch, she didn't fall behind and smashed the thunder ball.


After catching the thunder ball, Lillian suddenly raises her head and roars.

Lillian's hair seems to burn up and turn into gray smoke. The smoke covers Lillian's whole body and condenses a pair of wings behind Lillian. At the same time, the smoke also forms a halo on Lillian's head.

Wittsell said with a smile: "let me introduce her. She is my chosen Virgo carrier of constellation plan."

"Virgo?" Leaf Cha swept an eye, Lily Anne way: "so weak!"

Ye Cha looks at Lillian without covering up her contempt. Lillian may be the experimental object of constellation project, but it's all semi-finished in any way. It doesn't feel as good as Leo or even Scorpio.

It made Lillian very angry.

"I'll kill you." Lillian yelled at yecha: "revenge for my father."

Wittsell patted Lillian on the shoulder with a smile and said, "kill him. I'll wait for you at the base station. The island has been exposed. Our plan needs to change. Go back to the headquarters first."

When wittsell finished, he planned to leave, but at this time

Thunder kill!

Ye Cha blows towards the front, and a harsh "Zila" sound rings on his arm. With the appearance of the electric arc, a thunder column blows forward, directly towards wittsell.

However, it still didn't hit.

Lillian side in front of wittsell, will Leizhu to resist down again.

However, Lillian, as ye Cha felt, was indeed a semi-finished product. After a blow, she suffered obvious trauma.

Lillian's clothes are torn by the electric current, and there is constant blood flowing down.

Ye Cha directly ignored Lillian, looked at wittsell and said, "do I allow you to leave?"

Instead of answering, wittsell patted Lillian on the shoulder and said, "revenge always comes at a price."

This made Lillian's body tremble involuntarily, then raise her head and scream again.

Lilian's body changed again. Her skin became white, not pale, but completely white, as if smeared with thick white powder.


Lillian suddenly tore up her clothes and showed her body. Her body became pure white, but her body became very strange.

Lillian's body has only one human figure.

With a female line of body contour, you can see the radian of the chest, but there are no details. Even Lilian does not have the unique female organs, and the muscle lines are very vague, just one contour.

At the same time, Lillian's face is also changing, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, are becoming more and more blurred, can only vaguely see the outline, like a sketch.

Lilian's hands spread out to both sides. Her nails grew longer and longer, and Lilian's legs turned back. Her shoes were suddenly torn to pieces, revealing a pair of bird feet.

Yes, Lillian's legs have become like birds, extremely slender, and the soles of her feet have become hawk claws.

Leaf Cha's complexion gradually dignified.Shape is not heavy, the important thing is strength!

Lilian's pressure on the leaf brake is constantly improving, and the frequency of improvement is faster and faster.

Lillian has completely lost her human form, and her throat keeps whistling.

At the moment, she's Virgo!

Witsel looked at Ye Cha and said with a smile: "no matter what you want to do to me, try to resist her hatred first. The power brought by revenge is unimaginable terror."

Ye Cha looked at Lilian, licked the corner of her mouth and said, "Virgo!"


Lillian screamed at the leaf brake fiercely, and then her back wings swung forward, and a stream of wind chopped out towards the leaf brake.

Boom, boom, boom

Wind swept forward, the ground constantly smashed, and then cut in the direction of the leaf brake.

Yecha's look was dignified again. The strength of yecha was improved quickly, and it was growing up several times.

The leaf Cha side thinks, at the same time a foot ghost shadow step dodges.

Behind the leaf brake immediately rang out a roar, the wind crazy toward the front to push, will continue to cut the stone house.

Wittsell seemed to be very satisfied with the result, and gave Lillian a look of appreciation.

However, the appreciative look is not like appreciating Lillian, but like looking at a work of art, a work of art created by wittsell himself. The appreciative look is from wittsell.

Sure enough, are all these so-called scientists crazy?

Ye Cha took a deep breath, looked at wittsell's plan to leave, and suddenly said, "when are you going to pretend to be dead?"

The leaf Cha side says, the side turns head to go, looking at to lean against on the wall, still fall into coma of Gan Lin.

Suddenly, Gan Lin opened her eyes, followed Ye Cha's eyes and said with a smile, "it's really boring. How do you know?"

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