death train

Chapter 1408

Ye Cha soon stopped thinking about these two tasks. In fact, there was nothing to think about.

The extraordinary road was completely inexplicable. Three question marks were used as the description, and there was no hint. Ye Cha could not even explore. He could only go back to the dining car to ask the landlady, and then consider the task.

As for the job challenge, is there such a task? When yecha thinks that he is more powerful than marfarian and dongfangyu, he will naturally challenge their positions.

However, with this task, things become simple.

Without this task, even if ye Cha killed one of them, he could not be sure that he could get the position of deputy conductor, because it depends on the will of the conductor.

With this task, as long as you have the ability to kill one of them, the will of the conductor can not change the decision of the dead train, or the rules, only let Ye Cha become the Deputy conductor.

At the same time, the conductor is actually within the target range of the leaf brake. If one day, the leaf brake thinks that it is enough to challenge the authority of the conductor, then the leaf brake will challenge, or choose to leave the dead train and directly fight against the dead train.

This is Ye Cha's own will. It has nothing to do with the task.

Of course, it's a lot more convenient to have a task. Even if you wanted to challenge the position of deputy conductor, you need to consider a lot, but now you don't need it. Fists are the hard truth.

After not thinking about those two tasks, ye Cha naturally focused on the body of Da Honglong and began to collect materials from Da Honglong.

And then

Ye Cha is in trouble.

Although the body of dahonglong is scarred, and many flesh and blood are annihilated by the fly ash, it is still intact. If you take it back, Dr. Davis should be able to use it.

But the problem is, it's killing, but it's not easy to take back!

Dahonglong's body is more than the compartment of the death train. However, this is not a problem. The internal structure of the death train is definitely not the size of the compartment on the surface.

Take the dining car as an example. In fact, there are many dining cars, but the main purpose is to separate them. Otherwise, we can't take care of so many cars, not because one dining car can't squeeze so many people.

In fact, the space of a dining car is at least several times that of a normal car. There are 60 dining tables in the dining car, not counting the floor space of the bar and other areas, and there is enough space between the dining tables, which are all about two meters apart, not next to each other.

If you stand on the dead train and look at the carriages, it will take about five to six carriages side by side to have such a large space. This is a conservative estimate.

Of course, this kind of space is not enough to be crammed into the big bang dragon, but at least it proves that the internal space of the death train is not equal to the size of the appearance. Therefore, it is not impossible to cram into a big bang dragon.

The problem is that it is impossible to hide such a big thing from the landlady, let alone send the body of the dragon to Dr. Davis.

The leaf Cha thinks of here, not from clap next head, oneself this time really miscalculated.

If you only want to win the dragon, you can not only finish the task of hunting the extraordinary ancient species, but also find the body for Dr. Davis, without considering the size of the dragon.

What's more, I'm afraid Dr. Davis didn't think of this problem. Otherwise, ye Cha should be reminded. You know, Dr. Davis's personal carriage can't be jammed into such a large body. If it's impossible, I'm afraid I have to go to the conductor or the landlady to help solve it.


Leaf Cha peeps out helpless expression, this seems to be a dead end, completely unable to solve.

Of course, ye Cha was not reconciled to the loss of Da Honglong's body. In theory, if Dr. Davis didn't want it, it was useless to ask for the body himself.

Ye Cha has collected all the materials in the mysterious voice prompt. The corpse is useless. The death train doesn't recognize it. Even if you use the corpse to make something, it doesn't have any effect.

But the problem is that Dr. Davis wants it. The constellation plan has nothing to do with the death train. To make a constellation monster, you can use the body of the big bang dragon.

It's not important to find a new super level ancient species. Ye Cha estimates his current strength. The weak ancient species in super 1 and super 2 can be killed, but the problem is that it's hard to find.

Leaf brake tangle, incomparable tangle.

And in this moment

Poof, poof

Behind the leaf brake suddenly rang out the sound of the flame jumping.

Ye Cha was suddenly surprised. The source of the sound was

Red flame armor is on!

ChiYan armor means that ye Cha is under attack. Only when ye Cha will be damaged will ChiYan armor defend itself.

Ye Cha almost instinctively turned around, and then he saw the sudden fragmentation of the red flame armor. Before he could see what it was, ye Cha felt his shoulder hurt, and the fierce impact force flew Ye Cha out.


The leaf Cha stuffy hums a, flies backward, smashes to fall on the ground, on the shoulder appeared a baby fist size blood hole, the bright red blood, continuously flows down.Ye Cha raised his head, and an ancient species about three meters tall was walking towards him.

The body of that ancient species is similar to an ape, with pure white fur. However, the legs of each other are claw shaped, the arms of both hands are ape like, and the palms are claw shaped.

The head is like a dragon's head, a lizard's head like a Western dragon. In addition, there is a tail behind the waist, covered with scales like crocodiles, rather than ape hair.

Ye Cha was shocked and said, "dragon ape? Is there a second supernatural ancient species in this ghost place? How is that possible? "

Yecha knew this ancient species in front of him. This time, it was not from the memory of the last life, but when yecha went to kawasi Island, the landlady just gave yecha a picture book.

The Dragon ape is in that book, and the third most dangerous, because it is one of the only three extraordinary ancient species on kawasi island.

Ye Cha doesn't remember seeing the Dragon ape when he came to the dry rice basin in his last life. Of course, even if ye Cha came to the dry rice basin in his last life, he may not be able to see it.

But even if the Dragon ape also lives in a dry rice bowl, it can't be here.

Transcendental ancient species, which have no docile character at all, are extremely aggressive. Moreover, because the number of transcendental ancient species is very small, there is no possibility of social life.

This leads to the extremely strong territoriality of the supernatural ancient species. One supernatural ancient species will never allow another supernatural ancient species to enter its own occupied area. If this happens, it will not die.

Therefore, since there is a big bang dragon here, there should be no dragon ape.

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