death train

Chapter 1448

Clank, clank, clank!

Gemini serrated sword and the claws of Twilight eye are constantly colliding, constantly making a clear metal sound.

The attack mode of Twilight eye of beast form is not as good as that of the first two forms. It is basically the attack mode of beast form, such as grabbing, scratching, biting and occasionally attacking.

It's very direct. Because it's direct, it's better to resist or dodge. The main trouble is fast. If this kind of straight attack is very fast, its power will be greatly increased. But yecha uses the storm circle to suppress the speed of Twilight eye, so the attack is not so terrible.

It's the tail behind the twilight eye. It's a little bit of trouble.

Said late, then fast in the twilight eye of the attack was once again leaf brake dodge past moment, that tail fiercely forward.

It's very fast!

Ye Cha's sword is half hanging, guarding against the eye of the twilight, seizing the opportunity to rush up. Another sword sweeps toward the side and cuts toward the tail.

But in the moment of cutting, the tail suddenly twisted, and even shook out the wave shape in the air, and then yanked on the leaf brake.


Ye Cha was hit and felt the force of the impact. He slid out to the rear.

But the leaf brake has no time to stand firm, the eye of Twilight pours on again, the double claws are sharp, take you Mang, a blow sweeps to the leaf brake's face door.

The flame appeared on yecha's body, and the red flame armor immediately started, shrouded in the front of yecha, and then quickly crystallized.


The crystallization flame blocks the claw of Twilight eye. Although it is smashed by a blow, it is blocked.

Ye Cha immediately swept with a sword and chopped off the twilight eye.

There's nothing hard to deal with, but the tail is really annoying. It's fast and flexible. It's covered with bones. Its attack and defense are much stronger than the previous tentacles. It's very difficult to defend.

The eye of Twilight turns over and gets up from the ground. Its paws are rubbing on the ground, constantly ploughing the ground, and its throat makes a whimpering animal roar.

There is something wrong with the atmosphere all of a sudden!

"It's coming!"

Ye Cha eyebrow tip a pick, obviously in the form of beast, continuous attack also failed to take ye Cha, twilight eye has begun to be impetuous.

It also means

Combat form!

Twilight eye will enter the final combat form, or the ultimate form of Twilight eye!

Yecha didn't attack because the attack was useless.

Twilight eye is invincible in the process of self division, reorganization and regeneration, and its core weakness will be hidden in the flesh.

And those pieces of meat overlap, it's not easy to cause injury.

Of course, it's OK to take advantage of this opportunity to try to kill Twilight eye. Go straight to the kill move and try to break the meat.

But in fact, it's very difficult. When the twilight eye's body splits, reconstitutes and regenerates, its regeneration ability even exceeds the speed of speeding regeneration. Its recovery ability is so powerful that it's terrifying. If it can't be killed with one hit, it's useless to attack.

These are all recorded in the materials. Ye Cha doesn't intend to waste his physical strength. Moreover, even if the Gemini serrated sword can avoid the influence of physical strength, those killing moves are also limited. If you don't use them, you can try to kill people!

Just for a while, the eye of Twilight wriggled wildly on the ground, curled up like a huge meat ball.

But it's a depressing atmosphere!

Roar, roar!

That pile of meat, constantly issued a roar, showing the abnormal ferocious.

Ye Yue stepped forward and stood to the side of Ye cha.

I can't go to the theatre any more!

Only at this moment can they really feel the pressure brought by the extraordinary variant zombies from the twilight eye. For the twilight eye, the previous battles are just appetizers at best!

On the ground, the whole mass of meat began to wriggle, the body quickly regrouped and elongated, the surface grew black spines, not long, only about 10 cm, conical.

Compared with those spikes, the body enlargement of Twilight eye makes people feel more terrible.

Those meatballs are expanding rapidly, getting bigger and bigger, higher than the leaf brake, reaching the height of three or four meters, and constantly stretching, about five meters away.

Poof, poof, poof

On both sides of the meatball, the flesh and blood are constantly tearing, and the insect feet like centipedes are growing out. There are dozens of feet on the left and right sides, supporting the meatball.

At the same time, in addition to those sharp spines, countless bones pierce the body, crisscross and crisscross, in an irregular state, densely wrapping the whole body. These bones can not only defend, but also cause damage at the same time.

Poof, poof!

The sound of tearing flesh and blood appeared again. This time, it appeared right in front of the body of Twilight eye, and insect feet grew on both sides again. However, this time, the insect feet were similar to the sickle of a mantis, which was very ferocious.Behind the eye of twilight, a snake like tail grows out and sweeps through the ground continuously. There is a crack at the top. After opening, it is full of bone teeth and a mouth.

So far, the final shape of the twilight eye has basically taken shape. Finally, the position of the head suddenly elongates and becomes flat. A crack opens in the center, just like the mouth of an alligator.

There are only a few teeth in that big mouth. Each tooth is made of bone. It is very sharp and looks like killing. There is crystal saliva stretching on the edge, with a strong fishy smell.

And in that mouth, there is no tongue, but an eye!

An eye white for blood red, pupil for gold eyes, from the mouth of the twilight eyes grow out!


The eye of Twilight enters the ultimate state completely, and then raises its hair and roars fiercely!

The ground around us kept shaking.

Click, click!

The ground is constantly broken, countless cracks appear one after another, the broken stones seem to be half pulled by some force, constantly floating in the air.

Not far away, the lighthouse roared, the outer wall suddenly cracked a lot of cracks, and then collapsed into a pile of broken debris.

Ye Cha takes a deep breath, and ye Yue's two pupils instinctively split and become double pupils.

What a strong sense of oppression!

Ye Cha felt cold sweat exuding from his forehead. Compared with the ultimate form of Twilight eye, the first few forms were just playing.

Patta, Patta!

The eyes of Twilight wriggle their huge body gently. Saliva drips from the corners of their mouths and falls on the ground, exploding water droplets.

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "it seems that I have some real skills. Otherwise, it seems that it's not easy to deal with."

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