death train

Chapter 1455

The mysterious sound is constantly ringing in the ears of Ye Cha, and it also announces the death of the eye of twilight.

The next moment, the body of Twilight eye seems to lose strength, unable to support, flesh and blood suddenly fragmented, the whole person fell down.

Ye Cha falls down quickly, jumps to the eye of the twilight, digs out the eye of the eye of the twilight, cuts off a piece of meat, and then jumps to the position of the rock wall to catch the raised rock.

Looking down, the eye of Twilight smashed into the rocks below, and the body directly smashed into a pile of meat.

Ye Cha is not very satisfied, his reward!

The broken eyeball is there, but the meat is also available. It can extract U2 type a mutant virus, but the bone is not available. People fall into a ball of rotten meat, and they don't know if they can go to the sea to catch the bone.

Sigh, less like less like it, leaf brake began to climb up along the cliff, quickly climbed to the top.

Ye Yue came and said, "it's done?"

The leaf Cha throws the broken eyeball in the hand way: "certainly!"

But in this moment

Come on!

The eyeball full of cracks suddenly burst out, and several bone spurs suddenly ejected from the inside of the eyeball, accurately hit Ye Cha's head.

Almost for a moment, ye Cha's head was covered with dense spines, like a thorn ball, and the blood flowed down quickly.


Ye Cha's body fell back and fell on the ground.

The leaf month covers mouth, the pupil continuously enlarges, peeps out the color of horror.

No one can be stabbed in the head and still live, especially Ye Cha's head has been stabbed into a hornet's nest.


In the luxurious room, on a large screen, plays the picture on the Devil Island.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Dongfang Yu looks at the screen and suddenly laughs. She is very satisfied. She reaches for a glass of red wine and sends it to her mouth.

But just then

In the screen, ye Cha, whose head was pierced, sat up coldly and pulled out the bone spur on his head.

The green light appeared on yecha's body, which covered his whole body. In the last second, his body was already showing dim vitality, but in the next second, that kind of exuberant vitality came back.

The wound on the head suddenly disappeared.

Not healing, but suddenly disappeared, as if never appeared in general.

Under the cover of green light, ye Cha's pale face suddenly became normal again.


Dongfang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then smashed the glass to the wall.

"This boy has the ability of resurrection." Dongfang Yu doesn't seem to feel relieved. She kicks the sofa away, slams the wall angrily and scolds: "asshole, asshole, asshole!"

After scolding for a long time, Dongfang Yu gradually calmed down.

I can't kill you!

With resurrection ability, it means that yecha can't be killed.

Of course, the ability of resurrection is very, very rare. It can even be said that it is rare, and there are usually strict conditions.

Moreover, the resurrection ability can't last forever, otherwise, an enemy who can't kill means invincible.

Therefore, if we really want to kill them, it's not that we can't kill them. The key to the problem is that we need to kill them several times.

But Dongfang Yu knew that there would be no chance this time.

At least in Alcatraz, it's impossible to kill Yasha.

Dongfang Yu takes a deep breath and suddenly turns around.

In the corner of the square, there was a man who was tied up in all kinds of ways, with rags in his mouth.

Dongfang Yu pulled the other side up from the ground and took off the broken sermon in the other side's mouth: "I don't want to talk nonsense. I'll ask you again if what you said before is true."

"Really, really..." The other side immediately busily nodded: "I swear to God, what I just said is the truth, I have told you all I know."

Dongfang Yu nodded and said, "look at you, it's not like you're lying."

The other side was pleasantly surprised and said: "you promised, as long as I said, let me go..."


Dongfang Yu suddenly stretched out her hand, pinched each other's throat and twisted it to break each other's neck.

"I'm sorry." Dongfang Yusong opened his hand, then looked at the body and said, "I lied."

After the body is thrown aside, Dongfang looks at the screen, hums, and then quickly pushes the door open to leave.


Devil Island, sea cliff!


Ye Cha groaned and sat up from the ground.

The feeling of dying once!

Ye Cha gasped, then raised his hands to touch his face, and then quickly touched his body to feel his temperature.Then the leaf Cha hears a startle to shout a voice, the side face a see, see the leaf month a face panic of in back.

The leaf Cha way: "why?"

Ye Yue stirred her throat and said, "zombie?"

Ye Cha said, "have you ever seen a zombie talk?"

Ye Yue said, "ghost?"

Ye Cha sighed: "I live."

Ye Yue said: "I saw for the first time that my head was tied like a hedgehog. I can still survive."

Ye Cha said foolingly: "as a purser, there must be something pressing on the bottom of the box, right? If it had been that easy to kill me, I think I would have died countless times. "

Ye Cha said while looking at personal information, and then scolded a son of a bitch in his heart.

Sure enough, in the twelve trials of immortality, the number of his resurrection is less than once. Just now, he really died. As ye Yue said, no one's head can survive like that.

However, when he arrived at the gate of death, the twelve trials of immortality saved him.

Of course, ye Cha also paid a chance of resurrection as a price.

This feeling made Ye Cha feel very unhappy. He killed the eye of the twilight. How could it be at the last moment? No, it was not the last moment. The eye of the twilight was dead, and the mysterious voice appeared.


Ye Cha looked at the broken eyeball lobes on the ground, just like glass, but when he really took them up to have a look, it was actually different, and he could feel the flesh.

Ye Yue looked at Ye Cha and said tentatively, "Hello, are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

The leaf brake returned a, but the leaf month looking at the leaf brake clench a fist, the bone knot knead of Pa Pa Pa make a sound of appearance, again really seem to be nothing of appearance.

"Go Ye Cha got up and put down his hand and said, "leave here first."

But at this time, the sky suddenly heard the sound of singing, and then ye Cha looked up, saw the wings of the snow God agitator, fell from the air, stopped on Ye Cha's shoulder, constantly shaking his head.

"Well?" Ye Cha looks at the appearance of ice and snow God, pick next eyebrow way: "you say there is a place to take me over?"

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