death train

Chapter 1392

NDIA was shocked and looked at the electric current gushing from the leaf brake. She was very sure that it was a huge mistake to run with Aisha to catch people.

Even if the current does not enter the body to cause damage, it is enough to kill itself ten times!

NDIA almost instinctively got up and ran, ready to rush out of the office building, but at this time, a thunder pillar fell from the sky, covering NDIA's body.

"Ah, no, no, ah..."

NDIA roared loudly and struggled constantly in the thunder pillar, but the frequency of struggle was obviously weaker and weaker, and finally she fell on her knees.

Leizhu scattered at the moment, NDIA had been completely electrified, and her body was completely burnt black. No piece of flesh and blood was intact.


NDIA's body fell forward. When her body hit the ground, her whole body scattered and became a pile of black ash, but there were no bones left. Even the bones were electrochemically burnt.

Minghai airway: "didn't you say, kill him, I have no place to take advantage of it? You bastard

The leaf Cha disdains a way: "wait for you to also be the same as him of time, I pour want to see, you can still think about benefit again."

Ye Cha takes a deep breath, and then reaches out his hand to wave. The thunder pillar around him pushes away quickly and approaches the Ming sea.

Ming Hai runs wildly, constantly moving, trying to avoid the attack of Lei Zhu.

But soon, Ming Hai found that there was no way to avoid it.

Because there's no way.

With the continuous push of the thunder column, the top of it collapses, and countless pieces of gravel fall down, piled up, forming ruins. At the same time, it also compresses the moving space of Minghai until there is no place to escape.

Ye Cha said: "die!"

A thunder pillar pushed forward, and then enveloped Minghai in it.


Just like NDIA's scream before, Minghai bears the pain and roars loudly.

Even, he is more unbearable than NDIA. The moment he is shrouded by thunder pillar, countless lightning strokes appear on his body, and then his flesh and blood are torn one by one.

Those flesh and blood did not fall to the ground, but directly turned into fly ash and scattered into the air.

Ye Cha sneers scornfully.

This is the immortal body?

What a joke!

Even speeding regeneration has its limits. It is impossible to have immortality because of speeding regeneration. As long as the attack is terrifying enough and one blow kills the other, speeding regeneration is meaningless.

The other method is continuous and powerful killing, just like the thunder pillar in front of you. As long as the frequency of continuous killing exceeds the recovery speed of overspeed regeneration, and the damage caused by continuous killing is higher than the recovery degree of overspeed regeneration, you can also kill the opponent.

Of course, yecha doesn't deny that it's hard to kill people who have super speed regeneration. General attacks are useless, but the thunder ten sides are obviously not among them.

But, in this moment!

Ming Hai's fragmented body grows flesh and blood again. The black ash on the surface of the blackened bone gradually fades away. At the same time, with the new flesh and blood growing out, Ming Hai's body becomes complete again.

In a moment, the thunder column dispersed, and Minghai reappeared, bent and gasping.

The face of the leaf Cha peeps out the color of startle, looking at to sing the sea to whisper a way: "is really the body that does not die?"

"Hey, hey." Ming Hai raised his head, chest is still in constant ups and downs, looking at Ye Cha, panting: "it's not said, you can't kill me!"

Ye Cha didn't sneer at Minghai this time, and some changes did appear on his face.

Yecha is very sure that Minghai's ability to survive is not over speed regeneration.

There is a limit for speeding regeneration. The level of Ming Hai has already exceeded this limit. Let's not say whether thunder can exceed the limit of speeding regeneration and kill Ming Hai.

There is also a limit to the speed regenerative engine, and the most basic limit is that you are still alive.

After all, super speed regeneration is not resurrection. Therefore, this boundary is completely understandable. In fact, resurrection also has a boundary in this respect.

Yecha can use the twelve trials of immortality to resurrect. However, yecha never resurrects until his body is completely turned to ashes. He always starts the resurrection in advance to make himself alive.

Because you have to have a body to resurrect. If the fly ash is annihilated, what will you resurrect? Resurrection is not a creation out of thin air.

The situation of yiminghai just now is completely at the level that resurrection is not necessarily able to save. The flesh and blood are completely turned into fly ash, even the bones are electrocauted, and all monsters die. But Minghai is alive, and the dead can't live.

But Ming Hai is totally unreasonable.

Ye Cha said, "what are you?"

"Surprised?" Ming Hai grinned and said, "I don't think you should be so surprised. I've never seen anyone who can release electricity and fire from the body, so we are all monsters."Ming Hai's breath gradually calmed down and seemed to have completely recovered. Looking at Ye Cha, he said: "there is only one beast king in the mountain. Normally, one of us must fall down."

Ming Hai walked to the side, patted the pile of things and said: "however, I don't think it's impossible to coexist. Lions have lions, tigers have tigers. As long as there is a leader, we can live in harmony."

Ye Cha said, "what do you want to say?"

"I have a new proposal. If you don't want to tell us where Dr. Davis is, I don't want the reward from CommScope." Ming Hai said with a smile, "take all the things you want. If you don't get them, I'll get them for you."

The leaf Cha way: "then?"

"How about we work together?" Ming Hai licked the corner of his mouth and said, "anyway, we are all monsters. Isn't the combination of monsters and monsters very powerful? As long as we work together, everything is promising. In this era, with our ability, we can call the wind and the rain. "

Ming Hai is obviously very satisfied with his proposal. The more he says, the more excited he is.

Minghai said: "look at our combination, isn't it a good match? You are very strong and responsible for killing those disobedient guys. When they try their best to kill you, I will stand up and stand in front of you, because I will never die. Who can kill me in this world? Together, we are invincible. "

"Invincible?" The leaf Cha disdains a way: "is your brain broken?"

Minghai said, "am I right? Or am I not sincere enough? I'm willing to share everything I have with you. After all, we are the same kind, aren't we? Isn't it a matter of course that humans are with humans and monsters with monsters? "

"Unfortunately, I've seen too many monsters in your mouth." Ye Cha deep suction mouth airway: "moreover, you really think I have no way to take you?"

Leaf cha Gougou mouth corner, suddenly stretch out a hand, finger a pinch, make a ring finger.

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