death train

Chapter 1389

Ye Cha went up the stairs and opened the door of the office building.

The hall was dark, and only the emergency passage was dimly lit.

"Hello Ye Cha looked around and said, "I've come. Don't pretend to be a ghost. Come out directly."

The light in the hall suddenly came on, illuminating all around.

"Here it is."

Ming Hai sits in the corner with wooden boxes stacked beside him. When Ming Hai gets up, he pushes a wooden box hard. The box hits the ground, the lid is lifted, and a pile of things fall out.

Ming Hai said, "here is what you want. It's not complete, but it's almost done."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "you lured me here in the middle of the night to give me something? Come on, do whatever you can

“NO,NO,NO……” Ming Hai stretched out his finger and said, "I think there is a misunderstanding between us."

Ye Cha said: "so, are you here to make amends?"

Minghai said: "I have no grudge against you. You should know the key to our action. Therefore, we are not fighting and killing, and there is no need for us not to die."

Ye Cha said, "are you going to let me tell Dr. Davis' whereabouts with your mouth instead of your fist?"

Minghai said, "no, I'm not going to use my mouth or fist. Anyway, you admit that you know where Dr. Davis is, right?"

Ye Cha said, "yes, then what?"

"Then? Then it has nothing to do with me! "

Ming Hai said as he made way to the side. Then a door was pushed open in the direction of the corridor. A man and a woman came out from behind the door and stood beside Ming Hai.

Ming Hai said to them with a smile: "you two, do you hear me? My information is correct. He does know where Dr. Davis is, and people have brought him to you. So, what's the reward we're talking about? "

The woman said impatiently, "it will arrive in half a month."

"Good, fast enough." Ming Hai retreated to one side and said to Ye Cha, "do you want me to introduce the origin of these two to you?"

"No "I'm not stupid," he said

Ye Cha admired Minghai a little now. Sure enough, the guy who can get ahead in the end of the world is not bad except for his fist.

Ming Hai's task is very simple, that is, he wants to get out of the affair. However, he wants to get out of the affair as well as benefit. What should he do?

It's very simple. He poked the matter to CommScope, asked CommScope to send someone to come, and then lured the leaf brake out with something.

The reason why he said so much nonsense before was to pave the way for ye Cha to admit that he knew where Dr. Davis was.

Then, as Ming Hai said, it's none of his business. CommScope promised benefits, and he brought the leaf brake to them. Then how to deal with the leaf brake is the business of CommScope.

"Hello At this time, the woman said to yecha, "tell me where Dr. Davis is."

Ye Cha looked at each other.

The woman has long wavy blonde hair. She is tall and grumpy. She looks grumpy.

The men around women are much more stable and silent. They are about 40 years old and have ordinary appearance. What is more striking is that they have a scar on the corner of the man's eyebrow, which extends all the way to the neck.

Ye Cha Shu mouth air way: "you two what origin, clean troops?"

"Now that you know how to clean up the army, just answer our questions so that you can suffer less." The woman sneered at Ye Cha and said, "clean up the troops, Aisha, the vice captain of the 13th detachment."

Ye Cha nodded, then looked at the man and said, "then you are the captain?"

The first time a man spoke, he didn't say much. He just gave his name indifferently: "NDIA."

"I don't have time to talk to you. If you don't want to tell me where Dr. Davis is, I'll have to do it for you."

"Oh." Ye Cha nodded and said, "come on."

Aisha Leng next, originally thought that the leaf brake communicates with them, is the intention compromise meaning, did not expect to exchange such a sentence finally.

AI Sha Dun felt that he had been fooled and said angrily to Ye Cha: "boy, you want to die."


Aisha's temper was really hot. She started immediately when she didn't agree. She stepped on the floor and broke a piece of it. Then she jumped forward and came directly to yecha's head. She raised her leg and hit yecha's head.

The flame gushed out from the side of the leaf brake, but at this time, the leaf brake waved his hand and gave up the ability to trigger the red flame armor.

Then, ye Cha stretched out his finger.

Aisha's expression suddenly solidified, her sweeping leg was blocked, andIt's a finger!

Ye Cha said with a smile: "woman, can you make more effort."

As soon as Aisha's pupil shrank, she became more angry. As soon as she raised her right leg and put it down, she immediately exerted her strength in the opposite direction. When she twisted her body, it was another sweep towards her waist.


Ye Cha was kicked, but his body didn't even shake. He just stood and looked at Aisha with a smile.

"I know what kind of guys you guys are." Ye Cha casually pushed Aisha's left leg away and said, "be direct and corpse. Maybe you can have some fun for me."

Asha's face was gloomy as if it could drip water. She looked back at NDIA, who nodded slightly.

Aisha turned to yecha and said, "then I will satisfy you and tear you up!"

Aisha's body is slightly curved, her throat is constantly making a low voice like a beast, her hands are raised forward, her nails are getting longer and longer, and then slowly become black.

At the same time, Aisha's naked skin began to fester and grow pustules one by one, and then those pustules were constantly broken, and the smelly green liquid was constantly dripping on the ground.

Aisha's forehead, cheek, head and neck, constantly appear a black crack, those cracks continue to open, into a mouth, full of teeth like serrations.

Ye Cha said: "it's the genetic modification of people with many mouths."

Aisha opened her mouth, and then the mouths covered her face made a roar at the same time. Then Aisha raised her arm and stabbed her black nails at yecha's head.

The next moment, the red flame suddenly appeared and crystallized in front of yecha, blocking Aisha's nails.

Ye Cha raised his fist with a smile and slowly squeezed it tightly. His phalanx made a "click, click" sound.

Ye Cha said: "this is a little interesting."


When the words fall, ye chaquan comes out.

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