death train

Chapter 1356

The leaf Cha facial expression slightly dignified some.

It's a problem that wittsell is stronger than yecha's imagination, but the most important thing is that yecha doesn't feel any pressure, which means that wittsell hasn't come up with his real skills.

Second, the blow was just a fist.

Wittsell just rushed to the front of yecha and then hit him.

No weapons, no props, no abilities, just fists.

It's not CommScope's best biochemical or physical modification.

Ye Cha opened his mouth and said, "the limit evolution of physical fitness?"

Wittsell said with a smile, "what's that?"

Yecha didn't explain it, because it's too complicated to explain. That's the name of death train. From the perspective of CommScope, it's probably through biological transformation to make the body reach or even exceed the limit.

Of course, another reason is that yecha is too lazy to explain. No matter what makes wittsell strong, the battle is inevitable, and yecha wants to win.


The leaf brake suddenly low drinks a, the double arm twines the electric current.

The duration of thunder has passed, and there is little time left for Bailong Tianwei, but lightning strike can still be used.

Thunder kill!

The two fists of the leaf brake are blasted out continuously, and the two currents are accompanied by the fists of the leaf brake and go towards wittsell.

Although wittsell looks old, his speed is faster than that of yecha's imagination. He quickly turns his body and moves towards the side and dodges towards the side.

Boom, boom!

Two electric currents hit the ground, shattering it.

But ye Cha's attack is not over yet. At this moment, the wind and rain are flying in the sky, and then the wind and rain merge into one and fall down.


A stone house was cut open with one blow.

However, when the wind hit wittsell's body, wittsell took a deep breath, arms to both sides, even with the body hard attack, the most important thing is

He came next!

Fengliu cuts wittsell's body, makes a dull sound, and then pushes wittsell back, but it doesn't hurt him.

Ye Cha's brow tightened a little more. Wittsell's strength was beyond imagination. This kind of attack was hard to hurt him.

At this time, the wind cut wittsell's clothes, and the clothes became two parts and fell to the ground.

Wittsell showed his upper body, not like the upper body of human beings!

Wittsell's body is like a lot of pieces of meat put together, different shapes, there are four, there are rectangular, most of them are irregular shapes, just like a jigsaw, so put together.

What's more, those pieces of meat are obviously from different species.

Yecha saw two pieces of scaly meat, which were obviously cut from the body of the dinosaur species. There was a rectangular piece of flesh and blood at the waist and abdomen, and it was also covered with fine hair.

Ye Cha is a little surprised now, but he doesn't feel surprised. These crazy scientists seem to like to use their own bodies.

Surprised at the madness of the other party, but not surprised that the other party will do so.

The important thing is, there is a sense of oppression!

Ye Cha spread out his palm to see, and then found that his fingertips were trembling.

This is not the original meaning of the leaf brake, but the fingers can't help trembling there.

The feeling of deja vu!

Ye Cha agitated the lower laryngeal segment. He knew where the similar feeling came from.


At present, this bastard transformed Lillian and himself by using constellation plan. Moreover, the degree of transformation is much higher than Lillian.

"Now that I have experimented with Lillian and got complete and successful data, how can I not give it a try?" Witsel looked at yecha and said with a smile, "my code name is Taurus!"

At the moment of wittsell's words falling, his body suddenly expanded.

Wittsell's stature is average. When he was young, he should be tall, about 190. But when he got older, his body was obviously bent, which made him thin.

Now, wittsell is obviously straightening his body slowly. At the same time, his body is constantly rising. Soon, wittsell's height is more than two meters.

At the same time, wittsell's body is like an inflatable balloon, which is constantly expanding.

Arm, thigh, then waist, abdomen and chest, muscle mass is constantly appearing, bigger and bigger, at the same time, it is angular.


There was a tearing sound in wittsell's trousers. There were several cracks, and the trousers became knee length shorts.

At the same time, we can see that wittsell's lower body is also made up of countless different pieces of meat, and the shoes on his feet are crushed, revealing a pair of hooves.Finally, wittsell's height reached about 2.3 meters and then stopped growing. His whole body was full of bulging granite like muscles, which did not look like normal human.

At this time, ye Cha chose to attack.

In fact, at the moment when wittsell changed, yecha should attack. However, although wittsell's change is obvious, it's not even half a minute. It's very good that yecha can recover from his surprise at this time.

Zilla, Zilla!

The sound of two electric currents surging sounded, and then accompanied by the fist attack of Ye Cha, the two electric currents blasted to wittsell.

Ye Cha himself is not idle, still charging to wittsell, continuous ghost step, forced to close up, came to wittsell.


Ye Cha raised his fist, and the sound of mechanical rotation came from the destroyer, and the electric arc constantly appeared on both sides.

"What's the rush?" "It's just the beginning," wittsell said with a grin

Bang, bang!

Wittsell takes a step forward, then blows forward with his fist!

Two fists, two currents were smashed, and then wittsell didn't stop. He raised his fist and collided with yecha's fist.

Boom, boom!

When ye Cha and wittsell's fists collided together, the first unfortunate thing was that the ground under their feet, after making a violent sound, continued to break, there were dense cracks.


The huge sound appeared again, and then the ground under their feet was directly broken, and collapsed at least half a meter deep, and a big pit with a diameter of at least 10 meters appeared.


Wittsell raised his head and roared. Yecha could feel that wittsell's strength was still increasing, and it became more terrifying, and his fist was pushed back bit by bit.

At the next moment, wittsell took a deep breath and started again!

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