death train

Chapter 1444

Poof, poof, poof!

With the rotation of that eye, the twilight eye's split head ejected venom and fog again, and shrouded in the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye Yue doesn't talk nonsense either. She immediately starts her brain ability to build a barrier around Ye Cha's body.

If the venom is corrosive, even if it is intercepted by a barrier, the barrier will still be damaged, and when the barrier is damaged, it will naturally consume Ye Yue's brain area.

However, the venom of Twilight eye is not corrosive, but infectious. Ye Yue doesn't care. The barrier is not a living body, so she won't be infected with toxins. Those venoms can't damage the barrier, and the consumption of her brain is almost zero.

In this case, what else is Ye Yue afraid of? Regardless of brain consumption, ye Cha kept erecting a barrier to isolate Ye Cha from the venom and fog.

Twilight eye probably realized this. After spraying poison for a while, the wings of the insect suddenly stirred up, and then the body fell downward.


The body of eye of Twilight completely hit the barrier. With a single blow, the barrier would click and become a pile of debris. Then the body of eye of twilight fell to the ground, making a big hole with a radius of two or three meters.

It's very destructive.

Ye Cha is also surprised, and then toward Ye Yue said: "cut off the barrier, it doesn't spray poison, you don't have to."

Ye Yue nods. Her barrier seems more fragile than she imagined in front of the twilight eye. Of course, she can resist it if she continues to use it, but it consumes too much brain power.

After removing the barrier, ye Cha will face the eye of twilight.

It's still a smash!

The wings stir, fly into the air, and fall down again.

The red flame armor suddenly started, and flames gushed out at the foot of the leaf brake, quickly covered the front of the leaf brake, and then crystallized to form a wall.

The crystal flame of the red flame armor is longer than the barrier. After all, the price is not cheap. If it's so fragile, ye Cha really wants to talk to the landlady.

However, it lasted three or five seconds longer, and there were many fine cracks on the crystallization flame, then it burst open and became countless fire masses scattered.

However, this degree is enough. Three or five seconds doesn't sound long, but it's enough for the blade brake to move and dodge, or even move a long distance.

What ye Cha chooses is not translation, but

Behind the eyes of twilight!

When ye Cha dodged, he also recalled the information about the twilight eye. The twilight eye in worm form has two weaknesses, one is the eye in the chest.

However, because the form has changed, the eye is not the biggest weakness of the twilight eye. The biggest weakness of the twilight eye in worm form is behind!

"Found it!"

Ye Cha came to the back of Twilight eye, and saw a protruding thing in the middle of two insect wings, similar to human spine. This thing is the biggest weakness of Twilight eye in insect form.

Railgun form!

Ye Cha raised his left hand, and the sound of mechanical rotation came from the exterminator. Then he quickly changed his shape and became a gun barrel.

Bang, bang, bang!

At present, the eye of twilight is completely unprepared with its back to the leaf brake, so that the leaf brake can also safely and boldly shoot. Moreover, there is no reason to miss at such a short distance.

The pulse bomb flew out continuously, stuck on the back of Twilight eye, flashing.

Positioning blasting!

Those overlapping pulse bombs burst out suddenly!

The power of the pulse bomb is not as good as that of the twilight eye. After all, it is an extraordinary variant zombie. However, when it is overlapped to trigger the positioning blasting, it is another matter.

Six pulse bombs are overlapped together. The power is not one plus one, but doubled!

With a roar, the blue light flashed behind the twilight eye, making a sound of explosion. Then the twilight eye was blasted out and rolled continuously on the ground.

After the eye of twilight fell to the ground, ye Cha saw behind the eye of twilight, a piece of flesh and blood was blown up, and the raised part was also exposed. It was really a bone like a spine.

The eye of Twilight tossed on the ground for a while, and soon flew up again. In the split head, there was a sharp scream, especially harsh.

Then, with the agitation of the insect wings, countless crystal powders come out of the wings of the twilight eye.

Ye Yue immediately builds a barrier in front of Ye Cha's body to intercept the powder.

Ye Yue said: "poison powder, it seems that this guy's insect form is mainly attacked by poison."

Ye Cha nodded.

Venom, poison fog and poison powder are three attack modes of toxin spreading. Ye Yue's inference is undoubtedly correct. Moreover, as an extraordinary mutant zombie, the toxin released must be very fierce.It can not be said that different forms of toxin spread attacks, the corresponding toxin is also different.

This is a very difficult ability, especially the characteristics of different toxins. Even if you bring anti-virus serum, can anti-virus serum really work for different toxins?

It's not easy to say about this. Moreover, there are many modes of toxin dissemination, and it's hard to prevent. There is always a way to poison people.

Without Ye Yue, the insect form of Twilight eye is really hard to deal with, especially in close combat. It's easy to be infected with toxins. The only way ye Cha can think of is to use endless bow or Lei di.

But it's much more convenient to have a leaf moon. As long as these toxins are not corrosive, they can be easily intercepted by the barrier.

A moment later, the barrier was covered with poisonous powder.

The eye of Twilight watched the powder being intercepted. He was very angry. He made a direct collision and ran towards the barrier.

Crash, the barrier was smashed, but before that, the leaf brake seemed to have expected, jumped directly to the rear, and avoided the collision of the eye of the twilight by using the advance prediction.

With a roar, the solid ground was hit again by the eye of twilight, and countless cracks spread around again, forming a big pit.

And this time, after the twilight eye finished smashing, it didn't get up from the ground, but twisted wildly on the ground.

In that way, it was like a worm was trampled on, but not killed, struggling to death on the ground.

Gradually, the wings behind the twilight eye suddenly peeled off, and then the body of the twilight eye gradually bowed up, and the legs, which were originally blood and flesh, merged into a piece, also separated again.

Mode switch!

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