death train

Chapter 1394

"Shut up." Ye Cha some impatient interrupt a way: "continue to say."

Ming Hai said: "I was sitting at the door of the supermarket eating, and I saw the egg twisting machine, because the money was useless in the end. At that time, I still had a few coins in my pocket, and I didn't know what I thought, or just did it casually. I put the coins into the egg twisting machine."

Ye Cha is a little bit thirsty, and finally to the point.

Ye Cha said, "then."

Minghai said: "the twisted egg in the twisted egg machine clearly has a key chain and some small ornaments. But the twisted egg that falls out has only a note in it, and then some strange contents are written on the note."

The leaf Cha way: "what content."

Ming Hai said: "Hey, I just promised to tell you where my ability came from. I didn't say that I would tell you my ability."

Ye Cha suddenly grabbed Ming Hai's neck and said harshly, "you just said that although you have an immortal body, there are still feelings like pain, right? You know what that means? It means that you are a good torture object, I can make you bear endless pain, and you will never die! "

Minghaidun shivered, and then said, "OK, OK, OK, I tell you, I got three twisted eggs, which were all filled with notes. The first note, as you can see, said: immortal body."

Ye Cha said, "go on."

Minghai said: "the second note is about coordinate positioning, and the third note is about years."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "be specific, what's next? How did you find that you had the ability? "

Ming Hai said: "I thought it was a prank or something, but later I found out it was true. After I left the gas station, I was attacked by a mutant vulture. That vulture attacked me and ate my body. I lost a lot of flesh and blood, and then..."

Ming Hai shrugs his shoulders and looks surprised. It seems that he still feels incredible when he remembers.

Minghai said: "after that vulture ate my body, about two or three minutes later, I survived, and all the flesh and blood on my body grew back."

The leaf Cha picks next eyebrow, is still really immortal body?

Ye Cha said: "what's the feeling? I mean what it's like to be killed and then come back to life. "

Ming Hai thought for a moment and said, "it's not easy to say. It's like you drink too much and your brain suddenly breaks. I feel that everything is blurry. It's dark in front of me. For a moment, my thinking and memory are terminated. I think that during that time, I should be dead. Then, just like waking up, I suddenly open my eyes and everything appears At present, time is not static. It has been a while

Ye Cha nodded, and then said, "go on, talk about the other two pieces of paper, and the corresponding ability."

Minghai said: "coordinate positioning is the ability to move suddenly that you have just seen. I can engrave the next coordinate with my own consciousness within a certain range, and then move in any direction next time. No matter how long or short the distance is, it will appear in the engraved coordinate position, and the maximum number of coordinates can be engraved is five."

The leaf Cha nods again, as expected is an instant move a series.

In fact, instant movement is also a general term. In other words, on the death train, instant movement is a capability category.

The essence of this ability is the ability to move in an instant. There is a key difference between the ability and the ability to move in an instant. No matter how fast the ability is, the ability to move in an instant has a moving track. The ability to move in an instant is to move suddenly to a certain position, and there is no moving track to find.

Generally speaking, the way we use to distinguish the two is to see whether we can capture the moving track when we move. Even if the moving effect seems to be the same, the ability to move the category instantaneously is much more valuable than speeding.

For example, ye Cha once saw a kind of ability of instant movement, which is called time-space vortex. It can open six vortices within a certain range, and then move, but the moving position can only be the location of the six vortices.

Secondly, there is a kind of ability called blinking, which is also the ability to move instantaneously, but within a certain range, randomly jump in space and move constantly.

Generally speaking, the effect, the method of use, these may be different, but the general direction is consistent, which belongs to the ability of instant movement category.

According to Ming Hai's description, positioning coordinates obviously belong to this kind of ability, and they should be relatively high-end in the category of instant movement ability. In addition to describing the number of coordinates, there is almost no limit. At the same time, they are directly described by consciousness, which means that it is difficult to prevent the description of coordinates.

The only way to solve this problem is to use the corpse flower vine to completely restrain Ming Hai, so that he can't even move a step. It depicts the coordinates for positioning, and it's useless.

Ye Cha thought for a while, then motioned to Minghai to continue.

Ming Hai showed a rather helpless expression and said: "the last note says" years ", but so far, I don't know what these two words mean, or how to use them."The leaf Cha doubts a way: "don't know?"

Minghai said: "yes, I've seen three pieces of paper. If you don't experience that kind of ability, you will see three pieces of paper. Do you think that what is written on it is not a prank? It's probably just like thank you for your patronage, which means that you didn't get anything in the twisting machine. "

Ye Cha said, "haven't you ever tried to explore?"

"Of course I have." Ming Hai said: "the immortal body was known only after I died once, and the positioning coordinates were really involved at that time. When I looked at the front, I thought that I could pass without walking. Then I suddenly started the positioning coordinates. With two such experiences, I would not think that the content on the last note was just written casually, but it was completely incomprehensible 。”

Ye Cha said: "what is the meaning of imperceptible?"

Ming Hai said: "literally, let's put it this way. The immortal body knows what to use as soon as it looks at it. Although the positioning coordinates can't be understood by looking at the literal meaning, it's easy to understand after using them once. It's like I can print several coordinates. The maximum distance and the minimum distance are all figured out by me later. However, when I see the two words of time, what can you feel like?"

Ye Cha tilted his head and said, "life span?"

"Maybe." Minghai said: "but I am immortal. Does life mean anything to me?"

Ye Chadao: "extract target life and so on?"

Minghai said: "I've thought about it and tried it, but it's useless."

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