death train

Chapter 1452


It's not the eyes, but the mouth, that hurt the eye of Twilight first!

The twilight eye has closed its mouth, but it still leaves a gap.

The blade brake aims at this gap.

This is obviously a very difficult thing, very test archery, but, yecha did it.

The divine punishment arrow accurately drilled in from that crevice, and the strong spiral force tore the mouth of Twilight eye, and the blood was dripping in an instant.

But it's not enough!

The eyes of the twilight roared angrily. With the big mouth open, you can see that the arrow of divine punishment pierced into the eyes of the eyes of the twilight eye, and half of the shaft was stuck in it, piercing a small hole in the eyes of the eyes of the twilight eye.

Around the small hole, the crack continued to spread, a dense piece, which was twisted by the spiral force after being hit by the divine punishment arrow.

It's just, it's not through!

The divine punishment arrow does not penetrate the eye of twilight, which means that the eye is not completely broken.

However, ye Cha was satisfied with this effect, which caused heavy damage to the eye of twilight, followed by the damage to the mouth of the eye of twilight.

The mouth of the twilight eye was cut off by the spiral force of the divine punishment arrow. It can't be closed completely. In this way, it's more difficult to defend that eye.

Moreover, because of the role of jiuxiao field, the loss of regeneration ability means that the piece of flesh and blood can not be regenerated!

Therefore, this strike is still valuable and of considerable value.

The next moment, the leaf brake hand a loose, endless bow fell on the ground disappeared, and leaf brake is also at the same time forward ran out, again came to the eye of the twilight.

The eye of the twilight roars angrily, the bone on the body suddenly lengthens, and falls towards the leaf Cha thorn.

Boom, boom, boom!

Those bone spurs constantly hit the ground and smashed the ground, while yecha quickly flashed his body. After avoiding the attack, he came to the eye of twilight and jumped up again.

"Die for me!"

Ye Cha held up his sword and fell to the south of Xinjiang. The sword was wrapped with electric current to increase the attack power. He stabbed at the eye of twilight.



On both sides of the mouth of Twilight eye, suddenly two tentacles grew out, wrapped with bone pieces, looked very hard, quickly wrapped up, not yecha, but the sword in yecha's hand fell to southern Xinjiang.

Ye Cha Leng Leng, and then secretly scolded, although the field of jiuxiao can curb the regeneration ability of Twilight eye, but the body division and reorganization is not healing ability, it still has effect.

It's obvious that Twilight eye has temporarily changed its body structure.

The next moment, after two tentacles wrapped around the sword and landed in southern Xinjiang, twilight eye's body immediately twisted and his head swung toward the side.

The leaf brake body is in mid air, the foot has no exertion point, completely can't resist the power of the twilight eye, cleanly is swept out.


Leaf brake hit on the ground, the ground smashed a piece at the same time, constantly rolling back.

Twilight eye's attack is fierce, or zombies are like this, almost do not know what is defense.

After the two tentacles threw out the leaf brake, they didn't flinch at all. Instead, they directly wound up with the trend, and after making a curve at the top of the leaf brake, they stabbed at the bottom continuously.

Ye Cha looked up, but he didn't care to get up and quickly rolled towards the side.

Bang, bang, Bang

Two tentacles hit the ground continuously, crushing the ground.

Ye Cha didn't know that he had rolled several times on the ground. Seeing that the two tentacles were pulled to the longest, because the attack distance was not enough, the speed slowed down. Ye Cha quickly put out his hand on the ground and took a pat, turning over.

But just then


Sweep the crack of a crus to open suddenly from the ground of a touch leaf.

Ye Cha's leg is a piece of flesh and blood at the back of the moment.

Because the weapon changed from the double serrated sword to the sword and fell in southern Xinjiang, ye Cha's pain also came back. He showed his teeth in pain and sweat constantly on his forehead.

It hurts!

The torn piece of flesh and blood, you can see the bone of the leg, the degree of pain can be imagined.

At the same time, ye Cha's heart is still secretly scolding. Isn't this attack mode commonly used by corpse flower!

Ye Cha didn't get angry at his injury, but didn't think of it.

The ultimate form of Twilight eye can use the attack modes of the other three forms, poison fog, impact and tail sweep. They are the attack modes of worm form and beast form respectively.

And the attack mode of plant form has not appeared, and the leaf brake should have this point.

So, what ye Cha is angry about is his negligence.

At the same time, three tentacles circled in the air and stabbed down towards the leaf brake again.Ye Yue ran forward two steps to help. If the injury is very serious, it's not enough. At least it's not fatal. It doesn't threaten Ye Cha's life.

However, the leg injury is a very troublesome thing, because it affects the movement and speed.

No matter in the face of extraordinary ancient species or mutant zombies, human beings have no advantage in the aspect of physical strength. Therefore, hard defense is the next strategy, and fighting and entanglement are the main ways.

So, speed is very important!

However, after ye Yue took two steps forward, she saw that ye Cha waved her hand and indicated that she didn't need help, so she stopped again.

The next moment, three tentacles came to the leaf brake.

It's too late!

Ye Cha's body crazy gushing current, constantly along the Ye Cha's body toward the sky ran out, crazy dancing.

The leaf brake does not hesitate to urge the electric power stored in the thunder core!

After lightning strike has evolved into thunder emperor, why two conventional moves are not needed?

Because it's not necessary!

Reid can completely control the current, not only in the way of use, but also in the form of current condensation, even in the power.

In the case of no external current for the blade brake to control, the more power the blade brake draws from the thunder core, the greater the power of the current. On the contrary, the less power the blade brake draws from the thunder core, the smaller the power.

Therefore, under normal conditions, the release of electric current of the blade brake is restrained to a certain extent. If it is used wantonly, it is easy to run out of power in the thunder core.

However, at the moment, ye Chana is still in charge of so many things. He usually has restraint in order to keep his ability going. At the moment, he is going to die.

Almost instantly, the three tentacles entangled with the electric current released by the leaf brake, and the air was filled with the smell of scorch.

The three tentacles were rolled by electric current, not only blackened by electric current, but also the flesh and blood shriveled rapidly, with dense cracks, and finally completely broken into a pile of fly ash.

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