death train

Chapter 1414

"Cough, cough..."

The leaf Cha light cough, a mouthful of blood vomited foot side.

The Berserker state is over.

The Berserker state is only 360 seconds. It is almost impossible to catch the death train in such a short time, and it is also impossible to recover by speeding in such a short time.

However, it is not out of the crazy warrior state that ye Cha will definitely die. In a limited period of time, speeding regeneration does extend Ye Cha's life. Next, it depends on whether ye Cha can support the death train.

However, there is a rather bad news at the moment, which is bothering yecha.

"This damn place..." Ye Cha supported a huge rock, looked around and said, "where is it?"

Yecha, lost!

It's common for a dry rice basin to get lost. The compass here will fail, and the electronic equipment is useless. At the same time, the dry rice basin is composed of innumerable valleys of different sizes. The terrain of each valley is very similar, which makes it very easy to get lost in the dry rice basin.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth. It was not easy to get back to the death train in a limited time. Now he was lost.

Little cat, snow God and corpse flower were originally opportunities for yecha to leave here, but the terrain of the dry rice basin was so complex that little cat could not find a way out correctly.

As for snow God and corpse flower, the former has the air advantage, while the latter has the underground advantage. They should not be affected by the terrain environment. However, they have gone to explore the way, but they have not come back yet. It seems that they are not very optimistic in terms of time.

Even so, ye Cha still didn't want to give up and took a step forward, but at this time, he was about to fall and fell to the side.

Pain, a lot of blood loss and vertigo, at this moment suddenly eroding the leaf brake's body.

However, at the moment when the leaf brake fell, the little cat came out from the side and carried the leaf brake's body.

"Thank you."

Ye Cha reluctantly hooked his mouth and feet, even if he had laughed, and patted the head of the little cat.

At this time, the consul came from the rear, raised the leaf brake and continued to walk towards the front.

Ye Cha gasped and leaned on the consul completely.

But at this time

The harsh sound of birds suddenly sounded.

In the woods on the side, countless birds fly up into the air.

Ye Cha's heart clattered for a while. At this time, startled birds appeared, which of course represented that there was something in the forest!

The consul's reaction is very quick, immediately push the leaf brake away, then jump back.

A fishy red tongue suddenly flew out from the edge of the forest, passed between yecha and the consul, and smashed a standing rock.

As soon as the ruling light showed up, the sound of Jingling appeared, and then a chain of light appeared in the palm of the consul.

An ancient species slowly came out of the woods.

That ancient species is very similar to pangolin, but its shape is very terrible. It is two and a half meters high, and its length is about four meters. A fishy red tongue is in the shape of a cylinder and directly falls on the ground.

Gold gobbler!

Zunwang is an ancient species of Zunwang, but it belongs to the weaker ancient species of Zunwang. There is only Zunwang 2 star, and it is the bottom of the 2 stars.

But ye Cha's fighting power is no longer zero, but directly negative. Now it's up to the consul and the little cat to deal with the gold gobbler, which is a little difficult.

The consul slowly drags the chain. The little ancient cat does not have the Dragon attribute function of dragon power and anger scale, and does not grow up to the whole, so its combat power can be ignored.

Ice and snow God and corpse flower can help. No, to put it correctly, if they are all there, the gold swallowing beast will not be in any trouble, but the problem is that ice and snow God and corpse flower are not there.

If ye Cha is still awake, he will be surprised to see the consul.

The consul has always been quiet, but perhaps because of the human form, the degree of wisdom has always been the highest, especially after the use of the flesh and blood evolution of the apostles.

But it is still a very surprising thing that the consul is really thinking.

Unfortunately, ye Cha can't see this scene.

At this time, the consul instinctively looked at the position of the leaf brake. As far as the current situation is concerned, although the little ancient cat has no ability to participate in the war, it should not be a problem to protect itself.

It's yecha. While fighting with the gold swallowing beast, I'm afraid the consul has to be responsible for protecting yecha.

But when the archon turned his face

The leaf brake is gone!

The consul is still expressionless, but his pupils are flashing light red, as if this is the best way to express his mood.

Ye Cha, who was pushed aside by the consul, disappeared!

At the same time, the gold swallowing beast opened its mouth again, and the red tongue flew out towards the consul.The archon instinctively leaped aside, and the goblin's tongue hit the boulder again, crushing it.


"Damn it."

Ye Cha opened his eyes in a daze. He seemed to be lying on the ground, surrounded by the sound of water drops. There was a big round hole right above, and the sunlight just fell on Ye cha.

The fatal voice rang out in Ye Cha's brain: "you've been attacked and seem to fall down."

"Hoo." Ye Cha spits out turbid air way: "bad luck thing one by one?"

According to the big hole on the top of his head, ye Cha can infer that it should be a pit on the ground. Most of it was because the consul didn't pay attention and just pushed himself down.

Holding the side of the cliff, ye Cha slowly stood up from the ground.

The pit is about four or five meters long. It's not a problem for the blade brake in normal condition, but it's not easy to climb up at present.

Ye shazheng is thinking about countermeasures. The consul is probably fighting with the gold swallowing beast. Now he has no time to control himself. He has to think of some ways.

But at this time, the fatal voice suddenly rang out in Ye Cha's brain: "be careful, there's something here. I smell it."

"Well?" The leaf Cha picks next eyebrow way: "dangerous flavor."

"No Fatal way: "the taste of the same kind."

When the fatal sound fell, ye Cha saw a dark shadow on the stone wall on the side. It suddenly flashed, quickly appeared and quickly disappeared.


Ye Cha didn't hesitate to pull out the double serrated sword from his back, and then quickly launched the ability of the iron soldier.

Iron blooded soldier (big sword): when fighting in big sword form, you will lose pain. All healing and regeneration abilities will be improved by one stage.

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