death train

Chapter 1370

It's necessary to stay for a certain period of time. Although wittsell and Lillian are dead, the people of CommScope are not all dead. In order to prevent each other from continuing to hunt in kawasi Island, they naturally need to clean up.

Of course, without the leaders, the people of CommScope may not be able to make any trouble, but just in case.

Secondly, since we have all come to this area where ancient species are densely distributed, it is also a good opportunity to collect money. Naturally, we should hunt some valuable and rare ancient species as much as possible.

A week later, everyone was quite satisfied with the harvest, so they called the landlady and left kawasi island.

The way to leave is still by plane, then by helicopter at the abandoned base to return to the death train.

Used to the death train platform can miraculously lead to any place, this way is really not the general difficulty.

"Welcome back."

The landlady looked at the crowd with a smile in the dining car.

The leaf Cha puts down a hand way: "you first."

The reward for the task can be done quickly. Anyway, the conductor will give it to them directly. They just have to take it. There is no choice. The main reason is that the ancient species of hunting need to be counted, which is a troublesome job.

Ye Cha asked for some food and sat aside. He planned to be the last one to count. Of course, it was mainly because ye Cha had something to ask the landlady.

The landlady asked the waiter to help with the counting, and it took quite a while to sort out the materials.

After they said hello, they went back to their own car. After ye Cha saw them off, they sat down in front of the bar.

The landlady said: "the reward for killing wittsell and Lillian, you and Ganlin half, the rest are settled to your steward, you take reidi, is there a problem?"

Ye Cha said: "no problem."

The landlady opened the tablet computer, found the ability of Lei Di and said, "OK, take out the ancient materials, and I'll let people count them."

Ye Cha randomly piled things aside, and then looked at the effect of Lei di.

Leidi (King) (fantasy ability) (element ability) (natural ability): by changing the genetic structure, we can be fearless of electric current, and have the ability of electric current transformation, which can manipulate all electric currents, even thunder.

Current control: control all current to attack, and determine the damage according to the amount of current.

Leihe: after genetic change, it can store electricity in the body and use it when needed.

Electric current into the body: when using this ability to attack, it has 100% probability to cause paralysis effect, 35% probability to reduce movement speed, 35% probability to weaken life, 25% probability to fly, 5% probability to have heart paralysis

thunder ten ways: change gene in a short time, can introduce a large amount of electric current, and enter the mine body state by itself, with the radius of 15 It can't be used when it can't provide a large amount of current. After use, it lasts for 15 minutes, with an interval of 12 hours.

Thunder stride: it has the speed of thunder and lightning, within a radius of 150 meters, regardless of the height, it can arrive in a flash, every 3 times, with an interval of 120 minutes.

Jiuxiao (domain ability) (monarch ability): take yourself as the center, form a domain within a radius of 150 meters. In the domain, the ability of all wind, thunder, rain and snow increases by 35%. You enter the thunder state. When you encounter an attack, you will rebound part of the damage to the enemy. When you hit, all healing abilities will be invalid.

Shenlei: it can be used in jiuxiao field. There are nine kinds of shenlei in total. Each time you release one kind of shenlei, you can add the power of one kind of shenlei. The ninth kind of shenlei has the effect of destroying objects in a large range.

Because the leaf brake is to use lightning to make the evolution of the emperor, so the ability of lightning will disappear.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether there is a lightning strike after the thunder emperor.

The current control has no change. It is the most basic ability, which is to let the blade brake control all the "thunder" attributes.

Leihe is actually a battery, and even the description has not changed. But since the name has changed, yecha believes that it must have changed. It is probably the capacity of power saving, which will be greatly improved.

In addition, thunder boom, thunder kill and thunder tooth blade have all disappeared, but disappearance does not mean weakening, but meaningless.

The emergence of the new ability of electric current into the body means that the leaf brake does not need a specific move to trigger the paralysis effect. Therefore, thunder, thunder kill and thunder tooth blade are meaningless, because as long as the leaf brake uses the ability related to the "thunder" attribute, it can trigger the paralysis effect.

As for the way of use, the shape of lightning and the form of attack, these are all liberalized. The direct point is that the blade brake can decide by itself. Anyway, the power and damage are based on the power. It doesn't matter that it's limited to moves. In fact, it's more conducive to use.

Benleibu, with its powerful instant movement ability, can be understood as the poor people's version of instant movement.

There is instant movement ability in the treasure list, but it has already been spent in his home, but ye Cha has seen the effect.

There is also a limit on the number of times to use the instant movement, but it is as high as 30 times, and the thunder step is only 3 times, but the range of the instant movement is 10 meters in radius, while the thunder step is 150 meters in large range, and the interval time is the same.Leaf Cha slants next head, how should this evaluate? Of course, instant movement is easy to use, but after all, one is an independent ability, and the other is a skill attached to Leidi's ability. Originally, there is no comparability. It's strange that the thunder step is easier to use than instant movement.

It can only be said that under normal combat, of course, instant movement is better, but under specific circumstances, the thunder step will also have unexpected effects.

For example, running away, driving and pursuing three times in a row, the maximum distance can be moved 450 meters, and it can be done in an instant, even without one second.

Jiuxiao and shenlei are needless to say. As a field ability, jiuxiao is the core of Leidi. However, the field ability centered on itself has no weakness.

Besides, ye Cha has all the abilities of wind, thunder, rain and snow. Naturally, the first three are wind and rain in all directions and Lei Di, while snow comes from the God of ice and snow. Its own field can also increase the number of its own alien creatures.

What's more, jiuxiao also has an increase in defense and attack. In defense, it's a little bit like "seven injury fist". If you kill eight hundred enemies, you'll lose one thousand. In attack, inhibiting the healing ability doesn't directly cause damage, but it can limit the opponent's recovery, which is equivalent to increasing the damage.

As for shenlei, the pure attack ability belongs to Leidi's big move of pressing the bottom of the box. You have to use it before you know how powerful it is. But since it's a thing of pressing the bottom of the box, ye Cha doesn't think it's any worse.

At this time, the landlady opened her mouth and said, "the ancient materials have been counted."

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