death train

Chapter 150

150 suggestions

Ye Cha killed one person in a flash, but without any pause, he rushed to the next person in a flash.

The man was startled, immediately put the gun up, but at this moment, ye Cha waved a silver machete to cut off, cut on the gun body, only one shot, then cut the gun body into two pieces, and then the silver machete moved forward a barrel.


Like the sound of cloth tearing, the silver machete poked directly into the other side's chest, hitting the heart through.

After killing two people in succession, ye Cha kept twisting his body, then shook his hand, and the Alaska whaling fork flew out, stabbed into the palm of the third person, and the pistol in the other person's hand fell to the ground.

Ye Cha stepped forward and kicked the man down with one foot. He raised the silver machete and pointed to the other side and said, "do you have any last words?"

The man burst out and said, "I'm a grass..."


Ye Cha's body bent and stabbed the silver machete into each other's mouth directly, then stabbed it out from the back of the brain.

Ye Cha said: "it seems that you have no last words."

Ye Cha pulled out the silver machete, wiped the blood on the corpse, and then put the silver machete back into the holster.

After killing all the crazy knights, ye Cha waved to the sky, motioned for the little fat man's unmanned remote control machine to follow, and ran quickly down the street.

Ran to the end of the street, ye Cha entered a room.

There were more than ten corpses lying in the room, including men and women. They were probably people who were killed by crazy Knights because they didn't run fast enough.

Ye Cha looked around, found a telephone, and then signaled to the unmanned remote control machine.

A moment later, the phone rings, ye Cha connected, the voice of the little fat man said: "you are stronger and stronger."

"If you want to live, the only thing you can do is to find a way to make yourself stronger." The leaf Cha returned a, then way: "still continue to say business."

The little fat man nodded and said, "well."

Ye Cha said: "you said there were more than 20 people on the death train in the surviving human concentration camp? Are all these people gathered? "

The little fat man said, "there are only two people hiding. They can't come here to meet. The others are all gathered now."

Ye Cha said, "the one eyed old man doesn't know about the platform of the dead train, does he?"

The little fat man said: "of course, he is not on the death train. He is not qualified to board the death train. He should not even get into the platform of the death train."

Ye Cha nods. The platform of the death train is only open to the passengers of the death train, that is, the people who get on the train before the first stop of the death train and have been living on the death train.

Yecha continued: "well, there is no possibility that the platform of the death train will be destroyed. The one eyed old man sent crazy knights to occupy the surviving human concentration camp. Although it seems to be dominant at present, it is impossible to succeed in a short time, right?"

The little fat man nodded and said, "I don't think it's a problem for the surviving human concentration camp to last another two days."

Ye Cha said: "in this case, the crazy Knights have been sent out. The one eyed old man's side should be empty. There are not many crazy Knights left."

The little fat man said, "do you mean we get together, assault the Council hall, and then go back to the death train?"

Ye Cha's face showed a bit of ferocity and said: "you should be able to kill the one eyed old man easily. Of course, who can kill the one eyed old man and finish the task of death train depends on his ability."

The little fat man said with a bitter smile, "it's a good way. The success rate is also very high, but it's not possible to do it."

Ye Cha pondered for a while, and quickly guessed the answer, and said directly: "the heart is not even, right?"

The little fat man sighed again.

This is the law of survival in the last world. Everyone wants to avoid danger and save his own life. If he has to fight, he naturally hopes that others will come to the front and sacrifice others to help himself.

"The little fat man said:" a group of people have been together for a long time to discuss, and nothing has been discussed. They expect more people to arrive at the surviving human concentration camp. They also say that many people have great power, and they are a group of idiots. "

Ye Cha thought about it and said, "if you let the one eyed old man really occupy the surviving human concentration camp, I'm afraid things will become more troublesome."

The little fat man said, "but many people don't think so. They even think that if the one eyed old man completely occupies the surviving human concentration camp, will he leave the Council hall? They'll find a chance to get into the political hall, into the platform of the death train. "

"Naive." Ye Cha sneered: "it's true that they have a certain possibility, but what if the one eyed old man doesn't leave? The scattered crazy Knight will come back to him, and it will be more difficult to get back to the death train platform. "

The little fat man said helplessly: "they would rather gamble on such probability than take risks. I don't think I can convince them."

The leaf Cha way: "that don't mind that group of idiots life and death, you think of a way to come to join with me."The little fat man was stunned, and then said in surprise: "you don't plan to attack the Council hall just for us, do you? Even if there are not many people around the one eyed old man, it doesn't mean there is no one. Moreover, there may be something pressing the bottom of the box in the old man's hand. "

Ye Cha said: "more people are called impact, less people are called sneak in."

The little fat man thought and said, "do you want to try to contact again to see if anyone is willing to join us?"

Ye Cha pondered for a while and then said, "yes."

Yecha doesn't like to form a team because he doesn't trust anyone and doesn't need anyone to trust himself.

Of course, the root cause of everything is that the trust in the end world is too cheap and easily broken.

However, there is one exception.

That's interest!

Interest can destroy all feelings and trust, and at the same time, it can make people combine because of interest.

When everyone's goal is the same, for the same interests, then the short-term trust and team is not impossible.

This is the situation now. Everyone is trying to kill the one eyed old man and return to the train of death. They have the same goals and interests. At least on the surface, there is no reason for betrayal.

Then, try to form a team.

Of course, this does not mean that ye Cha will not be defensive at that time. Among the laws of survival in the last days, there is one of the most important laws - never give your back to anyone.

Hang up the phone, ye Cha does not intend to leave, but temporarily rest in this room.

Even if the little fat man wants to join, he must first find a way to pass the defense line of the crazy knight. However, there is no way at all. The crazy Knight of the one eyed old man can't keep a high-intensity attack all the time. There is always an interval.

When night comes, there will be opportunities.

Before that, what ye Cha needs to do is to conserve his energy and keep himself in the best fighting state.

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