death train

Chapter 160

If ye Cha didn't already have the Alaska whaling fork, the tooth of black star is actually a very good weapon. It's not very cost-effective to exchange two pieces of material.

However, at present, ye Cha does not care about the value, he just wants to complete the trial as soon as possible.

"And you?" Ye Cha looked at the little fat man and said, "I can buy it with a skeleton coin."

The little fat man scratched his head and said, "if you want it, take it..."

Ye Cha directly interrupted the little fat man and said, "I don't like to be ungrateful. You can go to the dining car to see the price. I'll pay twice the price."

The little fat man nodded and said, "good!"

The little fat man went for a stroll in the dining car. The double price was 30 pieces of silver skeleton coins. Ye Cha paid quickly. He took the claw of the Chinese Dragon Bird from the little fat man and completed the second test of the twelve trials of immortality.

Twelve trials of immortality (fantasy ability): every time you pass a trial, you will get a chance to resurrect your body. If you succeed in the third trial, you will get hard armor. If you succeed in the sixth trial, you will get rigidity. If you succeed in the ninth trial, you will get crazy. If you succeed in the twelfth trial, you will get the will of the unyielding warrior. At present, you have completed the trial (2 / 12) and the number of resurrections : 2, the third trial content: independent space trial, trial progress (0 / 1)

after exchanging things with Xia Youran from childhood fat man, ye Cha collected five things of the second trial, successfully completed the second trial, and the number of resurrection increased to two.

At the same time, the content of the third trial also appeared.

However, ye Cha is a little confused. What is the meaning of independent space trial?

Although Ye Cha had seen others use the twelve trials of immortality in his previous life, he probably knew the effect of the twelve trials of immortality, but he didn't know very well about the content of each trial.

"Excuse me." Leaf Cha toward small fat man with summer leisurely spread hand way: "I want to go to a dining car again."

Ye Cha comes back to the bar of the dining car and directly asks about the trial.

The proprietress lit up a woman's flue: "the twelve trials of immortality, every three trials is a stage, so the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth trials are all special trials."

Ye Cha said: "well, what is the meaning of independent space trial?"

The landlady said: "as the name suggests, the death train will send you to a place where there are no other members of the death train. You are the only one. You can't ask for help. There is no companion. There is no possibility of cooperation. You can complete the task and come back. Even if you pass the test, you must pay attention to one thing."

Ye Cha showed a puzzled look.

The landlady said: "the departure time of the death train will not be changed, so you can only squeeze out time to complete the trial. If you miss the departure time because of the trial, you should know the result."

Ye Cha pondered for a while, that is to say, to carry out the test, he could only return to the death train ahead of time when he arrived at each platform, and then complete the test with the time he gained by coming back ahead of time.

Yecha immediately realized that it was a great opportunity, because they were the first people to come back from the desert wasteland.

Ye Cha said: "well, how long is it before the next departure time?"

The landlady said, "if not today, there are 12 days left."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "I see. If I want to finish the test now?"

"Of course." "The landlady said:" after leaving the death train, leave from platform 13, where you are only allowed to pass by. It's still a reminder. You'd better come back before departure. Sometimes, giving up is also a kind of courage. "

"Giving up is courage, but failure is not." Ye Cha said, "I will come back after finishing the test."

The landlady said with a smile, "don't you even ask what is the result of the failure of the test?"

"Will I fail?" asked yecha


Ye Cha left the dining car, returned to the death carriage, and walked directly out of the carriage.

"Where are you going?" said the little fat man

"Boring." Ye Cha walked out of the carriage and said, "just take a look."

The little fat man thought about it, turned over and got up from the bed and said, "I'll go, too."


The little fat man chases Ye Cha, but when he comes to the door, he makes a dull sound. He covers his nose and squats on the ground, as if he bumps into an invisible wall.

After returning to the dead train, you are not allowed to leave until you arrive at the next platform.

On the other side, the leaf brake follows the death train. The train is so long that it doesn't see where the tail of the train is. Then the leaf brake has arrived at the exit of platform 13.

The exit of the platform is an overpass passage. When you step up to the other side of the overpass, it's the exit.

When ye Cha leaves the platform

"Welcome to the metropolis."

"Trial task 1: in the underground Research Institute of CommScope, there is a girl who is not infected by the virus. She is the hope of human beings. Maybe she can study the virus antibody from her, so please rescue the human hope and send it back to the death train.""Trial task 2: CommScope is also peeping at the hope of mankind. They sent out the Tianlong team. What you need to do is kill them all."

The mysterious voice rings out in Ye Cha's ear, not only has the trial task, but also briefly introduces the background of the trial task.

In metropolis, there is an underground Research Institute of CommScope. When the end of the world came, it was completely occupied by zombies. However, through life body scanning, it was found that a girl survived. She was not infected by the virus.

The girl's name is Sasha vannett, the daughter of a researcher. At present, in order to get the girl, CommScope has sent a team named Tianlong to break into the underground research institute.

Ye Cha's task is very simple, kill the Tianlong team, take the girl back to the death train, his trial task is completed, on the contrary, the task is naturally failed.

After hearing this, ye Cha began to think about it, but before he had time to think about it, he was interrupted by the noise.

Ye Cha looked up and saw that he was in a busy street. There were zombies on both sides of the street. When the mysterious voice disappeared, the zombies suddenly moved.

Very fast, very fast!

Because the zombies are running!

Ye Cha's pupils can't help shrinking, and zombies can only walk with a limp. Therefore, speed has always been the disadvantage of zombies, at least for ordinary zombies.

However, the zombies in front of them are obviously different. Although their running posture is very strange and their body swings from side to side greatly, as if they would fall down at any time, they are running.

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