death train

Chapter 1426

Ye Cha dragged him upstairs, away from the poisonous smoke, and then hit him on the nose.

"He said The leaf Cha low drinks a way: "how do you know my target number?"

Obviously, the other party is not the one who came to deliver weapons, but yecha really killed the target prey. Therefore, yecha can indeed get a weapon, and the other party wants to take advantage of it if he knows the number of yecha and the number of the person killed by yecha.

That person's nose is hit askew by leaf Cha one punch, painful way: "I said, can let me go?"


Ye Cha hit each other's face again and said, "I don't really want to know."

"I said, I said." The other side yelled: "I found a weapon box. There was only a note in it. It said that I could use the walkie talkie to get the numbers on three people's hands."

The other side said while shaking to take out a piece of paper, leaf brake looked at one eye, really.

In this case, the explanation was made. The other side saw the battle of yecha, and then asked the number of yecha and the number of the person who died.

When the other party asked, I probably didn't expect such a coincidence. The main function of knowing numbers is to determine whether the other party's target is himself or not, and whether his or her target is the other party.

In fact, the role of three opportunities is not so great. At present, there are still a large number of people. They only know the number of three people, so it is not possible to make up for them.

But the thing is so coincidental, the other party found that the number of the leaf brake and the death of that person can match, so immediately thought of this method Yin death leaf brake.

Although they are not their target prey, it is always good to take two more number cards, because they have two more chances to get weapons.

Unfortunately, although the poisonous gas may not kill yecha, but at the critical moment, yecha's perception of danger helped yecha. Otherwise, even if he could not die, he would be in a bit of trouble.


Ye Cha smashed each other's head against the wall again and said, "don't appear in front of me again, understand?"

The other side endured the pain and said, "understand, understand."

The leaf brake leaves behind the other party, but at this time, the man suddenly pulls out a spring knife from his sleeve and stabs at the back of the leaf brake fiercely.



At the moment when the spring knife was about to hit Ye Cha, ye Cha seemed to have eyes on his back. Suddenly, he stepped back and hit the other person's chest, kicking him to the ground again.

Ye Cha turned around and said, "you should learn to cherish life."

The leaf Cha side says, at the same time again a foot, kick the wrist of the opposite party, the spring knife of the opposite party hand give kick off.



In the other side's miserable foot sound, ye Cha stepped on the other side's neck, and then twisted his foot to break the other side's neck.

For those who really want to kill themselves, ye Cha's rule is to kill each other first, especially Ye Cha has given each other a chance before.

Kill a person again, didn't see the canvas bag, the other party is probably afraid of exposure, hide ahead of time, anyway Ye Cha also don't need number plate, so lazy to find, directly downstairs.

Leave from the side door of the first floor, ye Cha sees someone coming towards him, and the other side immediately says: "the one who sent weapons."

The leaf Cha scolds a way: "return to come?"

The other side's ear is wearing a headset, it seems to hear something, immediately shouting: "I'm real."

The other side didn't talk nonsense either. He held up an ammunition box in his hand and opened it directly. After that, an M2000 pistol fell out, and some bullets and an iron can looked like smoke bombs or Flash bombs.

The other side pulled the sign on his chest and said, "there is a staff logo."

Ye Cha said, "throw the sign here."

Without saying a word, the other party took off the sign and threw it.

It's a brand made of hard plastic, with a photo printed on it, a name and a serial number, indicating the target game staff.

This time, it's true. Ye Cha compared his appearance, because it's a printed photo. It can't be forged without a machine. Where can I get a machine in this place.

Ye Cha motioned the other side to step back, went to the side of the pile of weapons, put down the sign, then took the weapons and left.

The weapon is an M2000 pistol with seven bullets and a shock bomb. In terms of the current game process, it is already a weapon of big killer level. It is really telling people in this way that the more you kill, the higher the chance of survival.

Ye Cha quickly loaded the bullet, but did not leave, but pretended to leave.

This building is three rectangular buildings with different heights. It wants to connect two floors. The building that ye Cha just came out has only two floors, and the one on the side has five floors. Ye Cha turned the window to enter. After observing, he made sure there was no camera and immediately hid by the window.

Looking at Ye Cha leaving, the staff member was also relieved that this job was not easy to do, and it was too easy to be hurt by mistake. He picked up his work card and turned to leave.Also at this time, the leaf brake turns over the window and comes out, quickly cat waist followed up.

The four words of the staff let yecha flash. Could the place where the staff went back be where seshens was?

If so, why do you have so much trouble? You can find Sishen with others. As for the armed forces around Sishen, is Ye Cha afraid?

Yecha doesn't believe it. Seshens can still let the missile car follow him. Besides, as long as he can touch seshens, how many heavy firepower weapons seshens has in his hand are useless. If he orders that he should be fried into meat sauce, yecha will recognize him.

Unfortunately, ye Cha's idea is good, but it doesn't work.

The staff member walked down a path on the side, and then suddenly stopped. There was a triangular flag on the side with the words "work point, no fighting in this area".

Ye Cha felt that he vomited blood, and he almost understood. In order to transport weapons, there are probably such working points all over the island.

If someone kills the target prey, the person in charge of monitoring will inform the nearby staff with a messenger, and then the staff will send the weapon.

Therefore, these staff are actually part of the target game.

In that case, it doesn't make sense. People won't go to seshens' side unless the target game is over.

Ye Cha's head flashed again, as if it was also a way. When the target game was over, would the winner be taken to sishens? If you win?

Then ye Cha shakes his head, and the probability is not big. For the next arrangement of the winner, it doesn't need sethens to come out in person. How can people say that he is a big boss.

After thinking about it, ye Cha still thinks it's more reliable to find Ye Yue.

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