death train

Chapter 1430

Ye Yue said: "is there something wrong with the boss's information?

Ye Cha is also a bit tangled. Theoretically, the boss's wife's intelligence can't go wrong, but this time's intelligence is inferred from the fact that Mr. seshens is watching the target game nearby every time.

So, what if seshens doesn't want to see it this time? Or, if you find that there is no place to stay in Alcatraz, you will not come to Alcatraz.

Speaking of all, the Devil Island is very close to the nearest city. They can see a sea crossing bridge from the roof, which is one of the unique scenic spots.

Before the end of the world, the flights from the wharf to the devil's Island were only 35 minutes to 40 minutes. We can see how short the journey is.

In this case, people may watch it in the city, but they don't go to the island at all. Moreover, from the distance, it can be regarded as "nearby" viewing.

Ye Cha thought and said: "no matter what, since it's here, you can't give up so simply. Maybe there's something hidden?"

Ye Yue said: "the two prisons certainly don't need to be considered. It's absolutely impossible. It's unlikely that the prison guard office building and Mr. seshens are hiding in the middle of the building. But we can get close to it and feel it. Besides..."

Ye Yue suddenly brightened her eyes and said, "there is a place, maybe it is possible."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Ye Yue said: "that place, didn't you use to be a long diamond?"

Ye Cha said: "drill? sewer? It's really possible. It won't be a problem to be a temporary stronghold. "

The prison has a drainage system. In other words, if you want to use water, you have a drainage system. Prisoners also have to take a bath. In addition, the kitchen also needs water to make food. All the water flows into the sea through the drainage system. The sewers must be perfect.

The sewer, in fact, has a lot of space. It's very possible for seshens to hide in a place apart.

Ye Yue said: "go down, I feel it."

Ye Cha nodded his head and said, "well, you don't have to spend too much brain power. Corpse flower can also help you explore."

Ye Yue nodded and went down the stairs.

The reason why we don't climb directly from the outer wall is that we can explore the prison.

Although I think it's very unlikely that Mr. seshens will stay inside the prison, I'd like to take a look. If there is any hidden space in the prison, Mr. seshens can hide.

All the way down the stairs, just from the stairs to the next floor, there are zombies on both sides.

Ye Cha jumped up in the air and kicked two zombies to the left and right. At the moment of landing, he raised his hand and pressed the head of a zombie. The Alaska whaling fork suddenly came out of its sheath.


The Zombie's throat was cut open and blood was gushing out.

Ye Yue took out two pistols from her canvas bag and threw them to Ye cha. She said, "use the gun directly. Don't worry about the bullets. I have several cartridges here."

Ye Cha was surprised and said, "how can you have so many bullets?"

It's not surprising that there are guns. Most of the weapons found in the ammunition box are guns. After all, it's too difficult to give ordinary people a dagger to fight with zombies.

But bullets are hard to find, obviously in order to increase the stimulation of the target game, and urge people to fight, grab weapons, and control the bullets.

The leaf month disdains of hum a way: "you don't think who I am?"

The leaf Cha Leng next, immediately suddenly, this wench is super body human, use perception to look for army fire box, isn't that a look for accurate? It's not as tight as it can be.

It is undeniable that ye Cha sometimes envies super human beings, which is really convenient.

Ye Cha said: "no wonder I came all the way and saw that many people who were killed were all barehanded. You swept them away with your weapons."

Ye Yue didn't care: "no matter what they do, if they get the weapon, they will live?"

There is no difference between the game that has no target and the game that has no target but to die early.

After taking the gun, ye Cha didn't talk nonsense. He raised his arm to keep a horizontal position, always aimed at the head of the zombies, and constantly pulled the trigger.

Ye Cha shot and walked forward. At the same time, he said to Ye Yue, "in fact, there is another place that is suspicious. We can go and have a look."

Ye Yue said, "where?"

Ye Cha said: "lighthouse, doesn't it mean that the final winner can go to the lighthouse? Seshens may be there

Ye Yue nodded and said, "you can really go and have a look. It's in the southeast corner. It's in the opposite direction to the position before me. It's too far away. I didn't spread my perception so far."

Ye Cha nodded. As they talked, they pushed forward. They didn't feel much about the ordinary zombies. They just killed them all the way.

Ye Yue knows her shooting skills, and although her physical fitness is much stronger than her body looks, after all, even if she is a super human, she has taken a lot of physical strengthening potions.However, a little girl who is estimated to have never graduated from primary school, shooting with a pistol, is not affected by the recoil force at all, which is too disobedient.

Ye Cha may remind viewers of some identities, such as soldiers, foreign mercenaries, etc., occupations that need long-term training or long-term contact with firearms before the end of the world.

But what about ye Yue?

Therefore, what ye Yue does is to follow Ye Cha honestly.

At the same time

In a dark room, there are many big screens in front, emitting light in the dark.

In a sofa not far away, you can only vaguely see a human figure with a cigar in your hand. On the side table, there is a radio, which is constantly broadcasting information.

"Where did this number 36 come from?" In a moment, the man suddenly said: "how can it be so strong?

The man said, did not get a response, and then not from the frown, but also did not care too much, but picked up the table on the table to see the bet.

A moment later, the man said again: "continue to adjust the odds of No. 36, list the most popular candidate, and then wait until the bet is enough, try to kill him."

No matter what gambling is, there will never be justice.

But the man's words still didn't get a response, which made the man angry at last. He patted the coffee table and said, "are you all dead? I want you to do business. Can't you hear me? "

"They are all dead."

At this time, behind the man suddenly sounded a faint voice, and then a rope suddenly caught the man's neck, began to tighten.

"Sorry, I'll take over the game from now on."

With the sound of speaking, the rope became tighter and tighter. Finally, the man's eyes widened, his head tilted to one side and lost his voice.

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