death train

Chapter 1428

Ye Cha turns around the corridor. There is an iron fence around the surveillance area. On the side of it is a small room like a guard room, where the prison guards rest. After walking around, ye Cha finally sees the window because he has left the detention area.

An elbow, leaf brake smashed the window, and then turn the window out.

Under the window is the outside cabinet of the air conditioner. Of course, prisoners are not so well treated. They can still enjoy the air conditioner, but the prison guards do.

Stepping on the air conditioner chassis continuous jump, quickly fell to the ground.

Swing arm, leaf brake toward side walk.

We need to speed up our search for ye Yue.

Before the zombie appeared, it was not a big problem, and ye Cha didn't think anyone could threaten Ye Yue, but after the zombie appeared, it was more troublesome.

If ye Yue doesn't want to be exposed, she can't use her brain area ability. With her small body and her experience in melee combat, it's not a big problem to deal with a few zombies, but if she is blocked and has no weapons in her hand, it will be very troublesome.

Ye Cha thought and walked toward the southwest.

Although Ye Cha has not finished exploring the internal area of the prison, he has paid attention to the surrounding areas. Even when he is inside the prison, ye Cha will take the opportunity to look out every window.

Then, assuming Ye Yue is not inside the prison, she is probably not in this area.

Ye Cha thinks like this, and then looks into the distance.

Devil island prison is divided into two areas. Yecha's area is the old cell area, which was used as a military prison when it was first established.

After climbing over the hillside, there are also buildings, which are also prisons. However, they are called new cell areas, which were established during the period when the military prison was abandoned and used as a prison for felons.

Since ye Yue is not in the old cell area below, it is likely to be in the new cell area. Of course, the building where the prison guards work on the other side is also possible, but the route is the same. The building is built on the side of the new cell area and needs climbing.

There was a road between the old and new cell areas. A brick tunnel covered with moss was drilled. When it came out, it reached the other side.

But that was too slow. Ye Cha chose to climb up from the adjacent stone walls on both sides.

Put the Alaskan whaling fork to your mouth, bite it with your teeth, and yecha starts to step on the raised rock and start climbing unarmed.

The cliff is not high. It is about eight to ten meters high. It is steep and almost right angle. But like the cliff on the coast, there are many raised rocks and many footholds. If you can climb by hand, it's not a big problem.

At that time, the premise was that there were no attackers.

When the leaf brake climbs to half time, the body suddenly stiff.



Crawler is the weakest and the most common variant zombie.

At the end of the world, the crawler is everyone's nightmare. In front of the ordinary zombie, you can run away, even pick up a stick, come at the head of the zombie, and kill the other person.

But the climber is different. It's like David challenging Goliath when he encounters the climber in the early eschatology. It's called a person going up to meet death.

Of course, this is not the beginning of doomsday, and ye Cha does not pay attention to the climbers.

However, there is a prerequisite that the blade brake can step on the ground.

"Bad luck." Ye Cha said angrily: "today the bad star shines high!"

The speed of the climber is very fast. Like a gecko, he is walking on the flat ground on the cliff. When he finds the leaf brake, he immediately rushes towards it.

Ye Cha just weighed up for a moment and decided to jump down. Anyway, the height of four or five meters is not very high. Otherwise, he would fight with the climber on the rock wall, and his feet would not touch the ground, and his hands would be used to fix his body. Ye Cha would also have a headache facing the climber.

But at the moment when ye chasong opened his hand, the climber had come to him, and his tail was whipped like a whip.


Ye Cha's chest was hit, and the whole person was photographed sticking to the rock wall, unable to jump down.

Ye Cha is also fierce. He can be bullied by the climber. As soon as he drags the climber's tail, he wants to throw this guy down. However, he happens to see a camera set up at the edge above the cliff.

"I'll bear it!"

Yecha gritted his teeth, then pulled out the Alaskan whaling fork and stabbed it into the crawler's tail.

The climber ate the pain, opened his mouth and roared. He swam along the cliff, twisted his body and bit the leaf brake.

Ye Cha twisted his body, twisted a piece of gravel from the cliff, and smashed it toward the climber's head.

The rock broke a pile of debris, and as soon as the climber's body was loose, he fell off the rock wall.

With a bang, the climber hit the ground, and the leaf brake also jumped down, directly riding on the climber, and then raised the Alaska whaling fork to stab down.


Blood spatter!

Also with warm blood, the leaf brake is all over the body, with some fishy smell.Kill the climber alone!

"36, bet..."

"36, bet..."

"36, bet..."

Of course, ye Cha didn't feel much about it, but there were a lot of notes on Ye Cha's number again. Not everyone could kill the climber with a dagger.

On the other side, ye Cha solves the climber, wipes his face at will, wipes out the blood, and then continues to climb.

I didn't meet the climber this time. Ye Cha came to the top of the cliff very smoothly.


When you come to the top of the cliff, the first thing ye Cha sees is


It's not a human corpse, but a zombie corpse. His head was blown out with a dagger or a knife. But yecha had an unusual feeling.

There's something unique about the bodies.

The sense of brain power!

What's more, some clues can be seen at the wounds, which are completely smooth.

When a normal person uses the stabbing action, he must have a tilt angle. According to his habits, the angle is big or small, but it will be more or less.

One is to put the knife completely straight, the posture will be very awkward, unless it is a bayonet or other weapons, the other is to have a certain tilt angle, you can stab at the same time, use the blade cutting, more easily stab the knife into the target body.

But the wounds on the heads of these zombies were stabbed straight in.

Normally, it can't be like this, but Superman can, because it has the ability to control the dagger to fly directly, and then stab forward out of thin air. Of course, the blade is straight.

But is Ye Yue just using her brain power? If you are caught by the camera, it will be exposed

The leaf Cha side thinks, at the same time peep out a suddenly facial expression.

"I see!"

Ye Cha laughs, almost sure that ye Yue killed these zombies.

Because all the cameras around are passive!

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