death train

Chapter 1364

Ye Cha's body, the rapid gushing of black liquid, wrapped the whole body, into a deadly state.

The next moment, ye Cha jumped forward like a wild animal.


Wittsell growled, punching forward.

Facing wittsell's fist, ye Cha's body suddenly gushes out black liquid, like mucus, sticking to wittsell's fist.

Then, with the swing of the liquid, the blade brake flew into the air.

Poof, poof, poof!

Countless black liquid fell down and became long thorns one by one, stabbing at wittsell, but it only caused skin injury, but the crisscross black thorns sealed wittsell in the middle.

It's just


Wittsell swept forward with one punch, and those long black thorns were completely smashed.


Wittsell legs a song, toward the air, even directly came to the front of the leaf brake, and then blow down.

The black liquid immediately agglomerated into the shape of a shield to block the next blow, but the fierce impact force still blew the leaf brake out and fell to the ground like a shell.

However, at the moment of landing, black liquid gushed from the back of the leaf brake, which turned into a huge hemispherical shape, like jelly, very elastic. When it hit the ground, it helped the leaf brake to remove wittsell's strength.

Then ye Cha's body bounced and fell steadily not far away, but it was too late to stand firm. Wittsell appeared in front of Ye Cha again.

It's incredibly fast!


Wittsell hit Ye Cha's face, and ye Cha's body flew out.

Nie Po immediately wanted to come around and fight for the opportunity for ye Cha to get up, but at this time, ye Cha said in a loud voice: "don't come here, your fist is enough!"

When ye Cha was talking, he stood up with one palm on the ground and looked at wittsell who came to him almost in an instant. Black liquid quickly gushed out of the palm of Ye cha.

The black liquid hit the ground, and then pushed the leaf brake into the air to avoid the attack of wittsell. The two men almost stepped forward, wiping their heads.

Wittsell stopped and glided forward. As soon as he passed a stone house, he reached out and scratched the wall to pieces. Then he held up a huge stone and threw it into the air.


The stone flew into the sky and made a sound of collision, but it didn't hit the leaf brake. Instead, it hit the black liquid gushing out of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha stepped on the stone and jumped up again.

The black liquid squirmed, and soon, it turned into a huge ax and fell down.


The black axe cuts wittsell. Wittsell doesn't even defend himself. He lets the black axe hit his own body. Then with a crash, the black axe smashes and becomes a pile of liquid scattered on the ground.

"Damn it

Although he was fatally controlling his body in the battle, yecha's consciousness would not disappear because of this, but he could clearly see the battle. At this moment, yecha could not help but scold.

To form a battle, there is a prerequisite, that is, at least to be able to bring damage to the other side. Only in this way can we tell the outcome and even kill the other side.

But if we can't do that, it's not a fight, it's a unilateral crush.

Fatal by its own characteristics, but can entangle with wittsell, those black liquid can to a certain extent dissolve the attack of wittsell.

However, if it's just like this, it's obviously a battle that will never see the dawn. If it can't cause damage, how can it win?

At the same time, wittsell broke the wall again, throwing the gravel into the air.

Ye Cha twisted his body in the air, constantly releasing viscous black liquid, sticking to those black stones, while avoiding, stepping on those stones to move.


Wittsell roared again. It was obvious that after the successive attacks, wittsell became furious. Then with a curve of his knee, wittsell suddenly jumped into the air.

How fast!

The pupil of the leaf brake suddenly shrinks. The height and speed of wittsell's bounce are even higher than before. In the blink of an eye, he comes to the leaf brake.

That huge fist, once again toward the leaf brake face door blew out.

The black liquid gushes out quickly, forming a huge black water mass in front of the blade brake, which is soft and elastic, and also covered with viscosity.

In this way, the softness and elasticity can dissolve the strength of the fist, and the adhesion can also prevent the fist from penetrating the water directly.


The black water burst into a piece, and the leaf brake fell from the air and glided close to the ground.

The leaf Cha is long to ease a breath, at last block next blow.

Wittsell also fell back to the ground, legs a song a play, the body again toward the direction of the leaf brake flew out.It's a fight without breathing time at all. Wittsell pursues Ye Cha closely. No one can rest for a moment until he is separated from life and death.


Wittsell came again with a fist.

Move is not old, leaf brake is still the use of black water for defense.

This kind of defense is similar to air cushion. Even if wittsell's power is extremely terrifying, it can be resolved. As long as he is hit by an attack, no matter how terrifying his fist is, it is meaningless.

In fact, this is the type of extreme evolution of physical fitness, which cannot be ignored. Once there is any means to make the attack unable to hit accurately, the attack will lose its effect.

It's just that wittsell's fist is too terrible. He can kill people with only one punch, even if he doesn't die, it will be half useless, which weakens this shortcoming to a great extent.

But at least for now, ye Cha feels that he can hold on.

However, just as ye Cha was thinking about it, wittsell suddenly spread out his fist, reached out and grabbed a piece of black liquid from ye Cha's arm.


Ye Cha's heart thumped for a moment, with a bad feeling. The fatal black liquid constantly gushed from ye Cha's body, filling the piece that was filled by wittsell.

However, it is still a step late.

Wittsell not only strengthens the movement speed, but also



Before the black liquid re condenses, wittsell's fist blows the middle brake's arm and blows the leaf brake away.

Rolling continuously on the ground, until a stone house is installed, the black liquid gushes out quickly and sticks to the surrounding walls, which makes the leaf brake barely stabilize.


Ye Cha roared bitterly, and the severe pain came from the position of his arm. The whole arm turned back, almost 360 degrees. It was obvious that ye Cha's arm bone was smashed by a blow.

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