death train

Chapter 1616

After ye Cha asked, Dr. Davis turned into an extremely anxious look, pacing back and forth in the workshop, and finally sat down on the sofa.

Yecha can see that Dr. Davis seems to be a little self abandoning.

Ye Cha deliberately said: "wittsell is not dead, he uses cloning and transplantation technology to save his brain, and the dead Virgo is resurrected, this time is not a semi-finished product, but a real Virgo, he even made Gemini."

"How about those two guys?" Dr. Davis said with wide eyes

Ye Cha said: "Virgo is relatively weak, probably because of the use of human body as a carrier, the upper limit is limited, and Gemini only had a brief confrontation, the specific strength is not easy to judge, but can be determined to be very strong, stronger than Leo and Taurus."

"Asshole, asshole, asshole..."

Dr. Davis hurled abuse, and another kick came to the fallen chair.

Ye Cha said with a smile: "doctor, you are not so easy to give up, are you? Aren't you the most talented? At least you've always looked down on wittsell? "

"Don't compare that trash to me!" Dr. Davis yelled loudly, then gasped, looked up at yecha and said, "I want a horoscope monster, no matter what it is, live or dead."

Ye Cha said: "you mean, let me catch one for you?"

Dr. Davis pointed to Aries and said, "see? In addition to the transformation of the form, that is, the constellation monster. I've almost succeeded, and my experiment is more perfect. Now as long as I find out where the problem is, I can succeed. Therefore, as long as I find a constellation monster for comparison, everything can be solved. "

Ye Chazhan said, "doctor, I know what you mean, but you should know that it can't be done."

Ye Cha shook his head helplessly.

Scorpio, Leo and Taurus are all dead, and Gemini and Virgo are the only ones left. After yecha thinks that they are determined to die, he is not unable to fight with them. Gemini is not sure, but Virgo should be able to win.

Yecha said: "but the key is, where should I go to find Gemini and Virgo? I don't know where they are at all. Besides, they always come to me before. I can fight one-on-one, but I come to me. That's another matter. "

Dr. Davis covered his face in pain again and rubbed it constantly.

Ye Cha said, "is there no other way?"

Dr Davis said: "I can feel that I'm almost going to succeed, just a little bit. As long as I know what's missing, I can succeed immediately."

Ye Cha shrugged his shoulders. He couldn't express his opinion on the research.

Dr. Davis said: "if there is no way to compare, we have to find out the missing things by ourselves. I need new carriers, a lot of carriers, so that I can have a lot of data for analysis."

Ye Cha said, "in other words, do I need to hunt crazily?"

Dr Davis said, "yes, there is no list this time. I need everything. Do you understand? The more you cherish, the better. Give me all you can find. "

The leaf Cha didn't hesitate, direct way: "can."

Before, I was afraid of the conductor's attitude towards knowing this, but now that I have done everything, even if the conductor knows, will he not pursue the fact that the constellation plan data have not been destroyed because the research has not been completed?

This is the reason why there is no turning back.

Moreover, since wittsell is still alive, whether the information of the constellation plan is destroyed or not is not as important as expected. Of course, it has to be stolen.

Dr. Davis said: "in addition, I hope you can find me everything about horoscope monsters."

Ye Cha said, "I'll try my best."

Leaving Dr. Davis's personal car, ye Cha pinched his nose a little tired, and the constellation project research was blocked, which was not good news.

However, the leaf brake is very clear that this matter is not urgent, can only think of a way.

"Virgo, Gemini." Ye Cha murmured: "I don't know. I really have to make up my mind on these two guys."

Back to the personal car, ye Cha entered a short rest time. However, ye Cha found that there was a leak in the house, but he didn't say it casually.

Dr. Davis's constellation plan is blocked, and yecha's

Little kitten is in a coma.

For three days, Kitty didn't wake up.

The medicine was also used, and the medical equipment was also used for testing. The life characteristics of the kitten were intact, but it was unable to wake up.

The leaf Cha holds chin helpless way: "what reason?"

The fatal voice rang out in Ye Cha's head and said: "the power of the apostles can't be suppressed."

The leaf Cha Leng Leng, immediately way: "eh?"Fatally, he said: "this little thing was absorbing the power of the apostles bit by bit, but it couldn't be suppressed because of the injury. Just like the previous dormancy in order to absorb the power of the apostles, it has no extra energy to maintain the body function."

Ye Cha said, "is it dangerous?"

Fatal way: "can't judge."

Ye Cha said, "what should I do?"

Fatally, he said, "you can do nothing, either repress the power of the apostles again, or be torn up by the power of the apostles."

Ye Cha was silent for a while, shaking his head and leaving the car.

The most helpless thing in the world is that you know what you have to do, but you can't do anything.

"Hope..." Ye Cha opened the door of the carriage, looked at the little cat and said, "I can survive."

Close the door, leave the car and go to the dining car.

The time of three days has come. Even if ye Cha refuses the extra task given by the boss, because he has arrived at a new station, ye Cha must also perform the task.

The dining car is still a busy scene. As the landlady said, it's really busy.

Ye Cha sat down on the bar. The landlady seldom didn't look lazy. Instead, she felt tired. She put a glass of soda water in front of Ye Cha and said, "the next stop is AK."

The leaf Cha Leng next way: "extreme north?"

"Yes," said the landlady

Ye Cha said, "last time you said the conductor went to the South Pole?"

The landlady said, "yes, does it matter?"

"Ah?" Ye Shuan shakes his head and says, "it's a place of ice and snow, so just ask."

The landlady rolled her eyes and said, "there are more places with ice and snow. Can I catch them? It's just two directions. "

"Brake leaf a way:" then smile

The landlady took a picture and threw it on the bar.

Ye Cha took a look and said, "the apostles walk?"

The landlady said, "look carefully."

Ye Cha picked up the photo and looked at it carefully for a while. Then he picked up his eyebrows and said, "Holy Son?"

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