death train

Chapter 1387

Southwest of jiushe District, warehouse area.

Poof, poof!

There was a musty smell in the dark warehouse. Then there was a sound in the dark, and a fire suddenly lit up in the dark.

The leaf brake put the tray with the candle on the ground.

There are lights in the warehouse, but the leaf brake doesn't dare to turn on, because there are all fluorescent lights in the warehouse, which are particularly bright. If it is turned on, it will be exposed.

Zheng Duoqing was tied up by the consul and threw it on the ground like a rice dumpling, with rags in his mouth. In order to avoid Zheng Duoqing spitting out rags, he put a rope around his mouth.

Ye Cha untied the rope and said, "you should know the end of barking. I won't talk nonsense."

Ye Cha said as he took off the rag.

Zheng Duoqing was afraid and said, "what do you want?"

Ye Cha said: "I want to know your name, age, gender, height, weight, family, what you did before the end of the world, how you survived after the end of the world, and how you fell into the hands of Minghai. I want to know everything."

Zheng Duoqing's fear is even stronger. Even if ye Cha's animal nature is strong and he throws himself on the ground, Zheng Duoqing will not be so afraid.

Because, Zheng Duoqing really don't understand, ye Cha made a lot of efforts to get himself out, even in order to ask these things.

Just because he couldn't figure it out, Zheng Duoqing was even more afraid.

Ye Cha suddenly pulled out the Alaska whaling fork and thrust it hard to the ground, so the Alaska whaling fork was inserted into the ground.

Ye Cha said, "do you want me to use some extraordinary means?"

Zheng Duoqing trembled: "Zheng Duoqing, 27 years old, female, 170 cm, 51 kg, both parents probably..."

Zheng Duoqing said here, tears began to flow down.

The leaf Cha coldly way: "continue."

Zheng Duoqing choked and said: "before the end of time, I was a fitness coach."

"Well?" Ye Cha tilted his head, then said: "Lincheng people?"

Zheng Duoqing shook his head and said, "I'm not Chinese."

The color on the leaf Cha face is more thick: "that you are?"

Zheng Duoqing said: "Han Dao people, my father is resident in Huaxia because of his work. I came to Huaxia to study at the age of 18, and then settled in Yuecheng."

Ye Cha's heart is in a mess at the moment. He really has the same name, and he looks very similar? This information is totally different from what I have.

Apart from the same name, age, height, weight and, of course, gender, the others are completely different.

Ye Cha pondered for a while and said, "go on, how did you survive after the end of the world."

Zheng Duoqing said: "run, everyone is running. He Luo saved me, but he is not a good man. He thinks I escaped I met people who left the city, and they all escaped from the city We lived in the wild for a long time A huge beast attacked us Mr. Dan is a good man. He comes from a human settlement called Jedi On the way, we were attacked, and then... "

Zheng Duoqing said it intermittently, but he could barely make ye Cha understand it. But the more Ye Cha listened, the tighter his brow was.

Zheng Duoqing's survival diary is a history of escape, or the diary of disaster star.

Zheng Duoqing, a native of Yuecheng, didn't die in the hands of a zombie for the first time because a male coach who was also a fitness center saved her. However, the reason that the coach saved her was that he was interested in her, mainly for her body.

Then Zheng Duoqing escaped. Like most people at that time, he lived in the wild. Compared with the city, there were fewer zombies in the wild. Unfortunately, he encountered the ancient species.

After fleeing, Zheng Duoqing wandered for a while, and then was rescued by a motorcade of a survivor human camp. As a result, he returned to the camp. The small survivor human camp had been destroyed by the ancient species.

Zheng Duoqing continues to wander with the living people. On the way to the city in search of food, he is attacked by a large number of zombies, which leads to the death of most people. Zheng Duoqing escapes, and then is found by the people of Minghai, and directly takes back to the port city, of course, as goods.

Ye Cha doesn't know what to say. Is this woman a sweeper? Or bad luck?

It's a bit of bad luck. Wherever she goes, there's an accident, but it's amazing that she survives every time.

However, ye Cha didn't have time to study these. The important thing is that these experiences are totally different from what ye Cha knows about Zheng Duoqing's experience.

Ye Cha thought and said, "before the end of time, was he a fitness coach?"

Zheng Duoqing nodded.

Ye Cha said, "what do you mainly teach?"

Fitness is also divided into many kinds, men are generally muscle lines, women are hard to say, there are muscle training women, but most of them practice shaping, flexibility and so on, mainly the overall body lines, some go to the gym only treadmill is not uncommon.

Zheng Duoqing said: "rhythmic gymnastics, shaping, yoga."

Ye Cha looked at Zheng Duoqing '.The leaf Cha way: "roll iron?"

Zheng Duoqing way: "occasionally, practice back line with arm line."

Ye Cha picked up Zheng Duoqing's palm and looked at it. There were slight calluses and rough palms. Generally, even if he took protective gear or smeared magnesium powder, he would still have some calluses after long-term exercise.

Ye Cha frowns, which means that Zheng Duoqing may be telling the truth.

The possible reason is that Zheng is not allowed to be affectionate and gifted. He was born with a hot figure. However, it is not uncommon for calluses to survive in the end. These characteristics can only be used for reference.

Ye Cha pondered. Subconsciously, ye Cha believed that Zheng Duoqing didn't lie. He didn't have any actual evidence. The main reason was that he felt that Zheng Duoqing in front of him was too different from Zheng Duoqing in his own impression.

In Ye Cha's impression, Zheng Duoqing is fan'er, the imperial elder sister. She is calm and calm. She is good at acting as a bosom elder sister, and the woman in front of her is the opposite type.

It feels so bad.

"Please." Zheng Duoqing begged for mercy and said, "let me go."

Ye Cha stares at Zheng Duoqing for a long time. From ye Cha's eyes and expression, you can see the incomparable struggle.

I don't know how long after that, ye Cha slowly gets up, then turns around and seems to be planning to leave.

The expression on Zheng Duoqing's face was obviously relaxed, but at this moment


The consul suddenly drew out a dagger and stabbed Zheng Duoqing from behind.

Zheng Duoqing stares big eyes and feels the pain coming from behind. His face is unbelievable.

Struggling, want to shout, but, before Zheng Duoqing cried out, the consul stretched out his palm and covered her mouth.

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