death train

Chapter 1382

Ye Cha felt a thump in his heart.

I feel like I'm a little bit heavy.

Yecha really didn't want to kill Minghai. There are many reasons. For example, yecha still likes this place, and the people here also make yecha feel friendly. After all, they are all Chinese.

Of course, these are shallow reasons. The most important thing is that killing Minghai will be very troublesome.

The existence of Minghai represents the existence of order in this place. When Minghai dies, all these things will disappear. There will be chaos here. It is estimated that many people will pursue and kill themselves.

Ye Cha can not care, can also kill all those people, but undeniably, this is a very troublesome thing.

Secondly, Ming Hai said with the list before: most of the things on the list he has.

This is the key point, and it's also the purpose of Ye Cha's coming here. If Minghai is dead, ye Cha has to know where to go even if he wants to grab it. Even if he knows where the warehouse is, he has to search for it himself. These are all troubles.

Therefore, Ming Hai can't die for the time being. It's best if this guy is willing to cooperate. It doesn't matter if he is not willing to cooperate. Hijacking this guy for something is the most convenient way.

However, after getting used to the intensity of lightning stroke, ye Cha obviously forgot to adjust its power. Of course, the ability released by lightning stroke can not be compared with that of Lei di.

But, kill all kill

Looking at the motionless Ming Hai on the ground, ye Cha patted his forehead in distress and said, "Davis, the old man still flatters you so much. As a result, he can't stand beating at all!"


The leaf Cha is scolding, the sound sea suddenly opens a mouth, spurts the outlet burnt ash, suddenly sat up.

Ye Cha is also scared of a jump, cheat corpse?

What ye Cha first thought was that he was infected with zombie virus and was about to become a zombie. But if you look at it carefully, it doesn't look like that. Ming Hai's eyes are clear and bright. Although he looks a little miserable, his whole body is scorched black, but there is no scorched black.

Ming Hai stood up on the ground and said, "you can control the fire and the current. You are a monster."

Ming Hai gets up from the ground, wriggles his arm and makes the knuckles crackle. It seems that he hasn't been hurt much.

This time, it's Ye Cha's turn to wonder. Although he didn't want to kill Minghai, he was hit by himself, and nothing happened? This is obviously not normal.

Minghai grinned, as if to see what ye Cha thought. He said: "don't forget, I'm also a monster, because I'm immortal."

"Immortal body?"

Ye Cha tilts his head and raises his hand again.

It's too late!

Ye Cha's palms are overflowing with electric current again, and then rush to Ming Hai. After hitting Ming Hai, they disperse madly and become the arc of martial arts, wrapping Ming Hai's body.

The sound of electric current is constantly ringing, and the whole person of Minghai is twitching. Then, like a zombie, he falls straight to the rear, with black smoke all over his body.

Ye Cha asked again: "immortal body?"

Ye chazheng said, Ming Hai suddenly stopped twitching, and then slowly got up from the ground.

Ming Hai sneered and said with affirmative: "immortal body!"

Ye Cha sweeps the hair of Minghai and heel. He always feels that the other side is full of confidence and doesn't have any persuasion.

"So, you should understand." Minghai said: "in front of me, everything is meaningless, you can't defeat me, I'm invincible, because no one can defeat a person who can't kill..."


Ming Hai's voice did not fall, ye Cha's voice suddenly flashed, but he used ghost step to appear in front of Ming Hai's body, with a blow on Ming Hai's face.

In the moment of fist boom, ye Cha even saw Ming Hai's face like a depression. The bridge of his nose was obviously broken and his mouth was askew. He flew across the corridor and hit the wall behind him.

The wall broke into pieces, and Ming Hai stuck it on the wall like a picture, and then slid down bit by bit.

The face was completely invisible, full of blood.

However, the distorted face is slowly changing back. The broken bridge of nose is repositioned. Originally, there was a big swelling on the cheek, but now it is also rapidly swelling.

Ming Hai stood up and gritted his teeth and said, "your mother didn't teach you. When others talk, don't wave your fist casually?"

Ye Cha said: "I only know that villains usually die of talking too much."

Ming Hai grinned and said, "I can't die."

Ye Cha said: "it's just speeding regeneration."

Ye instant just don't believe what immortal body of lie, he didn't believe, he put Ming Hai's body to tear, this guy can still live, speeding regeneration is not omnipotent.

For example, the fleshy tree is well known. It is difficult to kill the mutant zombies, not only because of the characteristics of fusion, but also because fusion can bring the fleshy tree super speed regeneration. But hasn't yecha ever killed the fleshy tree? And killed more than one.However, ye Cha has to admit that Minghai is more resistant to beating, but it's true. The second time he clicks on it, ye Cha aims at the heart directly, but he doesn't die. With that punch just now, normal people are afraid that their brains will be smashed out, but they still don't die.

"But it's good." Ye Cha said: "since I can bear beating, I can attack at ease."

Ye Cha's toe is a little bit, the whole body rushes out towards the front again, and suddenly comes to Ming Hai's front.


Ming Hai instinctively waves his fist and collides with Ye Cha's fist.

With a click, the moment the fists collided, Minghai screamed miserably, but the phalanx was completely broken, and the fingers twisted unnaturally.

Ye Cha grabs Ming Hai's head and presses it toward the ground.


Ming Hai's head hit the ground and broke the ground.

At the same time, there are people coming from all directions. When they find Ye Cha, they immediately shoot.

Bang, bang, bang!

The gunfire rang out continuously, and ye Cha didn't care at all. It was impossible for ordinary guns to break through the defense of ChiYan armor.

Sure enough, as soon as the bullet arrived at Ye Cha, the red flame surged up and quickly crystallized, blocking all the bullets.

It's too late!

Ye Cha looked at the people around him, shooting and approaching him. He spread his palm, and the current came out of Ye Cha's palm.

"Go At this time, Ming Hai's voice suddenly rang up, shouting: "all go, you are not his opponent, don't come to die."

Ye Cha took a look at Minghai, grabbed Minghai's hair, pulled up Minghai's head and said, "you are more resistant to beating than you think."

Minghai bared his teeth towards Ye Cha and said, "you are capable of coming at me. Our battle is not over yet."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "as you wish!"

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