death train

Chapter 1417

Dead train, assistant conductor carriage.

Marfarian leaned against the wall, his cane gently touching the ground, and then said, "you're too impulsive. It's not using the rules, it's challenging the rules."

"Shut up Dongfang Yu's face was iron green and said, "are you teaching me to do things?"

Marfarian said: "don't be so impatient, even if he really stepped into the extraordinary, so what? He got the job challenge, so what? Is he your opponent? Will he challenge you? "

Dongfang yuleng snorted: "if he dares to challenge, it will be easy."

Challenge means that the representative Ye Cha may kill Dongfang Yu, but conversely, Dongfang Yu can also kill Ye Cha, which is a very fair thing.

The problem is that Dongfang Yu can't challenge yecha, but yecha has such power.

Marfarian said: "this is what I think is the most troublesome part of him. A person with strength and growth potential is not the most terrible. The most terrible people are those who are sober after getting strength."

Dongfang Yu glances at mafalian, always feeling that this guy is criticizing others.

"But that's still not why you're in a hurry. He's too young to threaten us," said malfarian

Dongfang Yu said, "he's growing up too fast."

"Well." Marfarian said: "this is indeed a troublesome and terrible thing, but it's not too strange. The conductor seems to be very optimistic about him. After Li Xuanhe died, he seems to consciously want to cultivate him."

Dongfang Yu snorted again: "what are we? Maybe that guy's afraid we'll take his place? So we purposely cultivate a person who can compete with us. "

Malfarian frowned and said, "speak with caution."

"Hum." Dongfang Yu said, "the winner is the king. Anyway, as long as he dies, he will be lucky this time."

Marfarian thought and said, "you are stopped by the son of light this time. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Dongfang Yu said: "it's not a coincidence. Is that smelly girl protecting him? Why? I don't deny the boy's quick work. There are many apostles hanging in his hands, and the son has not been slaughtered. "

Malfarian nodded and said, "well, I think I think too much, but if so, why is there a son there?"

Dongfang Yumeng slapped on the tea table and said, "what's important about this matter? It's not about how to deal with the Apostle walking."

Marfarian glanced at Dongfang Yu. This guy's strength is still above himself. It can be said that he is the strongest one besides the conductor. Unfortunately, he is too grumpy. Moreover, in marfarian's opinion, this guy's head is not very good.

"The initial zombie virus investigation has some news," said malfarian

Dongfang Yu looked up at malfarian and asked, "hmm?"

Marfarian said, "let him go to Alcatraz."

Dongfang Yu said, "do you think he is not strong enough?"

Marfarian said, "he will be stronger if he can come back. What if he can't?"

Dongfang Yu raised her eyebrows and said, "I know the place. Besides, the guy named seshens derrido is there. But are you sure he will die?"

Marfarian said, "if you can make a dragon ape, can't you make two? If two ends are not enough, can three? "

Marfarian is a little impatient. Dongfang Yu is really a dead hearted man.

Marfarian said, "of course, remember to make it clean."

Dongfang Yu said, "don't worry. Can the conductor stand up for him when he's dead? The dead are worthless, the living are


It took about a week for yecha to leave the dry rice basin, which was three times as long as it took for yecha to enter the dry rice basin.

These once forbidden areas for human beings did have their own terrors, but anyway, yecha left smoothly and got what he wanted.

Back to the death train, ye Cha went directly to Dr. Davis's personal car, leaving the body of the Dragon ape.

"Does this guy work?" Ye Cha said: "in addition, I also got some materials in my hand. Please see if you can replace the materials on the list."

"Yes." Dr. Davis examined the body of the Dragon ape and said excitedly, "I didn't expect that you really got an extraordinary body back."

Ye Cha said: "in fact, there are better ones, but they are too big."

In fact, the corpse of dahonglong is more suitable for experiment. After all, in terms of body strength alone, dahonglong's body strength is much stronger.

Dr. Davis said: "this level is enough. Anyway, it has to be reformed. Moreover, the body similar to human shape has advantages. Using the program to simulate combat can carry out more diversified combat."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "when can it start?"

Dr Davis said: "I will start the production after the data simulation, but I can only do the preliminary work first. The materials are not complete, and it is impossible to complete the production."Ye Cha said: "you start first. I'll find a way for the rest of the materials."

Dr. Davis nodded and said, "OK."

Dr. Davis had obvious excitement in his eyes. This guy was the type of scientific madman. Ye Cha knew that Dr. Davis was impatient to play with the dead body of the Dragon ape. He didn't talk nonsense and turned to leave.

After leaving Dr. Davis's car, ye Cha naturally prepared to go back to his car. However, not long after he entered his own car, the phone rang in the car. When he picked it up, it was the landlady who called.

Ye Cha immediately left the personal car and went to the dining car.

"What's the matter?" Sitting down in front of the bar, ye Chadao said, "I just came back. Before I have time to rest, I'll come to see you."

The landlady said, "there is a task."

The leaf brake Leng next, at present has not set off, distance next station is still early, which has what task? Then, with a flash of light, ye Cha understood and said, "the task of the conductor?"

The landlady said, "the conductor hasn't come back yet. It's the task of the Deputy conductor."

Ye Cha said: "if there is any advantage, what is the task?"

The landlady said, "haven't you been investigating the initial zombie virus? It's a bit of a sight now. There's a place you need to go

Ye Cha frowned and said, "what do you mean by eyebrows?"

The landlady said, "have you ever heard of seshens derrido?"

Ye Cha Leng next, too heard, this is not Dr. Davis to his list, may have killed one of the four Karem?

Ye Cha said, "I have heard a little."

The landlady said: "although Mr. seshens is not a member of CommScope, he had a close relationship with the top management of CommScope before the end of his life. He probably knew the whereabouts of the initial zombie virus."

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