death train

Chapter 1613

Ye Cha's eyes were still staring at the burning Hellfire, but his face was more and more ugly.

Slowly, the figure appeared in the pillar of fire, slowly, stepped out from the pillar of fire.

On the man's body, the clothes have been completely burned, the body is scorched black, and the body is full of bloody scars.

The pretty face was also completely destroyed. The left cheek was burnt out, and the facial bone and teeth were exposed. It looked terrible.

But the other side is still standing!

This is the most important thing. The man is still standing!

"Damn it

The leaf Cha scolded a, then didn't hesitate of climb up from the ground, turn round to run.

Ye Cha jumped from the top of the mountain wall and rolled down from the collapsed position.


Run now!

At the moment, there was only one thought left in Ye Cha's head, which was to go back to the death train immediately.

But just as the leaf brake rolled down the collapsed slope and just returned to the camp.

The face of that matchless terror suddenly appeared in front of Ye cha. The next moment, ye Cha felt suffocation, and his neck was suddenly pinched.

"Where do you want to go?"

The man grinned, because his face was burned to pieces, his words leaked, and became vague, but more ferocious.


The next instant, the leaf Cha then feels a heavy behind, but was pressed directly by the man on the wall.

Boom, boom, boom!

The man just walked forward, pressing the leaf brake's body on the wall, smashing the wall, and then went to the next place. After penetrating four or five rooms, he stopped.


As soon as the man shakes his hand, he throws the leaf brake out and smashes it in the distance.

"That's a little bad."

As the man walked forward, he raised his arm and twisted it slowly. Then the ashes on his arm peeled off one by one.

The burned flesh and blood blurred wound, with the naked eye speed recovery, and even the burned part of the face, also like white bone muscle general, rapid growth of new flesh and blood.

The man came to the front of the leaf brake, watched the leaf brake get up, grasped the head of the leaf brake again, and pressed the leaf brake back to the ground.

The man said with a smile, "now, what else can you do?"

"Cough, cough..."

Ye Cha coughed and felt the severe pain in his body. As soon as his throat was sweet, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The man said with a smile again: "it seems that there is no way..."

Indeed, there is no way!

The leaf Cha lies on the ground, but unexpectedly calm, oneself seem to really have no way.


I should think about how to escape after resurrection?

Ye Cha raised his head and looked at the rocky mountain outside the camp. He had only one chance to enter the platform of the death train. He was safe.

At the same time, the man has gone to raise his fist and is ready to fall on the head of Ye cha.

But in this moment

Goo Goo!

The man's ear suddenly sounded a cry.

The man side face a see, suddenly of stupefied.

Ye Cha was stunned.

Ice and snow God do not know when, standing on a man's shoulder, tilted head, a silly look.

But the question is, when did ice God appear?

The man didn't feel a chill for any reason. This damned flat haired animal stood on his shoulder, but he didn't find it? Only when the other party calls out?

How could that be!

Ye Cha was also a little silly. He was facing the man, and he didn't see the snow God flying over. It was as if the cry of "Goo Goo" sounded, and the snow god suddenly appeared, standing on the man's shoulder.

Are you dazed?

It was this idea that first appeared in Ye Cha's head.

Everything seems to solidify at this time, quiet, the sudden appearance of ice God, let the original dignified atmosphere, suddenly destroyed.

The next moment, the man took the lead to react, with a trace of anger on his face, and reached out to the ice God.

Ice and snow God did not mean to move, so standing on the shoulders of men, looking at men.

And then

The man stretched out his right hand, suddenly stiff there, pupil fierce stare up.

In front of Bian's eyes


Snow God opened his mouth, a pair of eyes suddenly half closed, half narrowed into two crescent shaped, it felt like yawning, like laughing.

Then, the man heard the cry of snow God again, but this time, it was no longer the "Goo Goo" cry before, but like laughter.Baby like laughter.

Almost for a moment, the man suddenly felt his hair standing up, a cold feeling rising in his heart, like a cold winter, falling into the ice cave.

All of a sudden, the man's figure flashed, released the leaf brake, and then moved out of the five or six meters, away from the snow God.

The man looked down at his arms and found that they were covered with goose bumps.

It's a fear for no reason.

The breath of death!

At that moment, the man felt enveloped by death.

If you open your eyes, it's the abyss.

"I don't believe it!"

The man suddenly roared at the snow God like crazy.

And then

Ice and snow God tilted his head, it was just open some mouth, now open more, squint eyes, seems to be completely closed, into two complete crescent shape.


The man roared wildly, then turned his body fiercely, with a blow to the rear.


A house suddenly collapsed into countless pieces of rubble and collapsed to the ground.

But it's not enough.

The man seems to be half crazy, his fists are popping out, and the houses in the camp are suffering.

The flame spewed out towards the front, and a house was blazing with thunder. It fell from the air and split a hole in a house. The whole house was crushed to powder by gravity.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Man crazy general, crazy towards all around the attack, and then fiercely back, again look at the God of ice and snow.

The abyss has come!

The man looked at the sky. The sky was dark and full of ghosts, scurrying in the air.

The man can't help but back two steps, and then look in front of him, he felt more creepy.

Everything in front of me

It's changed!

No longer camp, but

A sea of blood!

One by one, Jingguan rose up and stood there. Blood flowed all around and turned into a surging river.

At the same time, the God of ice and snow appeared on the most towering Jingguan, tilted his head, opened his mouth to the man again, and showed a smile for the third time.


The man wailed, suddenly turned and ran, frantically running towards the distance, smashing Jingguan continuously, as if something terrible was chasing him, which made him dare not stop running for a moment.

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