death train

Chapter 145

It's not about running, it's about killing each other.

Ye Cha doesn't want the situation to turn into a car chase. He intends to solve everything directly.


After getting out of the car, ye Cha directly hit the strong man who was shouting. When the silver bullet penetrated the other person's head, it directly exploded the man's head.

Then, the leaf brake came to the driver's seat, an elbow smashed the window of the driver's seat, watched the driver draw a gun to point at himself, and thrust out his left hand fiercely.

Snake bite!

With the virtual shadow of the purple scale Python wrapped around Ye Cha's arm, ye Cha grasped the other party's pistol, and then twisted the pistol with force.

"Come out for me."

Ye Cha discards his opponent's pistol, grabs his opponent's collar and pulls him out of the car. Then he grabs his opponent's head and smashes him on the car.

On the other side, xiaya doesn't have the courage to get out of the car. He pulls out his gun and shoots at the opposite car. Of course, the other side is doing the same thing.

The glass window cracked after making a clear sound, and the bullets kept hitting each other's car, and then the two sides lowered their heads with tacit understanding.

In Ye Cha's opinion, Xia Ya should not be dead for a while and a half, so he ran up directly, jumped from the ground of that car and rushed to the third car.

There is one less car on this side of the leaf brake, so it can only hit two other cars.

The third car is the only one that hasn't been impacted. Naturally, the people inside have not been impacted. After walking to the car, they are ready to attack. But at this moment, the leaf brake has already killed them.

A clean elbow, leaf brake will directly down a person, toward each other's neck on a step, will each other's neck to step off.

After ye Cha's physical quality is strengthened, it is impossible for ordinary people to compare.

At least, ordinary people's fists are like cotton to yecha, and yecha's fists are like hammers to them.

Almost instantly kill a person, ye Cha immediately is a swing leg, will another towards his guy to kick hit the car.

At the same time, the third person on the other side of the car quickly took out a pistol from the car and aimed at the leaf brake.

Leaf Cha eyebrow tip a pick, suddenly catch that is being beaten by oneself of guy, then choke his neck, directly raised to own front.

Bang, bang, bang!

The gunshot rang out and all the bullets hit the man in front of Ye cha.

The man twitched, bleeding involuntarily from the corner of his mouth, and gradually lost his life. Then ye Cha shook his hand, threw the body out, hit the opposite side of the car, and knocked the man down.

The car just got up and kicked the other side's roof off again.

"Say goodbye to the world!"

The leaf Cha raises a foot to ruthlessly step on, then the other side's sternum gives to step on of smash.

Kill two cars, the rest of the car is no longer a problem, leaf brake around the second car, directly pull out the silver thorns, then shot at the window.

Bang, bang, Bang

The bullet smashed the window and shot the two people in the front and back seats of the car into a hornet's nest. Then they went back to Shaya's car.

Ye Cha knocked on the window and said, "are you not dead?"

"Dry, dry, dry..." Xia Ya scolded: "I was shot in the arm."

Ye Cha said: "it's just a shot in the arm, not the heart. You can't die."

Xia Ya said, "I need to be treated. It's killing me."

Ye Cha said: "we will soon arrive at the surviving human concentration camp, where someone will treat you. I am more curious about why the crazy Knights will appear around the surviving human concentration camp."

"Probably to steal." "Although there are a lot of crazy knights, they are still far less than the number of surviving human concentration camps, but they will occasionally pretend to be refugees and sneak into surviving human concentration camps to steal things," Shaya explained

"I hope it's that simple." Ye Cha frowned and said, "I have a bad premonition. You can wrap it up. The bullet can only be taken out when it enters the surviving human concentration camp."

Xia Ya nodded, tore up the clothes and simply bandaged them. Then they went on their way.

The surviving human concentration camp is close at hand, and when he really arrives at the surviving human concentration camp, yecha finds that his bad premonition is actually effective.

As Shaya said, the surviving human concentration camp is actually a small town.

The town is a typical American Western style. Most of the buildings are of wooden structure. Now, standing at the entrance of the town, you can see that smoke is everywhere and flames are looming.

"How can this be?" said Xia ya

Ye Cha pulled out the silver thorns and said: "obviously, someone is attacking the surviving human concentration camp, and most of them should be the crazy Knight led by the one eyed old man."

"It's impossible." Xia Ya's face could not be set channel: "there are only more than 500 crazy knights, more than 2000 soldiers in the surviving human concentration camp, and there are more than 20000 surviving human here."This is really a big problem. No matter how fierce the one eyed old man is, he should know that with more than 500 people, it is impossible to capture the surviving human concentration camp unless his head is broken.

Secondly, even if the one eyed old man has captured the surviving human concentration camp and occupied it, what's the point?

For food?

There is a lot of food stored in the surviving human camp, but the one eyed old man can't take it all away. Besides, it's not a good thing to store too much food, because the food will go bad, especially in the harsh environment of desert.

So, do you want to occupy the surviving human concentration camp? It's even more of a joke. How does the one eyed old man control the surviving human concentration camp? Five hundred control 20000?

The leaf Cha feels that this matter son everywhere permeates strange, a time hard to think to understand.

"Hello, there are still people there."

"Catch them, catch them."

"Look, it's Shaya and the woman. They really came to the surviving human concentration camp. Take them back and they will be rewarded."

At this time, the noise sounded, a team of more than ten crazy Knights came out from the side of the roadway, and then they found yecha three people, and then they yelled excitedly.

Yecha immediately pulled out the silver thorns, opened fire before the attack, and then yelled to Shaya and Blair: "go, go first."

With Ye Cha shooting, the crazy knight on the opposite side also quickly picked up the gun and ran away on both sides. Xia Ya took Blair and ran towards a building on the side.

Ye Cha kept shooting, but the firepower was obviously not as good as the other side. He had only two pistols, but the other side had more than a dozen people.

Leaf Cha a gnash a tooth, helplessly draw out the crystal strip of a red flame explosion bomb, then toward the front threw out.

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